The Most Toxic Types of People to Avoid at Work


As a majority of us are graduating this semester and moving into the workplace, I found this article to be very interesting and helpful in that we absolutely do not want to be one of those people who others should avoid and look down to. It is imperative that as entry level employees we are very perky and willing to learn as much as possible. Keeping an open mind and being flexible are two of the most important attributes that we all must contribute to wherever we decide to work. Considering our low levels of experience, and the big companies some of us will be working for very soon, there will most definitely be a lot of learning to do. Learning entails keeping our heads us and with our eyes and ears open to whatever anyone is saying to us. It will be easy to get bogged down by other employees who maybe have been there for a while and somewhat grown into disliking their work. Some of the most helpful tips I read to steer away from these kind of people are included in the following:

Constant complainer. Negativity is draining and depressing, both for the person complaining and those around him or her. While there are certainly plenty of legitimate issues one might complain about at work, beware of people who seem perpetually dissatisfied and are constantly kvetching about issues at work that can’t be changed.

Boundaryless BFF. It’s nice to have allies at work, and over time, some colleagues may consider themselves to be friends as well as co-workers. But when a peer or boss comes on too strong and quickly in the friendship department, see it as a red flag.

Office bully. According to 2015 research by Connectria Hosting, more than half (55 percent) of all professionals surveyed have been bullied by a co-worker, and 65 percent say they have “dreaded” going to work because of a colleague.

A person’s attitude will be the best indicator of these traits, so if you sense them within the first encounters with a fellow employee, be sure to take a step back to keep YOUR head on straight, then do whatever it takes to get your work done and minimize the time/encounters needed to be with the fellow employee.

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