Eric R Rose commented on the post, Q&A: Final thoughts (100 second reflection on the course), on the site 6 years, 9 months ago
I learned more about supply chain in this course than IT, but I’d say that the mix was sufficient. We only scraped the surface of IT systems, but since I am an MIS major I would have liked to dig a little deeper. However, I enjoyed learning all about supply chain, as I did not have any prior experience with it. I am going into retail so I…[Read more]
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Amazon delivery and Ethics, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
In my opinion, I think this issue should be solved by adding different ways employees, or independent contractors, get paid. The two ways that first came to mind were implementing hourly wages and/or establishing incentives like bonuses that can be reached by performing well. Handing out minimum wages plus $1.50 per delivery box may be too costly…[Read more]
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Future Delivery Methods, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
This is a service that I expected Amazon to release, considering their business models and fortunes in recent years. I would definitely pay an extra 6-7% max, but no more. I would not pay much more because how many times are we really in a dire emergency? Everyone that lived before us had to deal with their problems and could not be lazy and just…[Read more]
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Blockchain: Is this the new Internet?, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Let’s not get crazy; blockchain will absolutely not have the same impact as the internet did. If you think about the current world we live in, nearly every single aspect of it relies on the internet in one way or another. We will never be nearly as reliant on blockchain as we are the internet because it is one-dimensional, in that it is a…[Read more]
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Amazon: Go – What do you think?, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
I would absolutely shop at this store because of how simple it is to buy essentials I need, usually in a rush. I wonder how much product they have? Seems like they do not have the capacity to hold large amounts of inventory yet.
The strategy vs. RFID is brilliant. Amazon will now be able to tailor product advertisements to customers even more…[Read more] -
Eric R Rose commented on the post, New Age Warehousing, on the site 7 years ago
KIVA is an extremely sophisticated technology that I was fascinated with when I first watched these videos. There are countless benefits that KIVA provides, with the highlights being:
1. Increased productivity – KIVA bots have a queue of work to be completed each day; no standing around
2. Minimal product defects (they think 0%)
3. Massive…[
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 1, on the site 7 years ago
– Changed the shoe industry by creating a flexible supply chain
– Easily could handle changes in demand and are very good at handling sudden orders that needed to be filledIT Supply Chain:
– Eliminates locational boundaries
– Enables systems to be developed that help increase efficiency
– Helps improve location and inventory accuracy -
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
The first week of class showed me how complicated the process really is from the beginning to the end of a product’s life. IT’s role is quite important and helps solve the complexity of the entire supply chain process. Creating long-lasting products is key for a company, as the process to set up the supply chain is expensive and time consuming.
Eric R Rose commented on the post, ICE 5.1 Telling a Story through Visualization, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
– Eric Rose
– MIS Major
– Interning at Target (daily supply chain interactions at work) -
Eric R Rose changed their profile picture 7 years, 1 month ago
Eric R Rose posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
I learned a whole lot in this course. The greatest benefit in my eyes was learning the basics of “coding” and how to use multiple different database systems. Being able to discuss both SQL and R should greatly benefit me in a future interview. I have not worked with PHP, HTML, Java or other programming languages yet, but I am relatively certain…[Read more]
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Weekly Question #5, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
An example question I thought of could be do people like to ski or snowboard more and what makes that so? We have learned that some factors that we thought would never play a part in statistical patterns actually do, so there could be some tellers we would never expect for this question. Some could include Income, a comparison of two hobbies…[Read more]
Eric R Rose wrote a new post on the site Eric Rose E-Portfolio 8 years, 10 months ago
Major: Management Information Systems
Graduation: May 2018
Overall GPA: 3.43
Thanks for visiting my e-portfolio!
Hi, my name is Eric Rose. I am a senior Management Information Syst […]
Eric R Rose posted a new activity comment 8 years, 12 months ago
I liked this graphic that gave the reader several interesting facts about the US prison system. There are many facts all cleverly displayed in different styles that are pleasing to the eye and not repetitive. There are a nice mixture of words, numbers and pictures that coordinate well with one…[Read more]
Eric R Rose posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
An example of a possible joining of tables could deal with the fan base at the Super Bowl. One table could be called fans and who they are rooting for and another could be called favorite teams. You could find out which fans are rooting for one of the two teams playing in the Super Bowl, and those who have a different favorite team and are just…[Read more]
Eric R Rose posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
The most difficult part in creating an ERD from a problem description in my opinion is figuring out how to map out the actual diagram. I think it’s important to find out the proper placement for each entity, relationship, etc. because entities are connected to one another quite often. In addition to entities being connected to one another, it also…[Read more]
Eric R Rose commented on the post, Weekly Question #1, on the site 9 years, 1 month ago
At the country club I worked at over this past summer, we started having live music on Friday nights. For the first month of the summer, we had a different genre play each week, and in the following days asked the members what they thought of the performer. The ‘Jimmy Buffet” style of music got the highest appreciation by far, so we stuck with…[Read more]
Eric R Rose's profile was updated 9 years, 3 months ago
Eric R Rose changed their profile picture 9 years, 5 months ago
Eric R Rose posted a new activity comment 9 years, 5 months ago