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Digital Marketing Foundations

What I learned:

In digital marketing, if you collect enough data, you can build really powerful predictions about people’s behavior. Three types of media: paid media, owned media, and earned media. These can all overlap and together they make up the foundation of digital marketing. In digital marketing, you can personalize your marketing and target specific people who are seeking a certain product. An ad can be paid for and sent straight to their device, making advertisement much more efficient. Key concepts in digital marketing include persuading with data. In order to cater ads to specific people, things like surveys or recent purchase data can be obtained for success. However, this is not enough. You have to be willing to study the data at each point in the customer’s journey.  Reviewing metrics, exploring new and foreign areas, correlating unrelated information, and being comprehensive are all crucial to analyzing data.

Relates to career:

Digital marketing is in our everyday lives. We encounter this type of advertising multiple times a minute and understanding how it works can be very helpful. As an MIS major that deals with business and IT, digital marketing fits right in and is something that I am interested in pursuing. This LinkedIn Learning was very insightful.

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