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Professional Networking and Influence

Professional Networking and Influence

Fall 2022

Linkedn learning

Details of the activity: I completed the “Evaluating Learning Programs” course on LinkedIn Learning.

What I learned: Throughout the course, I learned how to evaluate the effectiveness of learning programs through various evaluation methods, including Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Model, Phillips’ ROI Model, and Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method. I also learned about the importance of data collection, analysis, and reporting in evaluating learning programs, and practical tips for designing and conducting evaluations.

How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals : As a MIS major, evaluating the effectiveness of learning programs is critical in organizations to ensure that the training provided is aligned with business goals and objectives. This course has equipped me with the necessary skills to evaluate the effectiveness of learning programs, which can lead to better decision-making and improved organizational performance. Additionally, the knowledge and skills gained from this course are relevant to my coursework as I can apply them to design and evaluate information systems and technology training programs. Overall, this course has provided me with a valuable set of skills that can help me achieve my career goals as a MIS professional.

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