Danielle Redman commented on the post, Weekly Question #6: Complete by October 19, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
The mistake I think is most important to avoid is number 3, to start working on the database without doing a full backup first. There is nothing worse than having your computer shut down and losing all of your work, that’s why I believe it important to backup your data right after you complete something. Even though new software can restore some…[Read more]
Danielle Redman commented on the post, Weekly Question #11: Complete by November 30, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
The biggest takeaway from this class was how important it is to have clean data for a proper analysis. I think learning how to use tableau to create a visualization for the data is important and relevant to everyone regardless of what their majors are. This course taught me how to look at data and clean it so the results are not skewed, then turn…[Read more]
Danielle Redman commented on the post, Weekly Question #9: Complete by November 16, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
1. For our subject we will be looking at the Indego bike share trips and comparing the usage of the bikes in the summer months compared to the winter months.
2. Danielle Redman, Summer Holmes, Xiaoyu Liang, Hasan Husain -
Danielle Redman commented on the post, Weekly Question #10: Complete by November 16, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
A data driven service I use frequently is Amazon for online shopping. The row would be my my order number. And some columns could be the items I ordered, the price I paid, method of payment, shipping address, company the product is coming from.
Danielle Redman commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 9, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
This article is interesting because it shows how different groups of people spend their time throughout the day. It shows that a majority of females who aren’t look for employment spend their weekdays sleeping from 10pm-8am, doing household activities from 8am-12pm or 4pm-5pm, and…[Read more] -
Danielle Redman commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by October 26, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
An example of a KPI that I use on a daily basis is the amount of water I drink through my Fitbit app. It’s specific and measurable because I can measure how much water m cup hold and how much I actually drink of it. It’s achievable because I can set a goal, for example to drink 64 fl oz in a day anf I can ceck throughout the day to see if I need…[Read more]
Danielle Redman commented on the post, Weekly Question #5: Complete by October 12, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
This article is very interesting because it discusses how much the media has neglected to talk about Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Looking at the graph to see how often Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico was mentioned on the news vs Hurricane Harvey and Texas or…[Read more] -
Danielle Redman posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
I believe the most important principle of data visualization is to compare. If you don’t have anything to compare to your data, its basically just numbers on a screen that really have no value. However if that data were to be a different set of numbers if gives it more meaning. For instance if you were to compare data on two companies, you could…[Read more]
Danielle Redman posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
One piece of conventional wisdom a lot of younger people hear is that if you don’t go to college or get good grades that you won’t end up with a good job. While that may be true for some people there are plenty of other people who have started their own businesses and never went to college. To collect information on this I would survey different…[Read more]