Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 9 months ago
Just a reminder that your final exam will be on Monday, May 8 at 8:00am in the same room as class. Please bring #2 pencil to fill out the scantron sheet.
Also, please make sure that all missing assignments, […]
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the link for the driver download
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Dear all,
Prince will be holding a final assignment help session in Alter 240C from 3:00-5:00 pm today (04/21/2017).
Note: The space in the room is limited so please limit 1-2 people per group.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the exercise.
And here is the spreadsheet you’ll need [In-Class Exercise 13.2 – VandelayOrdersAll.xlsx].
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the study guide for the third (final) exam.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the exercise.
Here is the link for Temple’s academic policy.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the exercise.
And here is the spreadsheet you’ll need for the exercise [In-Class Exercise 12.2 – Sentiment Analysis Tools.xlsx].
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on April 19, 2017. Remember, it only needs to be three or four sentences. For these weekly questions, I’m mainly interested in your o […]
A data-driven service that I use would be Facebook where people post on their personal account for friends to see. A row would be a particular post, number of likes, number of shares, how many comments were made, and possible location of where the photo or post occurred.
The service I will be referencing is Slickdeals.net. This website posts trending hot deals going on from various websites and brick & mortar stores. To store this information in a spreadsheet format I would use the item for sale as an individual row. The price of the item, store it is from, number of thumbs up it receives, comments on the item, link to website for item if available, and name of the person that posted the item would be the columns.
Facebook is a data-driven source that I check and use almost every day. People post and share videos, links, texts, and pictures. Each row would be an individual post. Some of the columns that may appear would be the name of the person who posted it, the type of post (whether it be a video, picture, text, etc.), whether the post was an original post or a shared post, the date and time of the post, how many likes it received, and how many comments it received.
Ebay: Rows would be the categories of products, Columns would be price, rating, seller, how many of times the particular item has been bought and picture of item.
A data-driven service/product I use daily is Reddit. Reddit is basically a repository of articles. If stored in a relational database some entities might include author, articles, subjects. Attributes of author’s can include author_id, first name, last name, email, image, and phone number. Attributes of articles’ can include title, author_id, subject_id, article_text, article_date. Attributes of subjects can include, subject_id, subject_name, subject_desc.
A data-driven service I use daily is google documents. Google documents is a cloud-based application that stores your documents. It allows you to create, edit, and share on any computer anywhere. The individual row would be the document content (or at least a small part of it). The columns would be when it was created, title, last edited, who its shared with, and where the file is located.
On a daily basis I use the Temple University Portal. The Portal stores GPA scores. In one column I would write, “GPA”. Then in the columns I would write “course name”, “name of professor”, “semester”, “course final grade”, and “class credit score”.
A data driven service that I regularly use is the music app Spotify. If I were to store the data for Spotify in a spreadsheet, the rows would be the song titles and some of the columns would be the overall genre of the song, the name of the artist(s), the album that the song is on, and the duration of the song.
A data-driven service that I use daily is Blackboard. If I were to store the information from Blackboard into a spreadsheet, the first row would be the class. The next row could probably be the professor who teaches the class followed by any announcements/new posts to the page. After that, the following row could be about my grade in the class and any comments in the next column about any of the grades submitted into the grading section. The last row could be upcoming assignments for the next week or two.
A data driven service I use daily is Blackboard. If I used a spreadsheet to save data for the website I would choose an assignment to be a single row of the sheet. The columns would be the name of the assignment, the due date, the date submitted, percentage reached, the class it was for, comments added by the professor. I think that this would be a good way to store the data so I can do some basic analysis of my grades. In real life the database behind the website must have several tables splitting the data in different entities and connecting them in a meaningful way.
A data-driven services that I use daily is StockX. StockX is a sneaker app that created a stock market for sneakers. Resalers and buyers are able to determine the worth of their sneakers and buy and sell based on the stock price of a particular sneaker. In a spreadsheet, rows would be the name of the sneaker profile and columns would be specifics of the portfolio such as Brand, Deadstock price, year released, condition, and asking price.
