Davis Trinh commented on the post, Retailers Leverage Digital Tech to Compete with Amazon, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
Really interesting post Laura. I have been noticing retails store for (example J.Crew) post a lot of advertising post with links to their products. I personally don’t mind these types of post, if anything I think this is a very innovative and creative way to promote there products. I think the post gives the retail store a very easy and organic…[Read more]
Davis Trinh commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
I really like your post about the disruptive of innovation of e-commerce. I agree with what drew said. I believe that cashiers clerks will become irrelevant in the near future. A good example would be the amazon grocery store, where check out will be automated once you take that one step out of the store. Very well written post Zois.
Davis Trinh wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
In recent news, after much consideration, Comcast bid on Nexon. Nexon is a Korean-based gaming company, which makes a very popular role-playing game called MapleStory. Comcast currently competes against […] -
Davis Trinh commented on the post, Self-Driving Cars Might Kill Auto Insurance as We Know It, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I really like your post on the topic of Auto Insurance going away if Self Driving Cars are implemented into our society. I do agree with your post. I believe that Auto Insurance will slowly die out with more Self Driving cars are on the road. Most accidents are caused by human error or judgement so if computers can predict by using data, it can…[Read more]
Davis Trinh wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
Through my journey as a MIS major, blockchain was always the buzzword. The article, CIOS, You’re Doing Blockchain Wrong, explains that IT leaders implement blockchain to their organization(s) but do not use it t […]
I agree with you that Blockchain comes off as a buzzword in the industry. Seems almost as if every trendy tech related article finds some way to work that in. But I can see blockchain becoming part of critical business functions. As we all develop an understanding of the tech and see examples of implementations it will only get better. The CIOs who are implementing blockchain but not fully utilizing the tech, or not properly implementing it are still critical in pushing this to become more mainstream, and having it be as powerful as it claims to be. I am genuinely interested in seeing how blockchain permeates its way into the general business world and moves away from being primarily known as the tech behind cryptocurrency.
Davis Trinh commented on the post, "Alexa, play Despacito and get me some Advil", on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I can see a lot of value with hospitals being able to implement Alexa. If Alexa can be implemented with more hospitals, I can imagine this saving a lot of time for nurses and doctors. My only concern would be that Alexa is constantly listening and collecting data. With technology constantly growing this can open Alexa with many vulnerabilities in…[Read more]
Davis Trinh commented on the post, ICE 5.1 Telling a Story through Visualization, on the site 6 years ago
I really enjoyed reading your post on how to measure metrics within IT. I know the company I worked for, we measured the value of our team by the projects we worked on, the amount of tickets that were closed/resolved and the amount of risk we reduced. It is important that we recorded our work for our metrics so that our boss presented the…[Read more]
Davis Trinh wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 6 years ago
The article, “Cyber Security Is A Business Risk, Not Just An IT Problem” highlights the that cyber security has many dimensions. With the growth and transition of businesses becoming more digital, this all […]
I agree with this analysis because it shows that the issue of cyber security is not as simple as it seems. Cyber security architecture is only one part of the problem; employees also need training in cyber security in order to minimize the risk. Humans represent one of the greatest security vulnerabilities because we cannot ask everyone to become a cyber security expert. Your analysis also brings forward the importance of organizational alignment in achieving a secure IT environment. Without the support of the leadership team, any effort to improve the security of the organization will not be successful.
I have an interest in cyber security and thought this was a good easy article to read and relate to. It really highlights an assumption that cyber security is an IT issue and that companies are starting to shift their perspective to the view that cyber security impacts the business as a whole. I agree with the article that cyber security is a growing concern as companies continue to digitize many aspects of their business. I think you highlighted some really valid examples of how breaches can occur and that they are not just from IT professionals. The article mentions integrating cyber security into all aspects of the organization and it seems more and more organizations are taking this approach and others would agree this is paramount as the attacks become more sophisticated, with greater impact and risk.
I agree with the premise of the article and believe that most businesses do as well. The cost of a data breach is all too high for a business to not pay attention and allocate a significant amount of funding to security.
I think the companies that do the best in terms of securing their data are the ones that exercise the social science side of security just as much as the technical. Phishing your own company and trying to find your weak points before antagonists do is the way to go in terms of security, as this is the most usual way that data is leaked. In addition to this, I am also a firm believer that when an employee is caught using the social side of security, they shouldn’t be immediately fired or punished harshly, as this employee is now much less likely to get caught a second time now that they’ve been caught once.
In all, cyber security is very important to businesses and governments alike, and being one step ahead of the bad guys all the time is imperative.
As I’m preparing for an interview in the cyber security space I couldn’t agree more with this article. There are too many breaches happening in todays tech driven business world. Companies need to set rules and regulations to all employees to make sure their sensitive data gets breached. This is not just an internal thing which the business gets affected, their customers do too! I was reading an article earlier this week and it said health care phishing incidents have rose nearly 500%. Employers should really emphasize how important protecting data is from the get-go and have training programs, and penetration test, monthly.
Davis Trinh commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 6 years ago
After viewing the video in class, it is apparent that Steve Jobs was extremely proud of the work that he and his team developed. Jobs started to emphasis how great the original product was. For example, the video highlights, “Macintosh not only changed Apple but change the whole computer industry”. I believe Steve Jobs used true and strong words w…[Read more]
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