Shenika Balfour and
Bs Srinath Amruth are now friends 8 years, 5 months ago
Bs Srinath Amruth changed their profile picture 8 years, 6 months ago
Bs Srinath Amruth posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
Among all the MIS classes that I have taken, this is by far the most interesting and personally most favorite class of all. I like how I was taught the various aspect of data presentation and visualization and what goes on before and after it is processed into meaningful information. Software is usually tough to grasp (as observed in the MIS3501…[Read more]
Bs Srinath Amruth commented on the post, Weekly Question #5, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
After doing research, I realized that lots of financial institutions and companies in various industries use R to carry out functions and bring about various data related to their work and research. Examples include finding standard deviations, averages,maximum & minimum return and even various qualitative information as well. This kind of work…[Read more]
Bs Srinath Amruth commented on the post, Weekly Question, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
After doing research, I realized that lots of financial institutions and companies in various industries use R to carry out functions and bring about various data related to their work and research. Examples include finding standard deviations, averages,maximum & minimum return and even various qualitative information as well.
Bs Srinath Amruth posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
As I research for the companies that use R & R Studio in their business operations, I found out that many “big name” companies like Facebook, Bank of America, Google, New York Times etc use that software to carry out various process objectives. However what surprised me the most was to find out that Microsoft uses the software too to carry out…[Read more]
Bs Srinath Amruth wrote a new post on the site Srinath Amruth 8 years, 11 months ago
Major: Management Information Systems
Graduation: December 2017
Welcome to my E-Portfolio!
My name is Amruth. Im a Senior student pursuing a BBA in the well-establish field of Management Information S […] -
Bs Srinath Amruth posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago
I like how neatly and clearly the information is on this info-graphic. The information it wants to clearly tell us is stated on the top with a visible header of “what not to do as a Tourist”. Followed by that are pretty much two columns with one stating what not to do and the other…[Read more]
Bs Srinath Amruth posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
During my internship, a part of my responsibility was to get information about 2 different stocks and show the data side by side. The company I worked for didn’t have the knowledge and access to SQL so we had to extract data for the 2 stocks separately and then join them manually on Microsoft word or excel, which would’ve been way more convenient…[Read more]
Bs Srinath Amruth posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
ERDs are fairy simple and straight forward to point and path out. However the cardinalities cause great confusion because one may have multiple interpretations about the relationships between the entities. On top of this relationships between entities can be confusing at times and can add to further difficulty in predicting what’s is the right cardinality.
Bs Srinath Amruth commented on the post, Weekly Question #1, on the site 9 years ago
I worked as an intern for a financial magazine production company back in Singapore. I was once given the responsibility to observe and report trends from what kinds of information magazine users prefer. I was given a huge chunk of data which showed how many people preferred reading huge chunks of informations compared to images and infographics.…[Read more]
Bs Srinath Amruth changed their profile picture 9 years, 3 months ago
Bs Srinath Amruth's profile was updated 9 years, 3 months ago