Amy Lavin's profile was updated 1 year, 1 month ago
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Credit Visible 2 years, 5 months ago
As you add more content to your site, it is important to remove all the sample pages and posts. First, Google will index that content and associate it with you. Do you really want to be associated with […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Credit Visible 2 years, 5 months ago
Jetpack is a collection of widgets:
Social sharing (display live LinkedIn and Facebook buttons on your site)
Subscriptions (enable automatic email updates each time you post on your site)
Simple site s […] -
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Credit Visible 2 years, 5 months ago
If you have completed an interesting project, showcase it on the site! Options include:
Upload the document (e.g., PowerPoint) of the project (click Add Media in the editor) and provide a brief description on […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Credit Visible 2 years, 5 months ago
There are two ways to add pictures:
If you have a picture, click Add Media on the top while in the editor.
To add ‘clip art’ – enter a keyword in the ImageInject box below while in the editor. The image below […] -
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Credit Visible 2 years, 5 months ago
Use a post to describe an interesting project at your firm. Write about your responsibilities, skills used and skills learned, projects you worked on, etc. Add in pictures and a link to the company’s about page […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Credit Visible 2 years, 5 months ago
Use ‘posts’ for dynamic content such as projects and events as well as personal reflections that might go in a blog. Using ‘posts’ also ensures that you will show up in the site wide activity feed.
To display […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Honors Information Systems in Organizations 6 years, 12 months ago
Each team of two must search the Internet for an engaging article that focuses on SCM systems, CRM systems, platforms, cloud computing or artificial intelligence. Once you have identified this article, check […]
Meredith Orme and Jess Zimmerman, “How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Healthcare?” https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/06/09/how-will-artificial-intelligence-change-healthcare/#6cfc33396d67
Alex Schafer, “H&M’s turnaround runs through its supply chain” https://www.supplychaindive.com/news/HM-turnaround-runs-through-supply-chain/520495/
Valeria Lopez and Katie Bishop “AI Can Diagnose Heart Disease and Lung Cancer More Accurately Than Doctors”
AI Can Diagnose Heart Disease and Lung Cancer More Accurately Than Doctors
Kyungmin Cho and Lucy Cook “‘Killer Robot’ Lab Faces Boycott from Artificial Intelligence Experts”
Kyungmin Cho and Lucy Cook sorry the above one is the wrong one. “Leading AI experts speak out about Korean university’s new ‘killer robots’”
Leading AI experts speak out about Korean university’s new ‘killer robots’
Quang Do and Thao Nguyen. “A Robot Can Be a Warehouse Worker’s Best Friend.”
https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-robot-can-be-a-warehouse-workers-best-friend-1501752600 -
Jake Pomeroy and Frank Romean: “A Chinese hospital is betting big on artificial intelligence to treat patients”
A Chinese hospital is betting big on artificial intelligence to treat patients
Emily Funkhouser and Dana Shelton: “Artificial Intelligence Learns To Predict The Likelihood Of Life On Other Planets” https://www.forbes.com/sites/andreamorris/2018/04/03/artificial-intelligence-learns-to-predict-the-likelihood-of-life-on-other-planets/#2246c4ea5b08
Yosub Lee and David Shin
“The First Look Inside Zoox’s Mysterious Robo-Taxi”
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-29/the-first-look-inside-zoox-s-mysterious-robo-taxi -
Eshan and Jon
“Here Come the Fake Videos, Too”
Frank & Tyler
“3 True Stories of Supply Chain Management Disasters (And How to Avoid Them)”3 True Stories of Supply Chain Management Disasters (And How to Avoid Them)
Jordan and Sarah
“The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI”
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/604087/the-dark-secret-at-the-heart-of-ai/ -
Kristen Boligitz and John Parkinson
“Supply Chain Insights from Baseball”
https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulmartyn/2018/04/03/supply-chain-insights-from-baseball-field-of-dreams-moneyball-and-beyond/#28d4df127876 -
Gillian Kehs and Ronan Gleeson
Gillian Kehs and Ronan Gleeson
“How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Supply Chain Management”
https://www.mbtmag.com/article/2017/11/how-artificial-intelligence-will-change-supply-chain-game -
Isaiah Han Christian Siegfried https://www.livescience.com/62229-boycott-against-killer-robotics-lab.html
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Honors Information Systems in Organizations 6 years, 12 months ago
Each team of two must search the Internet for an engaging article that focuses on ERP systems, decision support systems, knowledge management systems, the SDLC or digital business innovation. Once you have […]
Jess Zimmerman and Meredith Orme, “Top 10 Questions Asked When Implementing an ERP System,” http://www.grassicpas.com/general/top-10-questions-implementing-erp-system/
Alex Schafer, “How Facebook’s AI Is Helping Save Suicidal People’s Lives”, https://www.fastcompany.com/40498963/how-facebooks-ai-is-helping-save-suicidal-peoples-lives
“Wearable tech and the future of cloud ERP”
https://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2014/jun/16/wearable-tech-and-future-cloud-erp/Jordan Clever
Sarah Hechler -
“Beijing 2022 learns from Pyeongchang”
Valeria Lopez
Katie Bishop -
“In Cloud Era, Customized Business Apps is a ‘Big No-No'”
Dana Shelton
Emily F -
“Artificial intelligence is transforming ERP solutions”
Jon Beach
Eshan Kanetkar -
Examples of decision support systems (DSS) aiding business decision-making
Christian Siegfried
Isaiah Han -
“How Cloud Computing Helped Food-Sharing Digital Business Olio Thrive” – Jessica Zimmerman and Meredith Orme
How the cloud helped food-sharing digital business Olio thrive
We changed our previous article.
Frank Romean
Jake Pomeroy -
“How lasers and robo-feeders are transforming fish farming”
Lucy Cook
Kyungmin Cho -
Yosub (Joseph) Lee
David Shin
“Inside Amazon Go, a Store of the Future”
Kristen Boligitz, John Parkinson
https://www.businessbecause.com/news/making-the-headlines/5019/artificial-intelligence-interview-feedback-tool-mba -
“4 practical examples of the power of real-time ERP data”
Frank Vitiello
Tyler Foulke -
“10 Reasons for ERP Implementation Failures”
https://www.bistasolutions.com/resources/blogs/erp-implementation-failures/Gillian Kehs
Ronan Gleeson -
“To Give A.I. the Gift of Gab, Silicon Valley Needs to Offend You”
Quang Do
Thao Nguyen -
Brooke, Michael, and Jared
“Why ERP Innovation is critical for all businesses’
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS3506 Digital Design and Innovation Studio 7 years, 1 month ago
Welcome to MIS3506 for the Fall, 2018 semester! This site will host all of the course work for both Professor Sclarow (Section 1) and Professor Lavin (Section 2).
We’re looking forward to a great semester!
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS3506 Digital Design and Innovation Studio 7 years, 1 month ago
Welcome to MIS3506 for the Spring, 2018 semester! This site will host all of the course work for both Professor Sclarow (Section 1) and Professor Lavin (Section 2).
We’re looking forward to a great semester!
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS3506 Digital Design and Innovation Studio 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi – please see the project tab for updates to the project, including deliverables and dates.
