Active 5 years, 9 months ago-
Vanessa Marin and
Robin Goetz are now friends 5 years, 12 months ago
Oksana Didukh and
Robin Goetz are now friends 6 years ago
Tug Tug and
Robin Goetz are now friends 6 years, 2 months ago
Robin Goetz's profile was updated 6 years, 4 months ago
Adam Alalouf and
Robin Goetz are now friends 6 years, 5 months ago
Robin Goetz commented on the post, Weekly Question #9: Complete by April 19, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
A data driven service I use daily is Blackboard. If I used a spreadsheet to save data for the website I would choose an assignment to be a single row of the sheet. The columns would be the name of the assignment, the due date, the date submitted, percentage reached, the class it was for, comments added by the professor. I think that this would be…[Read more]
Robin Goetz commented on the post, Weekly Question #11: Complete by April 19, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
I think the most important takeaway from this course was the hands on experience with tableau. It is great to find yourself finding all these meaningful insights from an excel sheet that has thousands of rows. Further, the course enabled me to get a basic understanding of what data is and how I can use it to help myself to learn more about the…[Read more]
Robin Goetz commented on the post, Weekly Question #10: Complete by April 19, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
What is the subject of your group project?
Terrorism around the world. Insights and patterns of attacks since 1970.
Which of your fellow scholars are in your group?
Tyler McCaw, Malik Lassiter, Parth Patel, Robin Goetz -
Robin Goetz commented on the post, Weekly Question #4: Complete by February 15, 2017, on the site 8 years ago
From the eight principles Stephen Few discussed in his article, I believe that “Simplify” is the most important. When visualizing data you normally do that for an audience. While you are familiar with the data you are working with, often the people looking at the visualization are not. It is important to make the data accessible for them and allow…[Read more]
Robin Goetz commented on the post, In-Class Exercise 4.2: Finding Good and Bad Visualizations, on the site 8 years ago
Kaia Bentsen, Pat Murt, Tyler McCaw
Robin Goetz commented on the post, Weekly Question #3: Complete by February 8, 2017, on the site 8 years ago
For me, the most important takeaway from our discussion regarding bias and the signal problem is that biases are inevitable when working with data. Humans are always involved when collecting data. They can be the ones that provide the data or the ones that designed a way to collect the data. It is human to be biased, humans create data, thus data…[Read more]
Robin Goetz commented on the post, Weekly Question #2: Complete by February 3, 2017, on the site 8 years ago
This article by Lucia He, which was published on fivethirtyeight.com, describes the negative influence of Donald Trump’s Anti-Mexiko way of politics. It uses analyzed data starting from the time he first introduced these ideas in his candidacy for president of the…[Read more] -
Robin Goetz posted an update 8 years ago
@michael-a-black Hello Michael, I just visited your e-portfolio, because we share many of the same interests and saw that you are actually an MIS major, too. Although, I have just started with my first MIS class. Since you are graduating this year already and have probably finished most of your MIS classes, I wanted to reach out and ask you if you…[Read more]
Robin Goetz posted an update in the group Temple MIS 8 years ago
Hello everyone! My name is Robin Goetz and I am just starting my MIS classes. I wanted to reach out to you and ask if anyone, who has taken any capstone MIS courses, could give me an insight in what to expect in the future and maybe what motivated you to take specific classes. Of course, I would love to connect with other MIS majors, so please…[Read more]
Robin Goetz joined the group Temple MIS 8 years ago
Robin Goetz changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Robin Goetz's profile was updated 8 years ago
Robin Goetz posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
One conventional wisdom, which is widely spread is the assumption that males are naturally better at science than females. To test this conventional wisdom I would start with collecting data on the grades of boys and girls of our standardized tests. The math section on the SAT test could be a first source of data, as it is easy to obtain and has…[Read more]
Robin Goetz wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5287 8 years, 6 months ago
Hello, and welcome to Business Skills for the IT Auditor. I am Professor Lonnie Barone, and I’m excited to be instructing this course and look forward to meeting all of you on Saturday, September 10, 2016, at A […]
Robin Goetz wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5287 8 years, 6 months ago
Hello, and welcome to Business Skills for the IT Auditor. I am Professor Lonnie Barone, and I’m excited to be instructing this course and look forward to meeting all of you on Saturday, September 10, 2016, at A […]
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