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WordPress Site Administration Certificate LinkedIn Learning

The “WordPress 5 Essential Training: Site Administration” covered essential skills related to administering and managing WordPress websites. The name of the sponsoring organization is LinkedIn Learning. Some of the key topics likely included configuring WordPress settings, managing users and roles, installing and updating themes and plugins, optimizing performance, securing the site, and maintaining backups. It would be highly relevant to my career goals because it is to pursue web development and digital marketing. This is because it involves building and managing websites using WordPress. It would also be valuable for someone looking to start a career as a WordPress developer, administrator, or anyone responsible for maintaining WordPress-based websites for businesses or organizations.

I completed the “WordPress 5 Essential Training: Site Administration” course offered by LinkedIn Learning on March 17, 2024. This 2-hour course equipped me with essential skills for administering and managing WordPress websites effectively. I learned how to configure various settings, manage users and their roles, install and update themes and plugins, optimize performance, secure the site, and maintain backups. The knowledge gained from this course is highly relevant to my coursework in web development and aligns with my career goals of becoming a proficient WordPress developer or administrator. By mastering these skills, I am better prepared to build and maintain robust, secure, and high-performing WordPress websites for personal or professional purposes.

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