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS3506 Digital Design and Innovation Studio 7 years, 3 months ago
MIS3506: Digital Design & Innovation
Professional Achievement Points AssignmentUp to 50 points will be awarded
In 3506, we’ve spent time working with a client, gathering requirements and ultimately p […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 7 years, 4 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by Sunday, October 15th at 11:59PM Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class discussions, readings a […]
The most important aspect of technology when utilizing it in the workforce is the ability to be fast and have many connections with everyone. For example the use of platforms being able to advertise other platforms out there is amazing. Having all these connections and databases to help us out is what makes the business world so advanced and move so fast. I also think CRM’s are another great tool. Being able to connect with your customers is a major part of your business. All of the techniques programs learned in this class gave me a bigger insight on how it can help me in the future when dealing with technology in business.
Technology is, unarguably, the most important aspect in the workplace. From production management to human management, so much relies on technology to be able to effectively and efficiently expand a business. As mentioned in an article about artificial intelligence by Tim Urban, human progress is growing at an exponential rate, which means looking around, businesses who own the ability to change the world and are technology manipulators. It is hard to separate our lives today form technology; we live, eat and breath technology. It cannot be more worthwhile and rewarding for a 21st-century business to integrate a high tech system into its core management in term of productivity, collaboration, cost management, and security. This class helps me to once again recognize the importance of such sytems for a business to run by itself.
Technology runs our world. It is in every aspect of what we do now. I learned that if I can do my job, and be tech savvy my career will be much easier and go a lot further than if I do not understand technology. I can use simple swim lanes to help map out decisions my department makes and make my job and everyone else’s easier and more understandable. Technology can also be used to make long processes much quicker. You can use technology in any aspect of business and it is almost always beneficial to do so.
In the era of a growing digital economy, the role of technology across all facets of society is becoming more and more prevalent. In the workforce, specifically, the most important aspect of technology from a managerial perspective is the use and implementation of it to streamline and optimize business processes. This would reflect in many ways, such as improving overall customer experience, cutting fixed and variable costs, automating job duties, self-marketing through platforms, and intertwining various functional areas to improve overall business functionality. Through the use of swim lane diagrams, ERP’s, ERD’s, SCM’s, and CRM’s, all of those outcomes can eventually be achieved.
From taking this course I have learned a lot about how technology works within an organization and how it makes a company more efficient. Also, this course helped me better understand how many different departments one company has to complete a process. In addition, this course as taught me how different departments are related and how much it means to the company to have all departments functioning for the company’s success. I understand better how to utilize a business process.
After taking this course I have learned many things about about the implementation of technology in business. This class helped me better understand how different components of a company are connected and how they interact. What helped me understand this most was when we learned about swim lane diagrams. Not only that but the other things we learned in this course could help further myself in business, especially when it comes to technology.
As we learned in the first week, information technology drives all business. I knew that technology can work to keep a business organized, and this class taught me about the specific techniques, such as ERDs, which are used by businesses to sort data in away that is easy to follow and very accessible. Swim lanes and decision trees are also very important techniques used by businesses; these strategies help to keep the business plan flowing smoothly—saving the business time, which in turn, saves the business money. In conclusion, this course taught me how important the presence of technology is to a business. I learned that technology helps to guaranty that a business will run both efficiently and effectively.
Technology is an ever-evolving part of society, especially in business. Everything we have discussed in class is going to be helpful and very use. I learned a lot about how businesses operate and plenty about the utilization of data and how to organize it. One of the most important things I have learned is that business is very much a team effort. No business can run successfully without people with a lot of knowledge in their field. Every department needs to do its part in order to get even one product on the market. Through the creating of swimlanes and ERDs, I saw clearly how important the relationships in a business is and how vital it is for a company’s success. Being an MIS major, I found that the material was interesting and challenging. I cannot wait to continue learning more about systems and seeing where the use of technology will lead us in the future.
One of the biggest impacts this class has brought to my attention was not to underestimate the power of social media for use with business. I have never been the most in tune with social sites like Facebook and Twitter. I have realized that despite these sites seeming to be a barrage of unneeded or unrequited information. There can be a use for a place for people to see a stream of this information at will and knowing how to target individuals or groups can be extremely useful for any business to succeed.
Throughout this course, I believe swim lane diagrams are the most important for the success of my career. Whatever I end up doing after school, I will have to make decisions, and based on those decisions, there will be other decisions. This class taught me how to organize those decisions, and now I know all of the different swim lanes I can make; CRM, SCM, etc. This course also taught me how prominent technology is in the workplace.
The biggest take away from this course for me is the interconnectivity that technology allows inside of a business. With that the implementation of swim lane diagrams is to me the most useful skill I’ve learned to be able to visualize business processes and decisions and how the different departments of an organization work together. With this you can visualize ERPs, SCMs, and CRM systems working in an organization and identify problem areas to improve your business processes. Overall, I thought it was a very useful course!
There were many takeaways from this class that will help me as a business professional in the near future. How to create and analyze swim lane diagrams and ERD’s were one of my big takeaways. I never heard of them before and in the beginning was still a little confused, but now I fully understand how these diagrams are used to visualize a process and make a business more efficient. I also learned how technology is utilized in every business, and how it is consistently evolving. Overall, I did learn a lot in this MIS course and am definitely more tech savy from doing the Learn It and Max labs assignments!
As we all know, technology is one of the most important aspects of a business. It is going to keep increasing rapidly. I think most important aspects in technology is to have speed and storage. Also, using technology along with other things we learned about like Swim lanes, ERD, CRM, and even platforms would cause a business to be one of the best. You would have everything set up and good to go if you follow these, I definitely would in my future.
Before taking this course, I was unfamiliar with the daily use of technology with in a business. I had never even heard of swim lane diagrams and ERDs, but now I know how helpful they can be with running an efficient business. The correct utilization of technology in the workplace can lead to companies introducing ERPs and CRMs. This technology is incredibly effective if used correctly, and can make the job easier for employees, while also leaving customers more satisfied. It has become a necessity to use technology at work now, and I am happy that this course was able to educate me on something I might be doing in the future.
I think understanding the concept of the amount of money these companies put in to have their operations all happen with the use of technology is astounding to me. To commit to something like that your company needs people who can understand how each department works, have head of departments who are borderline masters with their part of the system, and people who understand the system in whole. I hadn’t heard much of ERPs prior to this course and learning about them transformed my thinking of what I would like to do after graduation. This course helped me a ton, it was more than a grade it was an eye opener.
Technology in todays world is extremely important in the workplace and beyond. My biggest take away from the class is all the different ways technology can be used and how company’s use swimlanes and ERD’s to help company’s perform more efficiently. I can see myself, even as a finance major, using ERD’s to help organize performances in a company, help organize certain cashflows, and really improve the efficiency of my work. The technology we discussed also really helps with a company’s CRMs and ERPs.
The biggest takeaway that i took from this class was the importance of technology. I was one of the few people who believed that technology was just one big thing but i realized there are so many parts to it. This class taught me all the different ways that technology is computed and made me realize how important technology is in today’s society.
I learn a lot after taking this class, and the biggest takeaway I have learned in this class is technology. In any company and any business, technology is a key element in the majority of the processes. However, the more important thing is how to use technology effectively and apply in the practice.
Prior to this course, I had no understanding of information systems. Now I understand that it is not just about the technologies and software available to use but the integration of these technologies and the needs of your business. You could have all the tools in the world, but if they aren’t integrated in the business plan, their useless. When I eventually start my own business I’ll know my options for building my business model.
