Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
I agree with you that Blockchain comes off as a buzzword in the industry. Seems almost as if every trendy tech related article finds some way to work that in. But I can see blockchain becoming part of critical business functions. As we all develop an understanding of the tech and see examples of implementations it will only get better. The CIOs…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
I agree with Drew, I do see the future of retailing as fully embracing this current trend. I think it would be super useful for everyone who carries a smartphone and can participate in these stores. What does concern me is that these stores rely so heavily on technology that there seems to be no backup. For example, Amazon Go stores do not accept…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 10 months ago
What Customer centric IT really looks like?
Ricardo Mendez
The article I found for this blog post comes from CIO.org. The article was written by Beth Stackpole (Link.). Stackpole says that customer-centric […] -
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Disney Investing Further into VR Entertainment, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I see the VR industry as still in the “early adopters” phase and that’s why I think mass adoption has not occurred, the technology just is not there yet for the general public. As you mention from the article, the “chicken and the egg” comparison is very apt for the industry, and Disney deciding to make content for this industry has the potential…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
Ricky Mendez
The article I wanted to blog about this week is from businessinsider.com (BI) and the author is Lisa Eadicicco. In her article, Eadicicco lists and explains the three things BI learned about the […]-
Walter Hodge
I feel artificial intelligence “AI” will remain a controversial topic for discussion. Although big corporations are investing heavily in AI research, I can’t really agree with the value these companies foresee. Unlike the movies where AI is seen as intuitive, adaptive, and revolutionary. AI today is simply algorithms “process or set of rules to be followed in calculations and/or problem-solving operations” designed to make mundane task easier. This means its learning capabilities are limited and its operations are susceptible to malicious intent. I’ve read an article regarding an algorithm written that inadvertently generated fake news stories and FB even claimed that their algorithms don’t always have the outcome they intend, allowing users feeds to be restricted to only a select number of friend’s posts. I understand the benefits and can imagine the possibilities for potential o how real AI will improve our quality of life. My only concern is what disasters would we have to endure to get there. -
I think AI is a very interesting technology to look at as far as where it is now and where it can go.
I think right now, AI can helpful for certain simple tasks such as tech support or other simple, repetitive jobs that companies can cut humans for in order to save on payroll. However, it is still too early to apply AI to more serious jobs, especially when it is not advanced enough for that specific job, or humans themselves struggle to complete the same task. For example, I read an article recently that detailed Amazon’s use of AI for recruitment. It seems like a good idea, until they realize that they have accidentally built a bias into the system that discriminated against female recruits. So, AI is only as strong as the people who aren’t creating it, and small mistakes like this can have significant unwanted end-results.
Looking forward, the potential of AI is certainly exciting. There are dreams of utopia where robots do all the work in the world, and humans are left to pursue more personal goals since all their needs are met already. However, on the other spectrum there is fear that AI could grow smarter than us ourselves, and ultimately pose a threat to the human race. I think these warninginfa should be heard, and that ultimately we should be very cautious of how we use AI going forward.
Edit: Warnings*, not warninginfa
Artificial intelligence honestly scares me a bit, as far as where it can go in the future.
I am already finding it hard to land a job in today’s market and I can only imagine how much harder it will be when AI starts to get more advanced and take more jobs away from regular people. The ultimate goal is to have AI/ robots do all the work in the world and humans are free to live their life how they see fit, as my classmate Zois said. However, it would take time to get to that point so there would definitely be a time where humans are still expected to work, yet the amount of jobs available is constantly decreasing. Also, I’m not sure how a world like that would actually work, would we still need money to buy things or do we just take whatever we want?
Making AI smarter and potentially being smarter than us is dangerous in my opinion. This article says they are working on giving AI common sense, what’s next? giving AI emotions? It always just reminds me of the movies I’ve watched where everything goes wrong with the AI. Also, the more and more we make AI like humans, and the point being to have them work without pay, would this be a type of slave labor? Will the AI feel that way if they eventually get emotions or become smarter than us? To me AI is interesting, but also scares me and I think it could be dangerous in the future.
