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3rd Annual No Limits Leadership Women in Tech Experience

  1. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. The Main Line Chamber
  2. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    1. Where – Hybrid online and in-person event at Quorum Center at Drexel University’s College of Computing & Informatics
    2. When – October 21st, 2022
  3. What you learned
    1. Throughout this event, I listened to many different women who are in tech roles similar to those that I would like to pursue. They all put a heavy emphasis on what a student or someone in the workplace has to do to stand out such as developing soft skills and utilizing going to career fairs. Aside from all of the women detailing their own journeys and accomplishments, they also made it clear that where you start is probably not where you are going to end up. It’s okay to not take the traditional route, such as going to college, seeing that some of these women are self-taught and encouraged us to never stop learning.  Jumoke K. Dada told us how she taught her self the Cyber Security basics and is now currently in the field which is throwing extremely large. The meta world was also touched on.
  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1. When graduating with an MIS degree, the number of different fields that one can go into is vast. This is an area that I struggle to choose since I have so many different interests within the world of MIS. Before attending this event I had an interest in Cybersecurity and the keynote speaker, Jumoke K. Dada, just so happened to put a great emphasis on how this field is quickly expanding as well as how much opportunity this field has to offer. Her saying this just gave me the extra push that I needed to delve into this area more and seriously consider starting my tech journey in a role relating to Cybersecurity.
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