One of the biggest takeaways from this class would definitely be the ability to organize strategically to better accomplish goals of a company. I do not feel I gained a full understanding of it, since I have not been put into a real-world position yet, but I definitely was able to grasp the concepts that this MIS course presented. I think some on the things we will take away from this class are absolutely invaluable. For instance, I really enjoyed the Salesforce (MaxLabs) portion of the class. We were able to utilize technology in, what felt like, real business situations that we may run into in our futures in business.
One thing that stuck out to me from the very beginning were swim lane diagrams. Not only will they help me in my career, but will help me in every day situations as well. As someone who has trouble staying organized, swim lanes will help keep me focused and will help me make decisions with more ease and efficiency, cutting out unnecessary steps and costs. After learning how important organization is to a company as well, and how different systems can help this organization, I feel that swim lane diagrams are the most helpful tool that I learned in this class, and the one that will be most beneficial to me in the future.
One of the biggest takeaways I got from this course was the importance of technology in the business workforce. As our society becomes more and more reliant on technology, and as technology advances each and every day, it is important as future business professionals that we are on the frontline of these changes with a strong foundation in information systems technologies. Prior to this course I had a very limited understanding of information systems technologies, and I can proudly say that after this course I feel confident in my knowledge and ability to apply what I learned from here towards my future career in business! It was great that we were able to use technology and things we learned in class in real-world situations that will prepare us best for our future career endeavors.
My biggest take away from this class was that I need to get myself more comfortable around technology. Any job I have ever had has given me anxiety when it came to learning how to use the different systems. Once I got myself acclimated I was fine, but just that. I am the kind of person who needs a step by step tutorial for any and everything concerning computers and its obvious that that will prove to be a challenge for me when I go out into the real world and try to sell myself. I’ve worked at Wawa for 8 years and learned that system inside and out but never thought past it, or how it could be bettered. I run our family business using google drive and excel and I feel like there is more out there to make my life easier and more productive and I am inspired to find it!
My biggest take-away from this course is truly understanding what MIS is and how essential it is to any company. Before taking this course, I always thought MIS was the business side of IT of a company. That was just my bs answer. Now I realize MIS involves processes, efficiency, and strategic planning. Taking a look into inventory processes and different systems helped me improve my understanding of how a business works. One key element I can use in the future are swim lane diagrams. It’s a great starting point when understanding and planning a work flow.
I think the biggest take away from this course is how important it is to properly implement an MIS as it could negatively affect an organization’s ROI tremendously. No matter if it is an ERP, SCM or CRM without understanding the problem and accessing the risks and potential solutions, there is no true benefit. A good example would be within my organization, we have an ERP that is not effective. I’ve learned today during an offsite training that the system is not built to support our cost center and sub location codes. Because of this, our accounting team cannot forecast the budget properly and make an effective business decision. Now, we are looking into an alternative system to pick up the pieces. However, if the proper channels were taken initially, we could have prevented this issue and saved the company thousands.
Amy Lavin commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi – posting this for Lorraine as she makes many good points you all should read –
SCM’s are great for linking vendors and/or suppliers to make sure production is always flowing, if they are executed well they keep the production line operating efficiently, they could cut costs, increase profitability, improve cash flow and the ROI could be…[Read more] -
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 7 years, 4 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on October 12, 2017. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class d […]
Both SCM and CRM are very important, I would not argue that either is more important than the other. SCM helps to ensure that a company gets the right product on the right self at the right time at the lowest possible cost. CRM collects information about customers to ensure that the business can satisfy the customer. CRM improves customer experience, and increases both efficiency as well as accountability. Both SCM and CRM help to ensure that the business runs more efficiently and help to lower cost. Many companies will need to use a combination of SCM and CRM to better benefit the business. For example, it is important for a company, such as Amazon, to use CRM to help ensure that the right product on the right “self” at the right time at the lowest possible cost.
I believe that Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems both play integral parts in the daily operations of organizations; however, depending on whether the company is non-profit or for-profit, each company may see one system as being more useful than the other. A for-profit organization would find a SCM system as more beneficial because they can utilize it to optimize business operations and to minimize overall costs. On the other hand, non-profit organizations would see more value in a CRM system because the data it collects and holds would be useful in bringing in and retaining customers. I personally think it is fantastic that companies are using CRMs to collect data on customers. On top of using it to bring in new customers, the company can also use the data to build a better experience for current customers as well!
I am going to have to agree with Lexie and Daniel. Since if you want to start a business you have to worry about the supply chain as well as the target market and who is your target. You can also learn about your target through the customer relationship management system. The reason I believe so is because you have to decide where your products are coming from and how much and everything then you also have to worry about what the customers think and who they are. Supply chain management would have everything dealing with the products and make sure they are good, while the customer relationship management system would ensure customer experience/ relationship.
To answer this question properly, there is no one system that is more important then the other. Both CRM and SCM have a very important role in a business and each have there own set of objectives. A business should have both systems in place to get the maximum results and prevail over those companies that only have one of these systems in place. CRMs are constantly advancing in their abilities to reach and satisfy customers, and this is making many consumers uncomfortable, but in my opinion it is very interesting and I am comfortable with it for the most part. It is a little uncomfortable the amount of information the internet can supply of you, but it is very cool how a persons searches and ads will be customized to their needs and wants.
I believe that neither SCM or CRM are better than the other in terms of what is better for an organization. Supply chain management helps make sure that a company operate efficiently at their lowest cost, while customer relationship management gathers information and other data to allow them to satisfy their customers as best they can. Both play an important role and can be used together to satisfy a customer’s needs as efficiently as possible. This allows a company to help build a better relationship with their consumers.
Both CRM and SCM are significantly important to any type of organization. Customer relationship management has a goal of customer retention and therefore gathers the data they need about a customer to satisfy and build a relationship with them. Supply chain management makes it possible for customers to consume goods based off SCM flow of goods and have the ability to minimize costs. CRM’s using customer data definitely will help organizations retain their customers. When you have information about your customers, it makes the experience more personable and you are able to offer or suggest things to your customers based off the information you know about them.
When it comes to whether CRM or SCM is better in terms of organization, I would have to agree with my peers that they are both equally important. They do have different outcomes; SCM generates low costs the company should be using while CRM tracks systems data. Each outcome of the systems has a positive effect on a company. When it comes to choosing one that is better for a company, it would depend on the companies wants and needs. If a company is having a hard time keeping budgets low, then SCM is the best choice, while if a company is looking for a system to organize and track data, then CRM is the best choice.
In my opinion, i think that CRM and SCM both play equally important roles. In order for a business to be greatly successful, both need to be put in place. I believe that having them both in place will just increase everything in a positive way. Both ensure that a comp[any functions properly. SCM is oversight of materials, information, and finances as they move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer while CRM refers to practices, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. Both are equally as important and are very beneficial to businesses.
I also agree that both SCM and CRM play important roles in a successful business. Supply Chain Management has to oversee all the information, materials, and products available. Customer Relationship Management analyzes data to offer better strategies for the customer life cycle. I feel that companies need to obtain information on their customers in order to better appeal to customers and what they may want or need. While there is a line that should not be crossed when it comes to how and where companies look to gather information. I do think that once you put something online for the public to see, you no longer have a say in who uses that information.
I cannot pick between SCR and CRM because both are essentials when running a successful company. SCR is used to make sure that the organization has products to sell to the customers. Also, it helps keep track of inventory and what an organization need more of and items they don’t need to get, which saves an organization a lot of money. Having an SCR can save an organization a lot of money and especially with a start up company they have to be careful on what they spend their money on the SCR helps the organization do so. On the other hand, CRM is what helps the organization understand their customers and how to meet their needs. Customers will come back and continually spend money on the products if the organization keeps them happy, and that is what the CRM does it gives the organization a clearer look at what their customers want.
