Active 9 years, 8 months ago-
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 10 months ago
Here is In-Class Exercise #12 – Decision Tree Induction Using R.
And here are the supporting files. Remember, download them to your computer by right-clicking and selecting Save As…
The R script you’ll nee […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
As we discussed, you are responsible for watching the Intro to R Mix that can be found here: https://mix.office.com/watch/1vfw1it1t0rjc
You should watch this mix and download R & R Studio to your PC before c […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Assignment #6
Here is the assignment and an answer sheet to submit (in Word format).Here is the data file you’ll need [OnTimeAirport-Jan14.csv].
Please email your assignment by the start of class on A […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here is the exercise.
And here are the supporting files. When you download them to your computer, I would suggest creating a special folder to hold your R files. You can download easiest by right-clicking a […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on March 30, 2016. Remember, it only needs to be three or four sentences. For these weekly questions, I’m mainly interested in your op […]
A theme of companies that use R are banks. Banks like Bank of America and ANZ, which is the fourth largest bank in Australia, are using R reporting and credit risk analysis. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have also utilized R to analyze status updates along with monitoring user experience on the site.
Companies within the finance and insurance industries use R to develop new trading, pricing, and optimization strategies to increase returns and minimize risk. As an example, Lloyds of London insurance market uses R to model the potential costs associated with catastrophes such as hurricanes and earthquakes.
Using statistical analysis and with the help of R studio scientists are researching how to create rechargeable alkali ions batteries. Considering that alkali ion batteries are the dominant source of energy storage today, this research of ions is helping make huge leaps in high density storage. The researchers in this articles are dealing with complex chemical equations that are made easy to analyze with the help of R and R studios.
Zillow is a website that lists houses to rent/buy. Zillow uses R to create and update the estimates of prices. Once you find the average prices of houses in an area, you can reasonably come up with a price that is common for a house in the same area.
http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2014/05/companies-using-r-in-2014.html -
Kickstarter, a social funding program where individuals can donate cash to get a worthy project going y uses R to interpret, interact and visualize the funding. One of their charts, generated by R, shows the rapid decrease in the number of days it takes a project to accumulate $5 Million. With such a rapid growth of kick-started projects, the company is able to recognize it’s accomplishments of these projects by doing so.
R is used at Facebook to generate unique graphs based off of user interactions.
http://www.fastcompany.com/3030063/why-the-r-programming-language-is-good-for-business -
Companies such as twitter use R for data visualization reasons. For example, twitter uses R to create a geocoded map to show where heavy traffic from users who use geotags come from. This map also shows how intense (dense) the usage of geotags are in certain areas.
Facebook uses R for Exploratory Data Analysis, Experimental Analysis, Big-Data Visualization, Human Resources, and user behavior analysis related to status updates and profile pictures. Facebook is a company that deals with a lot of data more than 500 terabytes a day and R is widely used at Facebook to visualize and analyze that data. Applications of R at Facebook include user behavior, content trends, human resources and even graphics for the IPO prospectus..
Uber uses R for statistical analysis. For example, Uber was able to find out since the introduction of Uber in Seattle, DUI incidents have decreased 10%.
Google is one company that uses R to produce better results for companies using Google’s advertising products. They use R for regression models, a statistical technique at Google used to evaluate the factors that lead to user satisfaction of Google products. They also use R to determines the effectiveness of display ads for its customers.
After some research, I discovered that R is used by Bank America in their financial modeling. Particularly, the company likes R for its visualization tools and data-crunching capabilities. The article even reports that the Vice President of Bank of America thinks, “R makes our mundane tables stand out.”
I decided to check out some cool R packages. R is extremely powerful in data analysis and with the right packages you can accomplish an extensive amount of data analysis. I looked at a package called “vcd”. VCD stands for “Visualizing Categorical Data”. The package contains visualization techniques, data sets, summary and inference code aimed at categorical data, or data that can be separated into groups. The package places emphasis on grid graphics.
A team at Cornell University used an R package called “sphet” to estimate and test spatial models with heteroskedastic innovations. R is used to take datasets containing variables and observations to generate conclusions (spatial matrices) that improve efficiency and consistency. It creates a tool for estimating variance-covariances of events to reduce error. This has many applicable uses all throughout business and technology (ie. manufacturing efficiency).
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sphet/vignettes/sphet.pdf -
The National Weather Service uses R at its River Forcast Centers to generate graphics for flood forecasting. They can predict the time of year that rivers will flood and prepare for them.
http://www.revolutionanalytics.com/companies-using-r -
The dating site, OkCupid uses R to identify trends about the love lives of a typical OkCupid member. OkCupid is considered the “google of online dating” with 3.5 active members. The company’s co-founder Christian Rudder’s crew uses R to visualize big data quickly, something they couldn’t do with Excel. Rudder stated, “R lets us get a ‘zoomed-out’ view of what’s going on with the data, which helps us decide quickly if the tack we’re taking with the data is yielding something interesting.” One way the company has used R was to recognize patterns to compare the dating habits of gay and straight members.
One of my favorite news sites is Nate Silver’s fivethirtyeight.com. They make visualizations on everything from sports, to politics, to when most people arrive at a party. These visualizations are insightful ways to view large amounts of data in neat graphs.
Google uses R to measure the effectiveness of the ads on their site. It runs hundreds of tests a month using R to try to determine what factors lead to an effective ad and to see how the add affects future purchase decisions. Its really cool to see that a company as large as google makes use of the same program we are learning.