A data-driven service I use daily is Tumblr. If I were to store data for Tumblr in a spreadsheet, a row would be an individual post. The columns I’d include would be the number of likes, the number of reblogs, the date of the post, and the time of when the post was made/reblogged.
A data driven service that I use on a regular basis is Blackboard. Blackboard is a platform used to access course information, documents, etc. The columns would be the courses you’re enrolled in. The rows would include syllabus, assignments, readings, grades.
A data-driven website that I use quite frequently is Amazon.com. As a massive site with millions of product listings, it provides vast amounts of data. If I were to organize the data in a spreadsheet, the rows would be the different products listed. For each row, some columns would be the manufacturer and price of the product, and if the product qualified for Amazon Prime shipping.
A data driven website that I use quite frequently is Youtube. It is a site with different videos. It provides data about views and regions where views come from. If I would organize the data in a spreadsheet, the rows would be different videos and the columns would be the regions and views.
A data driven services that I use regularly is blackboard. If I were to organize the data in a spreadsheet the row would include; course names, instructor names, course numbers, assignments, announcements, course syllabus, grades, course documents.
One data driven service I often use is Blackboard. Blackboard is the site we use to look at our grades and get updates from our teachers. The grading part should be easy to put into an excel document. The columns would be something like Class name, Section Number, CRN Number, Teacher Name, then there would be an id column. The rows would simply be the list of individual classes and their info demanded by the columns. The id column would be a a connector for a relational database. Each id would go to another excel page that would list the individual grades and weights for each grade that the teachers come up with individually. Then Blackboard would simply list and show that column within it’s first excel sheet.
For Facebook, I would export data relevant to my friends. Each row would contain information about my friends. I would have a column for: first name, last name, birthday, gender, current city, current job or school information. With this information, I could filter and/or visualize which of my friends live in Philly, or how many friends are females.
I used Gmail’s data driven service on a daily basis. The spreadsheet representation of the data used for that service would require rows dedicated to each email in the inbox. To complement the rows, the columns of the spreadsheet would contain descriptive features or characteristics of the email: sender, time received, subject, message preview, importance of the message, and status (read or unread). This would allow for many of the basic capabilities of the service to be translated to the spreadsheet through the use of filtering, sorting, and other data manipulation techniques.
A data driven service such as Amazon would have product name and SKU. There would also be columns for prices/the vendors that sell them. Each row would represent an individual product.
One service that utilizes data is Twitter. Each row could represent the people whose accounts I follow, and the columns could represent number of Tweets, Number of Likes, Number or Retweets, and whether or not they follow me back.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Leave your response to the question below as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on April 19, 2017. It only needs to be three or four sentences.
What was the most important takeaway (from y […]
My most important take away from this class would be how to properly use Excel. Since my major is accounting I believe there is a chance that I will be using excel in order to create spreadsheets for maintaining balances, so leaning how to use this program effectively will allow me to increase my efficiency. If I had to explain what this course is about to a future student I would say it is about understand the process of taking raw data and converting it into useful information, then taking that information and organizing it for analysis.
My most important takeaway from this class was understanding and being able to navigate through Tableau. I though Tableau was a very insightful and beneficial program to understand because it creates such cool and creative visualizations that I can use in the future. I would tell a future scholar that this course is about the fundamentals of understanding data. This course provides general knowledge about how to extract data and make sense of it into meaningful information. The course also helps students understand the major role data has in businesses today.
My biggest takeaway from our Data Science class is that I now have a better idea just how big a part data plays in our lives. The vocabulary and concepts I have learned in this class without a doubt will benefit me both in future classes, and my field of work. This class also introduced me to Tableau. Tableau will allow me to expand my options in presenting data past what I have used previously in Excel and Access, in addition to adding a multitude of better metrics. This course was about learning the various ways data is incorporated in the world today. How to collect, extract, organize, and display said data so that it can be of use to us and others.