Hi – posting this for Lorraine as she makes many good points you all should read –
SCM’s are great for linking vendors and/or suppliers to make sure production is always flowing, if they are executed well they keep the production line operating efficiently, they could cut costs, increase profitability, improve cash flow and the ROI could be worth it for an organization to make the initial investment. This all sounds fantastic, but what can a CRM contribute to a SCM?
Ultimately, a CRM is more important to an organization. First, not all companies will use a SCM depending on the type of business they are conducting, such as a service based company that does not directly produce a product. Also, a SCM has many working parts that need to be precise to offer a direct benefit making any issue within any department/working part of the supply chain or during the setup process that can result in major delays and disrupt the entire system. This makes it a delicate balance between all variables, including customer satisfaction and relationship details. Lastly, a CRM would be invaluable to any organization as it is a standalone system that would not require the use of a SCM whereas a SCM should be used in conjunction with a CRM. A CRM would provide critical information needed to operate a SCM successfully. Customers and customer satisfaction are critical to every business. There are several departments within a SCM that have limited or nonexistent interaction with the customer and that could lead to inaccurate forecasting for a company which increases their risk of being at a loss for a quarter or the year. This is where a CRM would really elevate the effectiveness of a SCM, making it a more important system to a business. The CRM allows all departments within a company to input information about their customers into their system and link it with the SCM for more accurate data for forecasting. Just as customers are the reason businesses exist, a CRM is the lifeline to a SCM operating efficiently and accurately. -
I do not believe one is more important than the other when coming to an organization, but CRM’s are very important. Being able to know about your customers and their preferences can be a major plus for a company when deciding what it needs. Knowing what it needs can help a SCM out. If a company knows that a certain product is liked by many customers, it can make sure that product is always on the shelf. If a company knows a product isn’t selling well, they can use a CRM to figure out why the product is not up to customers standards and also it can also help the SCM when knowing which products to get out the fastest.
I believe the CRM is more important because the customer is the most important part of any business. Without customers, it doesn’t matter what product you have, you will obviously fail. The CRM is a huge marketing tool and it can help retain and bring in new customers. Now the SCM is important too because once you get customers you need to have the products for them and SCM helps accomplish that. I like that companies use CRM to get to know more about me because it ends up making my shopping experience easier. I feel as though some people might find it weird that you look something up on google then go on Facebook and there is a hundred ads for what you just searched.
I don’t think I can put one ahead of the other both Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) serve as important aspects to a business. A good SCM allows businesses to run smoothly and efficiently. However, CRM is just as important because if there is no proper system to connect to your customer they may look elsewhere for a similar product. A CRM can effect your sales by appealing to the customer and making interactions pleasant and promote return customers. As far as the CRM systems becoming too invasive I feel that there is a very fine line. I believe that what you post to the internet needs to be understood that it is out there for the world to see. However it gets tricky when companies use personal information about children to hone in on a customer base because people can get sensitive about that.
I believe both SCR and CRM are significant to businesses. CRM can help you get correct materials and SCM can help you may be able to get the product to the customer on time. However, to some extent, CRM is more important because customer always is the key part of any companies. It is important to a company to know what customer needs and it also have a positive impact on the SCM.
Both SCM AND CRM systems are crucial to an organization and it’s success. Although, if I were to place importance over the other, I would say CRM is more important. Customers determine the success of an organization. To achieve the best results, the company must comply with the needs and desires of their customers. It is not impossible to run a successful business without a SCM. It will be difficult and time consuming, but it can work. Alternatively, some people find it uncomfortable that CRM’s have so much access to our personal information. Personally, as long as I am safe and my information is only used for the sole purpose of marketing and customer satisfaction, I am ok with it.
Although both SCM and CRM are essential within a company, I would argue that CRM is more important to organizations. CRM entails the external relations with customers, while SCM entails the internal production of products and goods. I believe that the role of CRM in creating and ensuring relationships with the organization’s customers leads to a better SCM. By knowing the customers better, an organization is able to figure out what kind of products and how much of those products that the customers want. CRM will enable the SCM process to function more efficiently, as the correct products and their quantity will be correctly recorded for the manager of the whole production process. Concerning the collection of customer data, I believe that organizations should be able to collect customer data that is already on the internet or databases. If someone is willing to freely put out information about themselves on the internet, then companies should be able to use this data.
When focusing on which is more beneficial to a company, I believe that neither SCM or CRM are better than the other in terms of what is better for an organization. Supply chain management takes care of internal production of products and goods while customer relationship management pushes its’ efforts to accommodate their customers as best as possible. Both play an important role and can be used together to satisfy a customer’s wants and needs by acting as efficient as possible for the best shipping and handling price.
While it is undeniable that both SCM and CRM are important for a companies success. The CRM has provides information in a much more user friendly way, the data visualization makes information more accessible to someone who doesn’t look at spreadsheets everyday. Having info like sales figures or customer response in a much more readable state gives those who make decisions for a companies future more comprehensible data to make informed choices.
I believe that both SCM and CRM are both equally important, however they each have very different set of objectives. SCM helps to ensure that a company is operating with lower expense. In CRM your gathering customer information and data to be able to satisfy the customer later. However, if you think about them together they both are there to serve the customer are very beneficial tools to increase and build a business.
I believe that both an SCM and a CRM are equally valuable to a company. The CRM provides information to users in an understandable fashion, and can help a company learn more about their customers. However, an SCM is valuable due to its ability to make sure that a company operates at as low a cost as possible. However, information gathered through a CRM can be used to improve SCMs, which may give it the slight edge in importance.
While I can appreciate the value a SCM adds, ultimately a CRM is the most valuable. A good SCM system does alleviate the stress and human error aspect when it comes to operating at a low cost while still meeting the inventory needs of the business, its function can be served by an actual human. The CRM system is really an all encompassing solution for tracking your customer basis and finding areas that can be improved upon. I would argue that keeping your customers YOUR customers supersedes the need to keep inventory as low and cost effective as possible, because without the proper practices in place to satisfy an retain your customers, does incrementally increasing your profit margins matter much?
I think a CRM system is more valuable to a company than an SCM program. Customer Relationship management improves customer relationships, increase customer revenue, has better internal communication, and maximizes marketing. Though both are important and help a company, a crm system most importantly creates a better experience for the customer.
I don’t think there is one more important than the other. Both are very crucial parts of a business that are a part of what makes the business what it is. With the SCM, it allows more efficiency and increase speed for operational purposes. With CRM, it helps keep track of customer information that is needed for the business. They both are different concepts that are needed to make a business run better.
I believe that the CRM is more valuable than SCM because of the difficulty of the actual system. CRM is a much harder management system to maintain something that humans have trouble doing so. However, with SCM it’s possible for a human to do the work. There is a ton of information that needs to be processed, grouped, and analyzed that a human just can’t do in regards to CRM. They have to analyze their customers and improve business relationships with them. With SCM though, you’re overseeing the materials, information, and finances as they move from the supplier to your company.
Both Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are extremely useful for organizations. As many before me have stated, I do not believe that one is significantly important than the other, however, I do believe that some organizations would benefit more from one or the other depending on what the organization does. While I think it is important for every organization to implement CRM on some level, there are certainly fields where CRM is much less important than SCM, and vice versa. Both are equally important for their correct application.
