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Introduction to Linux

I recently completed an Intro to Linux sponsored by LinkedIn Learning. This comprehensive program covered essential topics such as command-line interface usage, file system navigation, process management, and basic shell scripting. As a participant, I engaged in hands-on labs and practical exercises that reinforced key concepts and allowed me to apply my learning in real-world scenarios.

Throughout the course, I gained valuable insights into the workings of Linux operating systems and developed proficiency in using terminal commands for efficient system administration. I learned how to manage user accounts, configure network settings, and troubleshoot common issues.

This Linux intro course aligns with my career goals in software engineering and system administration. As more companies adopt cloud-based infrastructure and containerization technologies, a solid understanding of Linux has become crucial for professionals in the tech industry. The skills I acquired will enable me to work more effectively in diverse computing environments and contribute to the development and maintenance of robust, scalable systems. Moreover, this foundational knowledge serves as a stepping stone for further specialization in areas such as DevOps, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.

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