The most important takeaway from this class for me will be how to use Excel and Tableau in order to make graphs and info graphics in order to make business decisions. I think that will be a very important tool to have when I am in the field of accounting when I graduate. I think the accounting industry is moving towards more data analytics and it’s important to understand how to use these different systems to make better decisions. If I had to explain this course to someone, I would say this course is about knowing how to use data in various ways and make sure the data you use is accurate so you can analyze it.
My most important take away was learning how to use a new application like Tableau and learning additional skills within Excel. For a future scholar interested in taking Mis 0855, be prepared to engage in class discussions and give input on whatever topic that is set forth during the particular class. Also retain the knowledge you learn because it will be helpful towards your future in the business world.
The most important takeaway from this class was being exposed to Tableau. Also getting exposed to different things in excels like macros or pivot tables. Learning of different technologies is always a great to increase value to a prospective employer.
The most important takeaway from this class is the new applications you are taught, like tableau, pivot tables, and new ways to utilize excel. I gained a much better understanding of visualizations and how to assess the proper information needed for data. For future MIS0855 scholars, I would say you learn a great amount of the importance of data and how to use it. Also, how many software’s and applications learned in this class help you in understand. Anything learned in this class will be helpful in your future. Data is a very important aspect in business and learning how to use it and visualize it properly will always be an advantage.
I believe that my most important takeaway from this class would be learning how to use Tableau. As an economics major I am very appreciative of learning how to use Tableau and I will now have the basic skills for the rest of my career. If I am ever asked to demonstrate my knowledge of Tableau I will be able to navigate through the software. For future MIS0855 scholars, this class teaches you the in and outs of data. It gives you a wide range of ways to gather, manipulate, and use data. It is extremely beneficial to those who will be working with data in the future.
The three most important takeaways from this course were learning how to use Excel, Tableau, and understanding data and it’s analysis. Even though the class did not go super in-depth about the two applications, I still learned a lot and am now able to use those skills for future work. In regards to data analysis, I now understand that there’s many ways to make mistakes and false conclusions so when reading articles from News Outlets I know to take what they’re saying with a “grain of salt”.
The most important takeaways from this course was learning how to use Tableau and Excel. Before taking this course, I had no idea what Tableau was and I did not know how to use Excel at all. What mainly enabled me to get a hang of using them were the in-class assignments with provided instructions. And from using Tableau and Excel, I learned how to organize and analyze data. Also, another takeaway was learning how important data is and learning about the complications that come with data. Prior to this course, I was ignorant of how dirty data is and how it can be contaminated with errors. This has made me more aware of the data I’m reading/analyzing, and to not always trust what is presented to me.
My biggest takeaway from this class is how big of a role and how big of an effect big data plays in our lives. Using Tableau and Excel really helped me understand the purpose of displaying data for consumers of the data to visualize. Although I had worked with Excel in the past, this semester has really allowed me to understand the full meaning of Excel and all the interactive formulas and other things that Excel has to offer. I had never worked with Tableau before, but I found it to be an extremely interesting and useful resource to display everything in an easy-to-see way from an Excel file. The graphs and tables were easy to compute and the ultimate result was an easy graph or table to compare and contrast two or more important ideas. If I had to tell someone what this course was about, I would probably inform that person that the class is all about sifting through data and trying to make it as simple as possible so that mistakes are not made in interpreting the data.
The most important takeaway from this course for me is the importance of big data. I never realized before taking this class how much big data is present in my every day life. It is present in purchase transactions that I make, websites, apps, social media, and much more. Being able to understand, analyze, and interpret big data is a very important skill that I am excited to delve more into as I continue through college and life. The practical uses of Excel and Tableau are also very important, basic skills that I feel will assist me in other classes and in the workplace in the future.
