Philip James Tocci changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Philip James Tocci joined the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 Sec 2 – Messina 8 years, 1 month ago
Philip James Tocci commented on the post, Weekly Question, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
The takeaways from this course I find most important are Excel and SQL. During the internship interviews i had this semester every firm asked me about my Excel proficiency. Learning the framework of SQL in class then furthering my learning independently did help me in my interviews. Having a solid base of Excel and SQL allowed me to accept my…[Read more]
Philip James Tocci commented on the post, Weekly Question #5, on the site 8 years, 11 months ago
My business question that can be answered using a decision tree would be whether or not a designer should release a new piece to their collection such as sunglasses, wallets, leather goods etc. They would want to exam the age of potential customers, income of those customers, gender, and loyalty to the designer (if they are a repeat customer or not).
Philip James Tocci posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago
Facebook uses r for a varitey of functions. They are “Exploratory Data Analysis, Experimental Analysis, Big-Data Visualization, Human Resources, and user behaviour analysis related to status updates and profile pictures.” This allows Facebook to stay on top of current trends and predict future ones.…[Read more]
Philip James Tocci posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
I found this infographic intriguing in telling the narrative of how student loan debt in America is spiraling out of control. The information is presented in a logical manner, with the first two layers showing the true scope of the problem before the third layer…[Read more] -
Philip James Tocci's profile was updated 9 years ago
Philip James Tocci posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
You can use a join if you are doing analytics for a company selling a product. For example, if you worked for an automobile manufacture you could join customers and which vehicles they purchased. Doing this join would allow you to see what types of vehicles sold in which states.
Philip James Tocci posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
For me the hardest part was navigating the wordiness of the scenarios. This simulates a real world experience where the subjects you interview for gathering requirements will want to tell you every last detail, whether or not it is relevant. So having to sort the redundant and irrelevant information was the hardest part for me.
Philip James Tocci commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 9 years, 1 month ago
I read an article last semester explaining how the NBA game has been transformed due to data analytics. The data showed that players had nearly the same probability of successfully converting a mid range shot as they do a 3-point shot. The 3-point shot has a 50% increased benefit over the mid-range shot worth only 2 points. Therefore, teams like…[Read more]
Philip James Tocci posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago
Philip James Tocci wrote a new post on the site Philip Tocci 9 years, 6 months ago
Introduction to me presentation for Business Communications link.
Philip James Tocci wrote a new post on the site Philip Tocci 9 years, 6 months ago
Discussion post from Business Ethics comparing Costco and Walmart.
Costco and Walmart/Sam’s Club while seemingly very similar, are quite different. Both companies have large physical retail facilities offering […]