As many of our colleagues have stated, I strongly agree that both SCM and CRM are equally valuable, with respect to the organization being better performing. CRM will help an organization gather a better grasp of who their customer really is and where to apply resources to ensure they keep their customers. SCM will, as we stressed in detail in previous discussions, will make it so we get the right thing where we need it, at the right time, at the lowest possible cost. Addressing the second question, I feel that there is no issue in gathering information on customers. In the end, the information will be put to use to make the user experience more geared to their needs.
I believe that both SCM and CRM are crucial to the success of any company. The balance of both is need to reduce cost, increase profit, and increase customer satisfaction. SCM is need to keep your business running as efficient as possible why CRM is necessary because a business would be nothing without its customers. Understanding the needs your customers and how you can best serve them is the first step. Having an efficient plan for SCM leads to positive CRM. Both are just as important. Using customer data to understand the customer more is also very important. As I stated, discovering the needs of the customer is crucial. If a company is able to use customer data to better understand the habits, needs, and pains of their customer, they will be able to satisfy them much more efficiently.
Both of these additional systems come with their own pros and cons. I believe they both have more pros than they do cons, but that is another question. As for CRM vs SCM systems, they each come with their advantages. SCM’s allow companies to efficiently track their product, inventories, and finances in a way that brings more transparency to the firm. CRM’s keep things more organized when it comes to your customer base. All things are in one place and in some CRM’s, you can even grant access to customers in order for them to see where their product is at.
Amy Lavin commented on the post, Weekly Question #4, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
Excellent, Eric – Accounting benefits immensely from a good ERP, and Accounting Information systems are crucial to success. Understanding the blend of tech and business will take you far!
Amy Lavin commented on the post, Weekly Question #4, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
Holy mackerel, Lorraine! Talk about the perfect test case of what NOT TO DO! Thanks for sharing your story!
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 7 years, 4 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on October 5, 2017. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class d […]
I think one of the most interesting innovations from within the last few years is the introduction of TurboTax. For many years, people were required to go to public accountants during “tax season” to file their federal and state income tax returns. With the introduction of TurboTax, people have been granted the opportunity to file taxes from the comfort of their own homes. TurboTax makes the process super easy by “dumbing down” accounting jargon, allowing it to be done either on a computer or the mobile app, and offering the easy option of having the processing fee directly deducted from the user’s tax return refund check. This has put a huge dent in the original business model; many public accountants have lost a great deal of business because of this new service, as there are new desires within the market with the incoming (millennials, Gen Z) and outgoing generations (Baby Boomers, Gen X).
One of the most innovating advances in technology is online payment. More and more people are becoming accustomed to using payment online whether it’s PayPal, Venmo, Square, even Facebook allows you to pay people through their messenger. Everything seems to be online now and maybe the need for a physical dollar might not be vital when it comes to paying for something anymore. However, the convenience of paying online, through your phone, or through an app can be dangerous and susceptible to hack because all your information is stored on your online accounts. But it is nice not having to carry physical money around.
I agree with Eileen except I would go a much more broad route. I believe that the idea that you can basically use your phone for anything is quite amazing. Whether you want to find the nearest gas station with the cheapest price you can, you want to send money to a friend for a meal, you want to connect personally using snapchat by sending images to a friend, everything that we use our phone now is so amazing. Now on top of that you don’t even need your wallet for most things. I personally use my phone for Starbucks, apple pay, my ID, paying friends, and much more. The world is so much more connected for your everyday life and it all runs through something that just about everybody carries around in their pocket, cell phones. The scariest part about all of this is it is just the beginning. Security is going to improve, and eventually I don’t believe the normal everyday person will be carrying around a wallet for much longer.
In my opinion, the most important innovation made in the last few years is QuickBooks. QuickBooks is a software or program that a small business downloads that keeps track of their sales, inventory, and even manages the payrolls of the company. I think it is important because without QuickBooks and other programs like it, everything would be written and it would be so hard to keep track of the business transactions. So now, many businesses just type in their invoices into QuickBooks because QuickBooks also connects to their bank accounts, making it so easy to see how much money they are spending and towards what.
An important innovation in the last few years is the rise of technology In grocery stores. We talked in class about being able to order groceries through amazon and have them delivered to your front door. My roommate recently told me about this and I was amazed. Although, I think it is helpful for people with busy schedules such as college students and working people, I do feel in some ways it is a little unnecessary. So many things are able to be done online that in some aspects it shows laziness to me. The idea and process of being able to do this is quite interesting and very advanced, but I do feel we are losing that true connection between many things. Everything is done over a technological device.
An important innovation would be the ability to save information online, especially when online shopping. It makes it a lot easier and saves more time. I know some people who have a special program that saves and automatically fills out checkout information when ordering online. These people that use this tactic try to shop online at popular websites like Supreme.com because websites like those sell out fast if you do not put in information quick enough.
I think one of the most important innovations in the last few years is online banking. Online banking is quick and convenient. People can now bank on the go. Online banking also makes paying bills easy. Personally, I use online banking very often. Between working and going to school it is often difficult to find time (durning the bank’s hours of operation) to stop at a physical bank. I also use online banking to pay my car payment every month. Online banking is not only efficient for personal use but it is also efficient for businesses. A business can quickly make a transaction, this should save the business time which ultimately helps the business save money. Although online banking does speed the process along it, online banking is not as secure as going to a physical bank. Online banking also lacks human interaction, as a result, banks lose their personal aspect.
I think the most interesting innovation throughout the past couple of years was the introduction of Apple Pay. It is incredible that you can pay for something by just tapping your phone on a device. It has taken away from the normal “swipe your card and enter your pin.” Now, it’s either Apple Pay or inserting you credit card with the chip, that way it protects your card information.
This relates to what other people said about apps like Venmo and Facebook that allows you to pay people through the app. Paypal is an older form of payment online (like Blockbuster compared to Netflix) but now Paypal is introducing a new way of pay, creating an app like Venmo to catch up.
I think an important innovation that has risen in technology in the last few years is patient portals. Health care offices now give patients the ability to schedule appointments, view test results, order prescription medication, request referrals, pay bills and more through their website. This is a huge convenience to everyone involved in the process; patients no longer have to call the doctors office or leave messages for such information. Now, the physician is in direct connect with a patient which cuts back on response times and internal resources. We discussed the advantages of companies that offer convenience and consistency when interacting with consumers. I think this is a great example of how disruptive innovation can be a huge benefit, especially in the health care field – response times in these types of situation can potentially save lives.
To me, the most important and exciting innovation in recent memory has been cryptocurrency. While we are still in the early phases of its use, I am anxiously awaiting further development of its potential for online commerce. Our current system, which utilizes banks and/or payment processors as a middle man, would be rendered obsolete by broader implementation of block chain. It would provide a more secure transaction and reduce or eliminate the transaction fees currently charged during credit card processing. The security aspect is especially attractive to me based on the amount of credit and debit card fraud I see every day in the banking industry.
In my opinion, I think that by far the most important and exciting innovation has to be online shopping and paying. You can pay your bills on time without having to worry about mailing trouble. You can shop online and receive it in the same day. You even can order dinner and pay through an app. All of these have not been as successful as in the past and I think now that he has been working good and successful, it is a huge innovation and will just continue to get better.
