Information Systems in Organizations

Who’s Really at Risk When it Comes to Cyber Hacking?

This article debunks the notion that large businesses are targets of hackers. Everyday we see the media covering more and more cyber attacks that involve large corporations. This is a huge problem because it insinuates the notion that small businesses are safe from the hacking of their Information systems. The ones that go unnoticed are the small healthcare and financial institutions that get hacked everyday in the United States. The article talks about how 62% of cyber breaches involve small to mid-sized companies. It also goes on to state that 34,529 known computer security incidents happen per day in the U.S.

In a sense, it’s almost a feeding frenzy for these hackers because either the small businesses that they’ve hacked don’t know they’ve got hacked or they try to sweep it under the rug and pretend that it didn’t even happen. Until these businesses start to realize they are the real targets, they will continue to take on the majority of the hacking that goes on in the United States. Once they start implementing the preventative measures needed to mitigate the risks of cyber attacks, I truly believe these staggering numbers will drastically reduce.


1. What do you think Small to mid-sized businesses need to do to mitigate the risk of getting hacked?

2. What can lawmakers do to help contain the ever growing problem of cyber attacks?

3. Do you see cyber risks as an ever-growing problem for corporate America and if so, where does it rank it terms of problems that these companies face?

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