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, ICE 5.1 Telling a Story through Visualization, on the site 6 years ago
This trend in smartphones not being “owned” by the end user will continue. It is better for the businesses involved to keep people upgrading both the physical devices as well as upgrading to newer software. Although I see this trend continuing, I think companies should absolutely do a better job of informing that final customer. Similar to the…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, ICE 5.1 Telling a Story through Visualization, on the site 6 years ago
I agree that measuring IT can be an extreme challenge in the business, and I agree with the author of the article that it is mostly because IT investment cannot be analyzed in the same ways as other business units. I would put most of the blame for this problem on the leaders of the IT teams inside the business. I currently work at a financial…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 6 years ago
Today I will be discussing an article titled “How big data has changed politics.” This article is from cio.com. I found this article extremely interesting. Although this article is about the world of pol […]-
The use of data in elections is something that has been very interesting to me for some time. I think there are a lot of politicians who may take data into account when formulating their policy positions, However, I think that generally politicians can’t change their position significantly from that of what their party/constituents believe in the face of big data showing growing national changes. So for example, if data shows that a particular idea is growing in popularity on a national stage, a politician may not take this into account because their constituency may view the idea slightly differently. So, politicians are choosy in which data they choose to follow. The data they choose to follow is not the data that is the most popular among the people in the United States, but more accurately the data that is most popular among that politician’s constituency. This is especially true in the case of congresspersons.
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 6 years ago
Based on the video assigned and other presentations I have of Steve Jobs, he absolutely is a great presenter. Jobs being known as a great presenter can be attributed to two things – the natural charisma and the way he speaks to the crowd. During the presentation, he takes pauses to let the crowd think. Pausing allows his presentation to really…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Discussion Question #7: So how did it go?, on the site 6 years, 6 months ago
My experience at RSM was very informative and fun. The team I worked with had a great group of people from the associate level, all the way up to partners. As far as the work I did, getting a chance to go behind the scenes of an ERP implementation was extremely informative. My only regret was that my time at this internship was so short, which…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Discussion Question #6: You can’t learn everything in the classroom…., on the site 6 years, 6 months ago
Some lessons I learned during my internship that could not be learned in the classroom are how to be proactive, completing the steps to actually implementing an ERP system, and client communication over the phone.
Since I’m just an intern I do not have a workload of my own and am reliant on my team members to delegate work to me, so part of what…[Read more] -
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Discussion Question #5: Classroom Knowledge…., on the site 6 years, 7 months ago
Some things that I have learned in the classroom that I have leveraged at my internship is basic knowledge of financial statements, such as what comprises them and the general rules. I have also had to leverage my knowledge of query statements in order to get the information needed to complete some of the tasks I have been handed. Something more…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Discussion Question #4: How do you do it all???, on the site 6 years, 7 months ago
I am handling doing both an internship and school work pretty well. To keep myself organized I make a list of everything I have to do at the start of my day. I include both school work and internship work. The list helps to remind me of the tasks needed to get done and keep me on track. For longer-term projects, I utilize sticky notes on my…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Discussion Question #3: What is the most important…………?, on the site 6 years, 7 months ago
One of the most important skills I have learned is how to be an effective communicator through text. In my previous jobs, my co-workers were in the same location as I was so If I had an issue it was easy to talk to them face to face. With consulting, my team can be in a few locations at once and text communication is the only way so I needed/need…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Discussion Question #2, on the site 6 years, 8 months ago
The first thing I had to find on my own was how to report my hours. Previously worked jobs where I just showed up clocked in and clocked out, now the hours are more nuanced and have to be applied in a particular way to be able to be billed to the client. A second thing I had to ask was how to stay organized with all the client info that comes in.…[Read more]
Ricardo S Mendez commented on the post, Question #1: Internship Discussion, on the site 6 years, 8 months ago
During this summer I will be interning for RSM, a tax, audit, and consulting firm. My role during the summer will be as a Technology and Management consulting intern for Oracle’s ERP system called NetSuite. My tasks will include assisting in the role out NetSuite, and ensure client data is transferred over smoothly to the new system. Along with my…[Read more]
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