Although 3D printing was originally created in the 1980s, the actual use of this innovation was only realized within the last couple of years. 3D printing is both an interesting and important innovation because of its possible utility for business, which include creating products more efficiently and quickly than previously thought. This innovation has usually been used for prototypes and only produced in the form of plastic; however, businesses and companies are starting to use other materials that will actually be apart of the final product. 3D printing will not only narrow down the production time but also cut down the costs of producing these products. The interesting part of this innovation was that it was created decades ago, but business have only just realized the actual business part of the innovation. 3D printing will quickly transform the production process of businesses, adding benefits to almost any company that can harness this innovation.
I think the most important innovation of the past few years has been amazon prime. Amazon makes it very easy for people to get gifts last minute. Now in some cities they have two hour delivery. They are also coming out with grocery stores where you don’t have to go through the register. If this comes out and is successful I think amazon will become a monopoly.
Undoubtedly one of the most important innovation of the last few years is cloud computing. Many people see the cloud as a wireless space that hold all their photos or perhaps its where all those funny cat videos on youtube come from. In reality the cloud is just someone else’s computer. This is very beneficial not only to users but to business as well. People can store their important files on third party systems so that if they lose their local devices or that information gets corrupted it can be recovered easily. Additionally. Being able to send calculation requests to data centers can drastically decrease the cost of devices needed at businesses. They don’t need expensive computers to do all the work locally. just only need to send the data and the request out and have that be calculated elsewhere and have the answer sent back,
At the risk of being repetitive, Id have to say that the biggest innovation has been the portable point of sale technology such as the Square technology. The square technology has made receiving payments much simpler for my husband and I’s plumbing business. Instead of having to process each payment for techs out in the field from the main office, our plumbers are able to process every transaction from their i pads or smart phones. They also have a store-front feature that allows us to keep track of our inventory and also deduct precisely the right amount of money from the plumber overall commission in order to account for the materials cost of the job sold.
I think the rise and use of a.i. in the last few years will be the most disruptive new technology moving forward. Just becasue of its many potential applications it has a higher chance of effecting more businesses and individuals. We are already seeing more and more jobs and tasks automated and the number is only growing.
One of the biggest innovations and technology updates in my perspective and that I use in almost a daily basis, is the navigation systems. The gps has advanced tremendously throughout the years and will continue to advance. Businesses benefit from this advancement because customers can easily locate where the business is, the fastest way to get there, where the building is exactly located and whats its next to, what the building looks like from the street. Some even provide a phone number of the business, along with an address is you just searched the name, and pictures of the inside and outside of the place with a rating. Business along with customers benefit greatly from the navigation and it makes it much easier for the consumer, which gives businesses more business.
Though they are not on the roads all over the place yet, autonomous cars are still being tested and have been for at least a few months now. Before reading about them in this class, I saw people on the news taking them for test drives on highways and other larger roads. I am enamored with the idea of cars that drive themselves, and I am really curious to see how and when they are released to public. This completely changes the business model for cars, which have had to be controlled by humans since the first automobile was created. This invention is going to change everything, but I do have some questions about it. How will they program it to know when a traffic light is red or green? I think they if autonomous cars become reliable, that one day, when they are all over the roads, there will be much less traffic jams and hopefully less accidents. I think this is definitely an invention that is going to change a lot.
One innovation that I find extremely interesting is the increased use of biometrics in today’s society. At one of my previous jobs, a new system was introduced in the office for clocking in. In order to clock in, you had to scan your finger print. Additionally, you can now unlock phones with finger print or iris scans. I have even heard of countries using biometrics to verify the identities of incoming travelers / citizens. It’s amazing that this technology exists and that we are beginning to utilize it in society. With biometrics processes can become much quicker and even safer!!
I think the most important innovation in the last few years has been artificial intelligence. Many organizations are using or starting to use more a.i. in their organizations. It has helped increase efficiency and reduce work time. It is definitely useful for many reasons and I believe it will cause more benefits for organizations in the future.
I think one of the most important innovations in the rise of social media as a business tool. Social media has been around for a while but in the past 5-10 years it has become a power house of technological innovation dealing with how businesses market advertise and distribute information and goods. Many news outlets have had to adapt to the rise in population getting their news from social media sites like Facebook driving companies to get a larger social media presence. TIME is a great example of a news outlet that has made huge strides in social media journalism to keep up with social medias influence on people. We have also see some of its weakness with the confirmation of the Russian scandal through which they purchased ads to influence an American election via social media. So we are seeing social media change how advertising is being done how companies market their goods and how governments run propaganda.
In my experience thus far working at a manufacturing facility, I see many new information systems being implemented bi-annually, which is fairly frequently. This just goes to show how quickly technology is improving and being marketed to consumers. There are many intriguing information systems, but one that stands out is known as LabelTraxxx. This software is used in label manufacturing and it allows the company to oversee the entire process of creating a label for a customer. This includes accounting, production, inventory, etc. From the get-go, when a customer calls with an inquiry for a potential sale, they are entered into the system and from there they can continue to follow the process using LabelTraxxx. Prior to using this software, everything was documented on paper and processes were much slower and at a higher risk to lose or mishandle.
I think the biggest innovation in recent years has been the emergence of the smartphone. Phones had been around for years, and so had the normal cell phone, but there were many different types of cellphone. With the emergence of smartphones, especially today, it seems that everyone has either an iPhone or an Android. These two models have the cellphone market cornered. But the emergence of smartphones have also led to the emergence of many of the other technologies listed, such as Uber and Lyft, Mobile Banking, etc. The smartphone was a revolution in itself, but led the way for many other groundbreaking innovations as well.
As a few of our colleague’s have mentioned, I believe one of the biggest innovations in recent years has been smartphones. More specifically, mobile apps have been one of the most important innovations in the last few years. For instance, the ease at which we can connect to an application and have nearly anything we want to accomplish at our disposal is so advantageous to us and our time management. Mobile banking and the ability to take pictures of checks is something, I am sure, most people never thought of before and is now muscle memory for most. I believe we mentioned in one of our previous classes, but mobile/online banking has changed how banks must interact with their customers.
I think the most important innovation in the last few years is the Uber.It’ s very convenient and interesting. The most of drivers are normal people and they may have other jobs. They can make their own work schedules. What means the drivers can begin start working whenever they have time. It also has a positive influence on the passenger since there are more cars they can find than before. Moreover, it is more
convenient because they just need to order a car on the phone and the car will find you based on your position. In China, there is also a similar application which named DiDi and I always use it. So this kind of way is popular in contemporary society. I think it will replace the taxi in the future. -
One of the biggest innovations in recent years, like some of my classmates have already stated, is online payment methods. Examples of this include Venmo, PayPal, SquareCash, cash app and now even apps like Facebook and snapshot. The growth of electronic payment methods is going to do one of two things. On one hand, it could benefit Society by making it easier to make purchases, transfer funds, and also give gifts. On the other hand, there is a possibility of negatively affecting society through hacking and identity theft. The more outlets that have bank account numbers and/or passwords on them, the more likely it is for a hacker to attack that website and/or platform.
I believe that one of the most interesting and important innovation is the unmanned vehicles. More specifically, the vehicles that go in to battle such as digging in the underground and bringing the dirt out of the mined areas, as well as the military vehicles that go into the more dangerous areas during battle. I think that tis innovation helps prevent some people from having to do the most dangerous jobs. I think that by creating this it has saved dome companies or even the military money over time. It makes one think about the number of people that did these jobs previously as well as how many lost their lives doing it.
