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Opportunity Knocks: Wisdom from Recent Grads on Jobs & Internships

  1. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. The Main Line Chamber of Commerce
  2. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    1. Zoom webinar, February 9th
  3. What you learned
    1. At the recent webinar I attended, I learned valuable advice on how to navigate life after college. The speakers emphasized the importance of constantly checking emails and working closely with a job director. They also stressed the importance of keeping a spreadsheet of all the jobs you apply for and being creative when trying to connect with companies. Taking the time to edit and tailor each cover letter to a specific job listing is crucial when applying to a plethora of different jobs so that my application can stand out. It was also suggested to do research on Glassdoor and ask the company about their reviews during interviews if you feel comfortable enough to do so. Finally, the speakers reminded us that it’s okay to be uncomfortable and that we don’t have to know it all.

  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1. Although the field I am in is in high demand, the job search can be very competitive. The advice given in this webinar, such as attending career fairs, networking, and researching companies, can help me stand out and better land a job in the field of Management Information Systems. Additionally, understanding how a company defines success in the role posted is essential because it will allow me to tailor my skills to meet their needs. The webinar also emphasized the importance of being comfortable with being uncomfortable and not knowing it all, which is highly relevant to the ever-evolving technology and environment of MIS. Following the advice given can truly help me better navigate my life after graduating.

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