Information Systems in Organizations

7 Top Futurists Make Some Pretty Surprising Predictions About What The Next Decade Will Bring

The article I chose explains what some top futurists think may be the next up and coming technology advances in our society. The futurists are not just any old blogger, they are well-represented physicists, scientists, CEO’s, etc. Some top theories include

-A switch from the internet to the brain-net (where thoughts, feelings, emotions can be shared instantaneous)

-3D printing will be an asset businesses can utilize such as big warehouses that produce a large amount of products

-Virtual and augmented realities will be where we spend a considerable amount of our time.

-Wearable mobile devices will blanket the market.

-Predictive medicine will change health care

-Artificial intelligence becomes as smart and smarter than humans.

All these advances come from the on-demand economy that we live in today. This represents the automation of day-to-day activities can be simplified to make our lives easier. Examples such as Uber, the Amazon tab, etc. Access will trump ownership in the coming years.

The technologies are super cool, but how will they be institutionalized into our society and how society will react to upcoming changes in our technological advancements.

1.) What challenges will the ‘brain-net’ bring into the cyber security threats that we are currently starting do deal with as a society?

2.) What benefits may a 3D printer have for a retail business? Or challenges?

3.) How is Cyber Security going to be dealt with when as a society there are new hacking threats and technological advances happening so fast it may be hard to keep ahead?

Video of the On-Demand Revolution..

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