One of the biggest innovation of the last few years is Social Media. When it was first created it was merely just a way to share and connect with loved ones. Now it is a means for marketing and business strategy. Before Social media there was email marketing and Google ad words. Email marketing sent masses of emails to consumers on their list, but now it is considered spam. And Google ad words are still used, but not as much as Facebook’s paid reaches where you can target your audience. Social Media has taken away the need of email marketing, which took a lot of business owners by surprise.
As we talked about in class, the innovation of the cell phone has been very disruptive in both negative and positive ways. It amazes me what they come up with from year to year. The smart phone first took away the necessity of a house phone, the a digital camera, maps, and even most uses of a computer for the average person. Just about anything you can think of can be done through your smart phone. Markets that are disrupted by the advancement must now find a way to evolve with the changing times in order to stay a float. New marketing techniques must be made in order to create value for customers of this technology age.
I would have to agree with many others in thinking that online shopping has been very innovative yet disruptive to brick and mortar stores. Like the way amazon- which we have talked about extensively in class- is so fast and convenient that many people have no need to leave the house to get a hold of nearly any item you could imagine. It has lessened the need for many storefronts, retail workers, etc.
Smartphones and smart devices are definitely on the innovation list for their power to change lifestyle and how things work. The smartphone is becoming less a device and more of an all-rounded personal assistant that assists people from a to z, 24/7. It is hard to imagine how less productive one can be at work without quick email replying, emergency calls, file sharings etc. Smartphones also give rise to media usage, thus businesses have to alter their ways of collecting data, communicating with customers and updating new products/service that adapt to the change in lifestyle.
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site Information Systems in Organizations 7 years, 4 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on September 28, 2017. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class […]
Majoring to become an accountant, everything relies on good data. Having bad data in accounting would cause your work to be wrong, meaning everything you did or going to do is going to be wrong. Since we also use excel or other programs on the computer, plugging in the wrong data and continue your work would cause you to be doing work for no reason. Although good data would have everything run smoothly and hopefully you’d the job done easily. So accounting only relies on good data!
With my major being legal studies, I plan on one day pursuing a career in the law. The most imperative thing that must be had to be successful as a lawyer is the ability to gather and disseminate large pieces of information. If there is any information that is missing, incorrect, misconstrued, a lawyer’s entire argument can instantly become invalid. That being said – although this isn’t a direct connection to ERP’s – being able to organize and categorize information correctly is an absolute must for a lawyer, that way he/she can develop and articulate a substantive and thoughtful argument in the courtroom.
With my major being Accounting, the data retrieved and put out is crucial. It needs to be correct at all times because one little mistake and it will mess everything up. Having these ERP systems and Data Analytics allows the processes that go with Accounting or through Accounting to be much easier and faster. Since ERP systems can make the other processes that go along with Accounting more efficient, it allows the Accounting aspect to be heavily focused on and done correctly.
Real Estate being my major, it is very crucial to have one clear view of the data and customer. This actually can be huge because it can benefit every party. It also can make the parties way more comfortable and actually want to get a sale done rather than being worried about problems or unidentified stuff. All the data will be in front of the client.
I plan to pursue a job in the legal field so the quality of data will have a great impact on my daily job. It is crucial that attorneys have good data, an attorney needs to have the good data to make a solid argument. If an attorney lacks good data, or has bad data, these facts will have a negative outcome on the case. The attorney may even lose his or her case because of this bad data.
I am majoring in finance and data will play a huge part in my future job. I want to work in the financial planning field specifically with investments. Therefore I will be dealing with clients regularly and data could have something to do with customer satisfaction. Good data with this could show that we are doing a good job and to keep doing what we are doing. Bad data could show that we might need to rethink how we are handling our clients.
Being a finance major, data is huge! I will be dealing with the financial data of my clients and if i have bad data or mess up on something I can mess things up for my clients and possibly loose my job. Using good data, I can properly do my job and successfully give my client what they want and the better the data, the better the outcome is for what ever I am doing.
I am majoring in Business Management. Data analytics and ERP’s are very crucial because managers deal with high volumes of data on a day to day basis. Manager must understand data in order to make the right decisions for their team. It is important to have quality data because bad data can impact the business in a negative way.
I would say data is a part of every job, especially most of them in business. I am currently undeclared, but I am leaning towards doing finance, where data would be vital to the job on a daily basis. If I was a financial consultant, I would need good data on their financial situation. If I was to have bad information, it could have a negative affect on my client. If I am trying to help a client with future investments, I would need good data that helps me guide them what to invest in. Bad data would hurt everyone involved in the situation, so I will always have to try my best to analyze information, and to provide good data to my clients.
Being able to collect and integrate data effectively is one of the most important abilities of a business or business professional. Although I am currently undecided, I know that good data is essential in almost every career. For example, accountants need to be able to have good data in order to make financial statements and correctly record the purchases, acquisitions, and taxes of a person or company. Accounts must also be able to integrate their data into a system so that other facets of the business can make decisions based upon this, which including making invoices available to all systems. Another example would be the use of good data for marketing professionals. Marketing professionals rely on good data to make informed decisions about future endeavors with their company. ERPs would help marketers to relay their discovered data to financial professionals within the company, so the professionals can make informed decisions on whether to use more money for marketing or not.
I am currently a double major in MIS and Accounting. I believe that the use of ERPs will be the main focus of my job. I wish to pursue a career that deals with integrating what accountants need and to create systems for them, and provide technical support too. To do so, i will need to have a great understanding about how all of the business units connect to one another. For example, I would need to know how sales is connecting to the ERP and then how that feeds to the accounting department encase of any issues that may happen along the way. It will be important for me to meet and consult with the ERP company that the business that I am working for is associated with so that we can all be on the same page, and make changes to issues that are not working properly
In mortgages, good data and bad data are the difference of closing a mortgage or not closing a mortgage. It is very important to have a system where all aspects of the clients ‘mortgage portfolio’ are synched together and easily accessible. If a social security number is wrong, bad data, we could be running a mortgage for a completely different person. If they have a forged credit score we are jeopardizing the clients ability to pay back the loan as well as credibility on our name.
I am an International Business major and in the future I would like to own my business/stores and having a bad collection of data could delay work progress. If employee or prospective employee information such as tax information is not properly collected, it could cause many problems for everyone. The wrong information/data could prevent people from being hired or just ruin credibility.
Thinking about my major in marketing and my future career in commercial real estate I know that is it is very important to collect good data and have an integrated system that enables customer to have one clear view of the data. If I were to have bad data it would make me look bad for not checking that the data was correct. Also, it makes the customer not feel comfortable buying anything I was selling due to advertising fraudulent data. Also, in some cases it could get to the point where there could be a lawsuit involved due to advertising bad data. Lawsuits are the last thing I what to deal with when working for an organization. In addition, if I were to give bad data for a job interview and they figure out I presented them bad data than it could prevent me from getting hired.
I work in marketing and sales for a business services company in Baltimore and I see daily the good and the bad of ERP’s, analytics, and CRM. With good data I can not only target marketing toward the areas which show more promise, but also predict future preformance through key indicators observed in the past. On the other hand, as discussed in class, these systems can be costly and time consuming. I would say that the effectiveness is totally dependent on the size of the business. Since our clients are typically small law firms or local businesses we often have business owners asking for help entering data into their CRM systems as they have no time to do it on their own. Many business owners aren’t using the information correctly and are waisting time looking at the wrong data. No matter how many systems/analytics reports/ERP/CRM you have it is meaningless without some human insight to assist in interpretation.
