Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 5 years, 10 months ago
Below is the schedule for the Help Desk that the MIS Department offers for students who need assistance with the Max Labs assignments. The help desk can be found in Alter 602. Just walk in and let one of the ITAs […]
Zois Bouikidis commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 9, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
This is a very interesting situation. I think that in my case, I can’t imagine myself needing a surgery that is so specific that a doctor thousands of miles away would have to do it. I think that this is an interesting concept that definitely has huge benefits in niche cases, such as rare, specialized surgeries or emergency situations, but I can’t…[Read more]
Zois Bouikidis commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
Anecdotally speaking, I feel like Tesla’s strategy is working. This isn’t based off of any statistics, but I know in my case that as a millennial growing up in a world where climate change is the biggest threat to my generation, I am sure that I want my next vehicle to be an EV. In the same line of thinking, I know that the EV that I want to drive…[Read more]
Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 5 years, 10 months ago
Below is the schedule for the Help Desk that the MIS Department offers for students who need assistance with the Max Labs assignments. The help desk can be found in Alter 602. Just walk in and let one of the ITAs […]
Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 10 months ago
Zois Bouikidis
The rise of Amazon and other e-commerce companies has lead to a decline in traditional brick and mortar companies. Walmart has even changed many parts of its business and has increasingly started […]-
I have a strong feeling that we will start to see retailers like this pop up in the US. The cashiers at grocery stores add very little value, especially as our society moves away from person-to-person interaction and towards self-checkout. Pair this with the increasing minimum wage, and it seems like a no-brainer to add these smart stores. I am interested to see how these places deal with security though. For stores offering more valuable items than food and drink, these could be a target for theft. But, if it makes my life easier and makes my trips to the store quicker, I’m all for it!
I agree with Drew, I do see the future of retailing as fully embracing this current trend. I think it would be super useful for everyone who carries a smartphone and can participate in these stores. What does concern me is that these stores rely so heavily on technology that there seems to be no backup. For example, Amazon Go stores do not accept cash for payment and in emergency situations that could cause a major problem for customers. As this segment of industry matures, I’m positive the companies will figure out all the kinks, and when this reaches mass adoptions it will be close to “perfect”. I am absolutely looking forward to seeing which company perfects the experience and ends up as a leader in this new segment offering.
I really like your post about the disruptive of innovation of e-commerce. I agree with what drew said. I believe that cashiers clerks will become irrelevant in the near future. A good example would be the amazon grocery store, where check out will be automated once you take that one step out of the store. Very well written post Zois.
I believe that the reemergence of traditional retail with an e-commerce twist is an exciting turn in retails. It can make customers’ shopping experience a lot more convenient and easy. Many businesses now are trying to enhance customer experiences by providing a sense of conveniency by utilizing technology. This trend is ongoing and I believe more and more of these stores will be opening in the near future. However, as mentioned above, I do think with stores like Amazon GO, which rely heavily on technology, should implement a cash payment in situations of emergency. I am also excited to see an Amazon Go, or a grocery store similar to Hema, start operations here in Philadelphia as well. Technology makes life easy!
Zois Bouikidis commented on the post, How big data has changed politics, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
The use of data in elections is something that has been very interesting to me for some time. I think there are a lot of politicians who may take data into account when formulating their policy positions, However, I think that generally politicians can’t change their position significantly from that of what their party/constituents believe in the…[Read more]
Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 5 years, 11 months ago
Below is the schedule for the Help Desk that the MIS Department offers for students who need assistance with the Max Labs assignments. The help desk can be found in Alter 602. Just walk in and let one of the ITAs […]
Zois Bouikidis commented on the post, 3 things we learned from Facebook's AI chief about the future of artificial intelligence, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
Edit: Warnings*, not warninginfa
Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
Balancing our privacy against the benefits of data monitoring and tracking is a question that has become increasingly important in today’s IT environment. With the growing use and creation of “smart” t […]
I agree that smart technology is better for the progress of society than it is bad. With products like the Apple Watch that can track heart rates and detect if a user has fallen can be great for the user. Although we do need to be very careful about how much access we give these companies. I think what Google did with the Google Nest is completely wrong. Why would a smart thermostat need a microphone inside and why wouldn’t they even disclose that they put one in? Especially if it didn’t offer some sort of feature that would need a microphone. As a huge advocate and fan of technology, there is always a lingering thought about “big brother” watching.
Zois Bouikidis commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 29, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I agree with the premise of the article and believe that most businesses do as well. The cost of a data breach is all too high for a business to not pay attention and allocate a significant amount of funding to security.
I think the companies that do the best in terms of securing their data are the ones that exercise the social science side of…[Read more]
Zois Bouikidis commented on the post, 3 things we learned from Facebook's AI chief about the future of artificial intelligence, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I think AI is a very interesting technology to look at as far as where it is now and where it can go.
I think right now, AI can helpful for certain simple tasks such as tech support or other simple, repetitive jobs that companies can cut humans for in order to save on payroll. However, it is still too early to apply AI to more serious jobs,…[Read more]
Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 6 years ago
Hey Class! As you all may know, tomorrow is going to be freezing. On account of the weather, Professor Alalouf asked me to let you all know that class will be cancelled tomorrow, Thursday, 1/31. Please stay inside […]
Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 6 years ago
For some, making a decision can be anxiety-inducing. For others, decision-making spurs excitement. Metrics are meant to offer a way to make decisions easier to make, or more successful on average. However, […] -
Zois Bouikidis wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 6 years ago
Hello everyone, I hope your spring semester is off to a great start. My name is Zois Bouikidis and I will be your ITA for our MIS 2101 class. As someone who has taken the course already, I am here as a resource […]
Zois Bouikidis commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 6 years ago
I think Steve Jobs was a good presenter. What I noticed was that he had a good awareness of who his audience was. He used humor properly and gave them the information that they were looking for. I also really liked the graphics that he used to show how far ahead of its competitors Apple ‘s IPhone is. The only thing I would have done differently…[Read more]
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