I think one of the most important takeaways from this course for me, personally, was that it greatly sparked my interest in MIS, so much so, in fact, that it made me want to declare a minor in MIS. Data Science is definitely important in everyday life, especially with all of the current data technologies. The course is about understanding data in our day to day lives and how we as individuals can use it, as well as companies. Understanding how Tableau and Excel work is very important for visualizing and analyzing data and understanding how data and its constantly changing ways.
I think the most important takeaway from this course was the hands on experience with tableau. It is great to find yourself finding all these meaningful insights from an excel sheet that has thousands of rows. Further, the course enabled me to get a basic understanding of what data is and how I can use it to help myself to learn more about the digitalized world I live in. I would explain Data science like this: MIS0855 is a course that uses a hands on approach to introduce you to the extremely interesting field of data science. You will learn what data is, what it means to businesses and our world in general. Further, you will learn how to transform big amounts of data into meaningful insights with the help of tableau.
Tableau as a tool is definitely the most important takeaway from this course. Learning how to organize data sets in different visualizations will help me in future classes and in projects and roles throughout my career. Tableau is a fairly easy tool to know how to use and will be important to know how to use in the future. I would describe Data Science as a class where we learn the basics of what data is and how it can be applied to the real world. We do many projects and exercises in class to solidify concepts that we learn on manipulating data. You learn how to put data in a format that can then be easily visualized and analyzed.
I believe that the most important takeaway from this course was learning multiple tools to analyze data sets like Tableau and Excel while also learning about the data itself. Its descriptive properties and knowing what it represents is vital to proper analysis, and maintaining an thorough data dictionary will help to facilitate the process. If I were to describe this class to another student, I would recommend it because this class is a valuable asset to developing data analysis skills, and has very interesting material and examples.
One of the most important takeaways from this class is the use of excel and tableau. Before this class I had a basic knowledge about excel and absolutely no idea what tableau was, now I have a bit more extensive knowledge about how to use excel and some of the various function such as vlookup and the match which I think is a valuable skill to have in today’s business world. As for tableau, I know what it is and can actually input data and create calculated fields without help.
The most important takeaway from this class is an understanding of data and the ability to be skeptical of misleading or bad data and misleading or bad visualizations of data. Through the learning of programs like excel and tableau we come to intimately understand data and it’s uses, we come to understand the power that comes with working with data and how that power can be used in manipulative manners. By taking this class, you are preparing yourself for the big data takeover happening, you are preparing yourself to work with it and also to protect yourself from it. We talk about current events and how that connects to data collection and analysis which helps show the effect of data on our lives in the now. We don’t get too technical because it is a gened after all, but it’s more in depth than other geneds, it feels like you’re actually learning something useful.
My biggest takeaway is the skills I learned using Tableau. Tableau is a very useful tool, that I now know how to use; I’m glad I get to add another skill to my resume. For future students, I would tell them that this class teaches you a lot about data, data visualizations and how to analyze data. It’s important to learn these concepts through the in-class assignments because it will be important to know for graded assignments and questions on the exams.
Personally, the important takeaway from this course was the exposure to working with actual data sets. I believe that this was fundamental to the learning process because it took a step away from the conceptual understanding of data and facilitated hands-on involvement with data. This aspect of the course helped to show that data is not only just a concept to be discussed, but also is an accessible tool for anyone to use. I would explain this course as an introduction to data, its importance, and its capabilities coupled with first-hand experience with the usefulness of data in business processes, analytics, and problem-solving.
One thing I’ve learned in this course is that in the ever-changing domain of the Business world, understanding data and how it works is crucial to efficiency. If I had to explain this course to a future student I would say that it is about learning what data is used for and how it factors into Business application.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on April 19, 2017. Remember, it only needs to be three or four sentences. For these weekly questions, I’m mainly interested in your op […]
1. The subject of our group project is whether lenient gun control laws leads to higher suicide rates.
2. My fellow scholars are James Dean, Whitney Libebe, and Seth Keatley.
The subject for our Group Project is “The Visibility of Female Artists in the Music Industry”
Member Names: Kahleem, Moona, Jamaya, Ellen
The subject of our group project is studying the total value of all food expenditures by final purchasers.
