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What Is the Metaverse?

I recently watched a LinkedIn Learning which was the sponsor on the metaverse presented by Christopher Lafayette. The event provided a comprehensive overview of the metaverse’s evolution, highlighting how technologies like virtual and augmented reality, AI, and Web 3.0 are converging to create a new ecosystem of communication and interaction.

I learned about the “Seven Standards of the Metaverse,” a framework Lafayette coined to guide its development. These standards emphasize the importance of humanity, accessibility, education, equality, community development, safety and privacy, and wellness in building a sustainable and inclusive metaverse. The discussion also delved into how various industries—such as education, healthcare, fashion, and entertainment—are being transformed by this digital revolution.

This experience directly relates to my career goals in Management Information Systems. This is because gaining a deeper understanding of the metaverse equips me to contribute to innovative projects that leverage emerging technologies for positive social impact. The insights from this lecture have broadened my perspective on how to responsibly develop and implement technological solutions that are accessible and beneficial to a diverse global community.

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