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UX Research: Journey Mapping – The Moments That Matter

  • Title of the activity: UX Research: Journey Mapping – The Moments That Matter
  • Term of the activity: Spring 2023
  • Name of sponsoring organization: LinkedIn Learning
  • Details of the activity: The activity is a course focused on journey mapping, a technique used in user experience (UX) research to visualize the steps and emotions involved in a user’s interaction with a product or service. The course covers topics such as identifying key moments in the user journey, mapping emotions, and using journey maps to inform design decisions. The course is available online and can be accessed anytime.
  • What you learned: From the course, you would learn how to conduct journey mapping research, identify critical moments in the user journey, and map user emotions. You would also learn how to use journey maps to make data-driven design decisions that meet the needs of users and enhance the user experience.
  • How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals (MIS):The course is highly relevant to my coursework or career goals. UX research and design are critical components of MIS, and being able to conduct journey mapping research and use the results to make informed design decisions can be highly valuable in the workplace. Additionally, the knowledge and skills gained from the course can be applied to real-world projects, enabling you to develop high-quality and user-friendly software solutions.
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