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Career Objectives

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Subaru of America

Starting in late May, I will begin my internship with Subaru of America as a database administration intern, and I could not be happier with my choice of company or role. I am incredibly excited for the opportunity to work with such an impressive and socially aware company.

My responsibilities will include:

* Support and development of IT internal applications
* Project Management assistance
* Database administration (installation, upgrade, and modification of databases)
* Application administration tasks
* Desktop/PC support tasks


Sustainable Energy Industry

As I progress through my career, I hope to eventually work with a sustainable energy company. Before deciding on my MIS degree at Fox, I considered working in the field of electrical engineering with the eventual intent of innovating energy production technologies. I still hold the belief that we need to treat our planet as a gift and undo the adulteration already done to it, but I now hope to further that goal in a more supportive role.

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