Community Platform
  • Collaborative systems
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Data analytics
  • Digital marketing
  • more...
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Notable Projects

MIS 3504 – Digital Design and Innovation

In this workshop-style class, my team interviewed local customized blinds company Blinds 4 U, identified their business challenge and problem, then designed a solution that befit that problem. We had three interviews across various stakeholders of the company, including the owner and founder. We then adapted the information gleaned there to an opportunity for greater sales and market share in Philadelphia and its surrounding areas by improving their website and further integrating their social media presence. Before coming to us, Blinds 4 U relied greatly on physical mail advertisements, but we diversified their marketing strategies to more accurately include groups of customers and drive them to the Blinds 4 U website.

MIS 4596 – Information Systems Integration

At the beginning of this capstone course’s semester, the class was divided into teams that would identify a problem for which a service could be created and monetized. The problem with which our group started was two-fold: Philadelphia’s endemic homeless population and its littering problem. Over the semester, however, our solution drifted in focus before finally settling on an online platform that allows potential volunteers to identify problems in the Philadelphia community, set up events assuage those problems, and meet many like-minded people in the process. The project included the creation of a thorough business model, data/systems architecture, implementation and pro forma analysis, and much more.

MIS 3501 – Data-Centric Application Development

MIS 3501 was an important class because it was the only one that required students to learn and use hard coding languages. It taught HTML and PHP while using our existing SQL knowledge. The final project for this class was an excellent summation of all the skills we developed throughout the course, and was also the most active form of studying for the final. In the several page web site we created, students had to include a proper login that differentiated among users, display information pulled from a database we created, and allow users to insert/update/delete records from that database. The project’s main purpose was to create smooth functionality, while assuming a smaller focus on actual web design.


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