The group members are myself, Jibreel Murray, Alison Kline, and Christopher DeClement -
What is the subject of your group project?
Terrorism around the world. Insights and patterns of attacks since 1970.
Which of your fellow scholars are in your group?
Tyler McCaw, Malik Lassiter, Parth Patel, Robin Goetz
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the exercise.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Some quick instructions:
You must complete the quiz by the start of class on April 17, 2017.
When you click on the link, you may see a Google sign in screen. Use your AccessNet ID and password to […] -
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the exercise.
Here is the excel spreadsheet you will need to complete this exercise [In-Class Exercise 11.2 – NCAA 2013-2014 Player Stats]
Here is the solution.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Here is the exercise.
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
Some quick instructions:
You must complete the quiz by the start of class on April 10, 2017.
When you click on the link, you may see a Google sign in screen. Use your AccessNet ID and password to sign […] -
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on April 5, 2017. Remember, it only needs to be three or four sentences. For these weekly questions, I’m mainly interested in your op […]
This article was interesting to me because I was considering opening an account inside of Citizen Bank but after reading this article on how the were creating false data just to meet their customer quotas I decided otherwise. In this article employees were scheduling meetings with customers without ever notifying the customer just so they meet their customer meeting quotas.
This article interested me because the UCONN’s women’s basketball team has been the best for many years now, as they had built up a 111 game win streak prior to this loss to Mississippi State. And prior to this win streak, the team had a massive number before as well. A popular pick by many to win the entire tournament, the win by Mississippi State broke a lot of brackets. I am a big basketball fan, so the article interested me on how Mississippi State pulled off an upset that seemed improbable. In the tournament last year, the same Mississippi State team lost to the same UCONN team by almost sixty points. This year, it was a complete turnaround that ended on a buzzer beater. The article identifies how many more possessions Mississippi State had in comparison to UCONN which ultimately ended up being the driving force behind the biggest upset of the bracket so far. -
I found this article to be interesting because not only does it affect me but other Americans as well. The US is expected to see a serious decrease in the supply of doctors over the next ten years or so. The prediction on the shortage of doctors comes from a spike in the number of senior citizens, which is expected to rise 55 percent by 2030. The U.S will need 180,000 plus doctors to handle everyone’s medical needs. Maybe we should all consider medical school. -
This article is about how the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry is encouraging companies in Japan to share their big data. This will let businesses see important data, so that they can develop new and better products. From sharing their big data, companies, such as those in the tire-making industry, will have data from automotive industries about when and where cars slip on the roads. With this information, the tire-makers will now have the ability to develop better tires and be able to specifically target the production of the tires to prevent the common slips. These new guidelines about sharing big data are a result of the “internet of things” age, and from the advancements in technology and increasing usage of big data. This is interesting to me because we have learned in class about big data, data warehouses, and open data, so it is cool to see these terms being applied in real-life.
I found this article really interesting. The article presents 25 visualizations for one data set. The article illustrates the significance of visualizations and how each one can emphasize a different focus. The main idea of the article is about using visualizations to get to the point and speaking through your visualization. The article brings up 3 important points when you have a lot of data but you want to highlight certain point. The 3 points were ask questions, start with basics, and focus. The article mentioned picking out the most important aspects of the data by asking questions, start with basic visualizations that are simple to understand, and sticking to what you want your audience to get out of your visualization. -
This article is about how Android apps collude with each other to mine users’ data. Virginia Tech researchers found out that these apps can communicate with each other and trade information. The researchers categorized the apps as “malware apps specifically designed to launch a cyberattack; and apps that simply allow for collusion and privilege escalation”. In addition, they concluded that the biggest security risks come from some of the least capable apps. I found this article interesting because there are a lot of people who could be in danger of their personal data getting breached. This article raises awareness to android users to be more careful and conscious of the apps they are downloading. -
Congress will let internet providers sell your data—so rebels devised a way to fool corporations
I chose this article because it’s something really recent which affects all of us. The right to privacy is very important to me and to most people. Seeing the government allowing internet companies to sell user data is a huge breach of privacy. It’s crazy to see that something like could be passed and allowed. Even though in life a lot of things are about business and making money. With internet providers being allowed to sell consumer data they gain to profit massively. Imagine you are sending a letter to a friend through the post-office. And the post-office is allowed to open your letter look at its content and then go out and sell your content to buyers. How would you feel?
