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How to Define & Operationalize Your Risk Management Strategy


  1. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. ISACA
  2. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    1. Online Webinar, November 10th
  3. What you learned
    1. This webinar covered a variety of topics related to risk management and how I as an individual can better assess these risks. Some other focuses of this webinar were the importance of demonstrating a consistent approach to managing risk and the need for clarity in decision-making. Different risk management frameworks, such as Octave Allegro and NIST RMF, were introduced as the presenters demonstrated how they can be used to manage risks. They also discussed how to operationalize risk management by creating a risk register, and how to talk about risk to different stakeholders, including board members and CISOs. The presenter also mentioned the importance of having a risk committee, and how to document procedures and policies for risk management.

  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1.  My future field of work is all about using technology to manage and organize data and information for an organization. In this webinar, I learned all about the importance of risk management and how to implement strategies to mitigate risks. This is crucial for any organization that relies on technology and data, as the risks associated with technology can significantly impact the organization. Additionally, the webinar discussed the use of frameworks and standards, such as Octave Allegro, NIST RMF, and ISO 27001, which are commonly used in the industry to manage risks. Getting a better understanding of these frameworks and standards is key to me being better equipped to deal with these issues when dealing with risk management in my first big position.
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