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Week Ending 9/26/14 Journal Entry

This past week our overall team has made great accomplishments toward our overall goal. As Project Managers we have restructured our large team into two separate groups to then communicate with our Business Analysts. This approach has greatly helped with our communication and overall strategy. Now instead of a few members communicating as “leaders” we have two main points of contact with clearly defined objectives. My particular team met with all of the BA’s regarding the scope document. There was a lot of progress made dealing with “SMART” objectives as well as the overall structure of the scope. The meeting went over very well with all in attendance, since we followed the clearly defined agenda. The agenda covered the key accomplishments of the past few weeks, outstanding issues that needed to be dealt with, the review of the scope documents, any other business that needed to be covered, and then expectations of the next meeting.

One main point that does not seem to be working with our Business Analysts is our communication system. We currently utilize the app “Group Me” which is basically a group message between all members of our team. There are clearly subordinates and leaders within the message system. The presence of multiple leaders addresses multiple problems that need to be dealt with. Moving forward we will continue to have open lines of communication, however we will definitely be more organized when it comes to main lines of communication with our Business Analysts.

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