The New York Times has been utilizing R technology since 2009 to support its developmental presentation data analysis and data visualization. NYT uses R language to develop and implement their data journalism on the website as well as the newspaper. New York Times graphics editor and R pioneer described R in a recent podcast as “The greatest software on Earth”.
Uber has become an extremely popular transportation service over the last few years. In doing my research of R, I found out that Uber uses it for statistical analysis. An example of how it uses R would be tracking how much DUI rates decrease in areas that offer their service.
http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2014/06/more-companies-using-r.html -
The reason why the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau uses R is because there are recent graduates graduating out of college using R. They are using a platform that they are already use to. Another reason why they are using R is because The Mac and PC versions are similar. Majority of college students are using a Mac, once they are out of college they at least have the knowledge of R to navigate effectively.
One of my favorite apps right now is Zillow. Zillow uses R to produce statistical predictive products. Zillow predicts full estimated costs of renting or purchasing real estate through the use of R. Zillow and its use of R allows its users to make better data driven decisions.
http://strataconf.com/stratany2012/public/schedule/detail/26345 -
After doing some research, I read that the United States uses R in their national weather programs and reports. An example of what the national weather services use R’s statistical analysis tools to do, is forecasting weather predictions like flooding or snow blizzards. As inaccurate as these predictions frequently can be, R helps to minimize errors. R also helps them to generate graphics, representing current real-time forecasts and storm trajectories.
John Deere use R for reliable time series modeling and geospatial analysis.
R is used by John Deere for several purposes including forecasting demand for equipment, to forecasting crop yields , and even optimizing the build order on the production line that produces the tractors. This is especially important because John Deere provides forecasts to more than half the world’s food supply. The results are integrated with Excel and SAP.http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2012/11/video-how-john-deere-uses-r.html
The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) used R language in BP’s oil leak case. To help US government have accurate and effective response to public, NIST used R language to run an uncertainty analysis that supply estimated evidences to US Government for best control the scale and scope of leaking oil. -
After some research, I discovered how Facebook’s team used R to analyze status updates of users. So basically what they did was categorized words based upon the 68 categories of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Dictionary to view how frequent each category was being mentioned.
http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2010/12/analysis-of-facebook-status-updates.html -
Google uses R to calculate ROI on advertising campaigns; to predict economic activity; to analyze effectiveness on TV ads; and to make online advertising more effective. For example, Google has just released a new package for R: Causallmpact. This package allows Google to resolve the classical conundrum: how can we asses the impact of an intervention when we can not know what would have happened if we had not run the campaign? Also, this package gives the Google a “virtual” control. http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2014/09/google-uses-r-to-calculate-roi-on-advertising-campaigns.html
Google uses R and has created a new package for R. This package enables them to take a look at the effects on an advertising campaign of website clicks. Their info graphic is simple to read and makes it so that a user who is not familiar with the type of data can easily assess the information with a short explanation.
Facebook uses r for a varitey of functions. They are “Exploratory Data Analysis, Experimental Analysis, Big-Data Visualization, Human Resources, and user behaviour analysis related to status updates and profile pictures.” This allows Facebook to stay on top of current trends and predict future ones.
As I research for the companies that use R & R Studio in their business operations, I found out that many “big name” companies like Facebook, Bank of America, Google, New York Times etc use that software to carry out various process objectives. However what surprised me the most was to find out that Microsoft uses the software too to carry out some of their online xbox functions. This is because knowing the magnitude and the amount of intelligence Microsoft has, I was surprised that they did not create their own software tailor made to their processes and activities.
R is used by various companies all over the world including one of the largest motor companies, Ford. R is huge part of the revolution at Ford as they are using it for various data science related objectives. This includes breaking down data silos between analytic groups within Ford and understanding how drivers are using electric cars, based on opt-in telemetry data from the cars themselves.
http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2014/11/ford-uses-r-for-data-driven-decision-making.html -
After doing research, I realized that lots of financial institutions and companies in various industries use R to carry out functions and bring about various data related to their work and research. Examples include finding standard deviations, averages,maximum & minimum return and even various qualitative information as well.
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the link to today’s class capture: CC 32316
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s a little Excel function table that will walk us through some Excel review:
Excel Function Example
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
The slide deck for Intro to R has been posted under Slide Decks.
Make sure you have this handy for class and take additional notes!
Here’s the BaseballAnalysis.r script and the 2009BaseballTeamStats.csv d […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi – here’s the class capture for today: CC 3/21/16
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the link: CC 3/18/16
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the link to today’s class capture. CC 3/16/16
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
I encourage you to register for the 16th Annual IT Awards. It is our Institute of Business and Information Technology‘s biggest event of the year; IBIT is affiliated with the MIS department and is Fox’s conn […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
R is a widely-used, open source statistical analysis platform. RStudio is an integrated development environment for R – that means it makes using R easier!
You should install both software packages – R and RSt […]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the document: In-Class Exercise #9 – Descriptive Statistics Review
And here’s the key: In-Class Exercise #9 – Descriptive Statistics Review [KEY]
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the study guide for exam 2. Exam 2 Study Guide
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
The Advanced Analytical Deck has been posted here.
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here are the documents for Assignment 5:
Assignment #5 – Pivot Tables
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the link to the deck for Dimensional Data Modeling – Decks
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the document: In-Class Exercise #8 – Pivot Tables
Here’s the Salesperson Cube Data: In Class Exercise Salesperson Cube
Amy Lavin wrote a new post on the site MIS2502 Spring 2016 8 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the information you need to complete Assignment #4. This assignment will walk you through the process of ETL in Excel. You will learn some basic Excel formulas that will be helpful for the future as w […]
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