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Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

“Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy” talks about important skills of privacy. The name of the sponsoring organization is LinkedIn Learning. It states that it is important to know about your privacy. It would be useful for my career goals because it is to not to only protect my data and privacy, but to help other people to have their data and privacy not to get stolen or sold. This is because, with no privacy, people will know stuff that would be considered private which could also lead to stolen identity. It would also be valuable for somebody who wants to be online, use the internet and websites but be safe and not get their data and privacy stolen.

I completed the “Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy” course offered by LinkedIn Learning on April 15, 2024. This 1-hour and 26-minute course equipped me with essential skills for privacy. I learned about the OSINT framework. OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) framework is a collection of online tools, resources, and techniques used to gather and analyze publicly available information. It is a set of tools and methods that allow you to find and make use of information that is freely available on the internet and other public sources.  The knowledge gained from this course is highly important to my coursework in cybersecurity and aligns with my career goal of becoming a privacy expert. By mastering these skills, I am better prepared to implement privacy features while helping other people with it.

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