Having correct data is the most important thing for an Accounting/Finance major, since a decision concerning the fate of an organization depends greatly on how good or up to date the data is. Without ERP’s and Data Analytics systems, all financial decisions and plans would be skewed due to obsolete, hence useless data. Not just that it is of no use, it will also be dangerous if a a major decision turns out giving the organization more harm than help all because of incorrect data input. In the worst case, bad data can even lead to the closure of a business, lawsuits and personal damages to people who implement fatal decisions using skewed data.
My major is Marketing, and I am hoping to go into Digital Marketing. Within Digital Marketing is social media management. ERP’s and Data Analytics are crucial for this niche of marketing. For example, Google Analytics to track data from website tracking, views per click, etc. ERP’s can help with tracking all of the data in an organized way.
Being a Business Management major and having managed a retail store I already understand the importance of good data. At my last job there was a disconnect between our different entities and we all used different systems to collect and store data. This caused us to run into a lot of issues with payroll and inventory. Having an integrated system and applying ERPs is critical in my belief for running a successful business in this day and age. Moving forward with my major it will be important to understand the role of good data and being able to disseminate that data effectively and uniformly throughout a company.
I am a business management major and collecting accurate data is vital for a business to be able to grow and succeed. Without a proper system to report information, a business may be inclined to make poor decisions. For example, if a report shows inventory zero, but that data hasn’t gotten updated. manufacturing may decide not order enough materials thinking there is sufficient stock. This would cause a shortage and may slow down profits in the following quarter.
In Marketing, good data is crucial when doing target research for your campaigns and advertising. Advertising is really expensive, so you want to have the most reliable data in order to make informed decisions. Good data is essential when figuring out target audiences, content, and so much more. Doing research off of bad data can hurt a company financially and inhibit growth.
I am a marketing major, so when doing advertising or market research, quality data is very important. You want to be sure that the data you are using in your marketing campaign because if you go along with advertising methods with unreliable data, you will be either failing to reach your goals or losing the company a lot of money. Accurate and quality data will make my future fields job much easier, and give you better results
I am an accounting major. I can picture a reliable ERP system being an important aspect of facilitating the accounting process. With reliable technology, it will be much easier for the accountant to be able to see where the funds of a company are going. Instead of having to keep track of so much information from various different people, the accountant would have an easier job with an ERP system that centralizes all of the information that he or she might need. As far as data analytics go, these can be important for accountants to make predictions about things such as which customers are likely to pay back debts on time and which are not.
As a business owner, I would want all of the data interlaced seamlessly in order to make my business run more efficiently. ERP’s will make it easy to look up any data that you need (and also linked to the other related data). This is most important to make reliable, fast, and knowledgeable customer service interactions. Also, for training purposes, it would be easier for a new employee to learn about the system. From a financial perspective, ERP’s and data analysis would also ensure the money exchange is faster to make quicker company commerce.
Collecting accurate data is important for anyone in any discipline of the business world. As a marketing major in particular, the value of organized and accurate data can’t be underestimated. Data is very important in the realm of marketing research, for instance, since this research is so expensive, you want to make sure that your data is accurate each and every time. ERPs are beneficial as well, as it keeps data organized and easy to access at a moment’s notice.
I am currently undecided as far as my major, but I know that in any principle in the business umbrella, critical thinking and effective decision making is important. I also know that you are only as good as your information. The more accurate and organized the information is in a company, the better access its people have, the better their decisions are. Whether its capturing financials or the demographics of your target audience, an organized system is crucial.
I am a marketing major. It is obviously extremely important to have accurate data, regardless of the profession you are in. Having inaccurate data could lead to extremely costly mistakes. When gathering information we want to be as accurate as possible so to not waste our time and resources. For marketing, we would want to know specifics, for example, such as which pages are getting the most click-through rates. If we were led to believe that another page was getting more clicks, then we may spend unwarranted time on that page that should’ve been spent elsewhere. Clearly this is just a hypothetical example, however mistakes like this are probably not too uncommon if not kept in check.
I am a marketing major. I have written this post previously, but it is not showing up. If it shows up twice on your pages, I apologize. I mentioned how it is extremely important to collect accurate data, regardless of the profession you are in. I mentioned how a person who works in marketing and possibly runs a site would want accurate data as it pertains to things like click-through rates. I said it is important to know this information so as to not waste time, energy, resources, and money in the wrong areas of the site. We spoke about this in one of our classes before, but we would want to know which pages people were visiting and leaving on the most so we could know what needed improvement. Obviously, with inaccurate data in this example, big mistakes could be made.
Being an MIS major, I have learned how important it is to have accurate data. This is important because in many of the job positions available in the work world, regardless what you do, requires data. Through data is how companies excel in their businesses. Whatever they are aiming to acquire, if they didn’t have accurate data, it wouldn’t be possible. If the data was bad data, then their aim/goal would most likely plummet. It would cause the wasting of time, effort, and resources put into the job/activity/project.
Accurate and organized data is an essential in any business. Without organized data, the firm will not be able to accurately forecast anything in the future and they will not be able to fix anything that has gone wrong in the past. As a Business Management major, I feel that data collecting in the proper manner is an absolute must! I have interned at various companies and have experience good and bad data collection first hand. The properly organized data made me more effective at my job all around.
Being a finance major, it is important to collect accurate data and organize it correctly all the time so that we could present a good view of it. For instance, we need to take a lot of time to collect accurate data ,and after that, we need to make a financial statement carefully to make sure it gonna be right all the time. But sometimes it is hard to control since a tiny mistake will lead to a horrible result of whole data and we may don not even know which part of data has problem so it is really hard to find the problem and adjust it by manual operation as well. In other words, we need always keep the data accurate and organized or we will in trouble.
My job revolves around data and several different information systems to help us stay organized and accurately delegate tasks down to our employees. If our data is inaccurate in even the slightest bit, our whole system would malfunction. Customers may not receive orders if numbers in our supply system are off. If the expected work load data is misentered, we may be understaffed or overstaffed causing us to lose revenue. It is crucial that our systems stay efficient so that the data is easily interpreted and put into action as accurately as possible.
Data plays a role in many jobs today to be able to forecast many different things. Organized data makes things easier for some people to comprehend as well keep track of important info. If inaccurate data is given then it can create a bigger problem for many people.
Working in a nursing home, the employees in the facility all need good data in order to properly care for a resident. Good data is vital when it comes to healthcare. With medicine, vaccines, insulin, and more, the information being deliver from the prior caregiver must be accurate or many serious issues can arise.
Without organized data many companies would suffer from the chaos. It is important that data is entered correctly as it could create problems for others in the workplace. If data is bad it can create more is for others in the work place.
I am a business management major, and plan to move into the field of project management. When working on a construction project, it is crucial that all the numbers and data recorded are accurate and make sense, otherwise a few small flaws could end up costing the contractor a lot of time and money. I have seen it before when businesses under-bid time and materials for a project and end up not even breaking even because of a few mistakes.
Holy mackerel, Lorraine! Talk about the perfect test case of what NOT TO DO! Thanks for sharing your story!
Excellent, Eric – Accounting benefits immensely from a good ERP, and Accounting Information systems are crucial to success. Understanding the blend of tech and business will take you far!
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