I find this article particularly interesting because it talks about finding fraud committed using Excel which is one of the most used tools by many businesses and in some cases in daily life. Throughout this course we have mostly used Excel to find and solve problems with data but never to find fraud within its worksheets. I find this really helpful since fraud affects many people all the time and can cause many people to even lose money so I believe it can be really useful for those who along their career are going to work specially with accountancy or/and statistics, like me. -
This article was very interesting to me because it is discussing how data can now be seen in the sports industry. Many professional organizations are allowing GPS trackers to be worn in both practices and games to measure how well there players are doing. In soccer (a.k.a. football) they just started allowing them in matches and it is measuring every time a player interacts with the ball. This will give the team managers information about passing percentage and other useful information that will allow every player to see what they need to improve. The idea that data will soon be able to help professional athletes is incredible. Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their game and this is a great tool to make that happen. -
This article describes how British consumer morale about the outlook of the economy has been decreasing since Britain left the EU in June. This sentiment is based on data that shows how annual pay growth has fallen 0.7 percent in the three months from October to January. This data is important because it demonstrates a potential declining market of consumers for products, which impacts supply and demand for the region of the UK. Further research of data could show the impacts this decreasing morale on demand could have on the surrounding economies in Europe as well as many other economies around the world.
This article discusses how President Trump just recently signed legislation that would allow internet service providers (ISPs) to sell your browsing history without your prior consent. Although they are not selling specific individuals’ browsing history, I believe this sets a dangerous precedent for ISPs. Maybe someone will develop a method that can determine who specific individuals are, when data about many people is purchased. Even though this is not possible yet (hopefully) any selling of our personal information puts us on a slippery slope. -
The article, “Music, Money, and Metadata” discussed how many music creators and record companies are not getting paid in royalties because of bad data that has missing ownership information. In response to this, there’s a new database system in the works called Dot Blockchain that keeps data on ownership, rights, and rules. This system will work better than previous database systems because blockchain (.bc) files “are much better at carrying metadata with the song than .MP3 or any other format in the industry today, because they can’t be changed or hacked.”
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
Some quick instructions:
You must complete the quiz by the start of class on April 3, 2017.
When you click on the link, you may see a Google sign in screen. Use your AccessNet ID and password to sign […] -
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
Here are the assignment instructions. Groups MUST be 4 or 5 members. You may not do this assignment on your own or in smaller groups than 4.
The assignment is due April 24, 2017. We’ll do the pre […]
Lily Heinemann, Emma Girandola, Sarah Trested
Tyler McCaw, Robin Goeh, Kaia Bentsen, Malik Lassiter
Amy Huynh, Rachel Vickalitis, and Elijah Wilder
Memoona Khan, Kahleem Wilkins, Jamya Day & Ellen Wiah
Alison Kline, Jibreel Murray, Chris Declement, Walter Kirby
Moeed Faisal, Keerthana Rachamadugu, Ethan Miller, Eric Rubark, Kevin Joseph
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
Here is the exercise.
And here is the Excel workbook you’ll need [Pew Story Data (Jan – May 2012).xlsx]
Ermira Zifla wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
Here is the study guide for the second exam.
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