Tymofiy Rabchuk commented on the post, Discussion Question #7: So how did it go?, on the site 6 years, 9 months ago
My experience at Protiviti was entirely positive because I was doing something that I enjoy, I was challenged and never stopped learning. I learned a lot about security consulting and what sort of projects I might be on in the future. At Protiviti I can go two routes in security: I can become a penetration tester ( what I ultimately want to do)…[Read more]
Tymofiy Rabchuk commented on the post, Discussion Question #6: You can’t learn everything in the classroom…., on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
One of the things that I observed during my internship is that you need to continually learn and test things on your own. As one of my mentors said, being in the security field is not a 40 hour a week job. You always need to be reading about the tech industry and other complimentary industries to be up to speed with the current technology and…[Read more]
Tymofiy Rabchuk commented on the post, Discussion Question #5: Classroom Knowledge…., on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
The technical classes like MIS 3501, 3502, 2501, and 2502 in our MIS program helped me the most during my internship. Because I have a lot of outside curiosity, I was able to try out different things in the classroom which helped me to solidify the material learned during class even better. Using these technical skills I was able to understand…[Read more]
Tymofiy Rabchuk commented on the post, Discussion Question #4: How do you do it all???, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
One of the things that I do is I plan my day ahead the night before. It takes only about 5-7 minutes but saves a lot of time the next day. Another thing that I do is write everything out in my reminders. While this may not be the greatest thing to improve one’s memory, it helps to minimize forgetfulness and reminds me of when I need to do a…[Read more]
Tymofiy Rabchuk commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 22, on the site 6 years, 12 months ago
The most important skill during my internship was to be able to integrate knowledge. Whether it was previous knowledge learned from school or new information that I learned during the various projects and clients, I had to learn how to see how all the pieces fit. To become a successful security consultant, you need to have a good basis of basic…[Read more]
Tymofiy Rabchuk commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 1, on the site 7 years ago
During my internship, one of the things that I had to figure out on my own is the environment in the Lab. I enjoyed doing my work there and learning more different technologies. The most difficult part was that everyone has a very advanced understanding of penetration testing and the people that were there. Most were IST majors in college which…[Read more]
Tymofiy Rabchuk commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone,
I worked at Protiviti as a Security and Privacy intern in their Technology Consulting solution. During the internship, I worked on a variety of projects. My first project was a Cloud Risk Assessment that basically tried to ensure that the client adheres to the industry standards. My next few projects involved some Penetration…[Read more] -
Tymofiy Rabchuk created the site Larry Brandolph 8 years, 1 month ago
Tymofiy Rabchuk posted a new activity comment 8 years, 5 months ago
@prince-patel Sure thing. Contact me at tymofiy.rabchuk@temple.edu and we can discuss it further.
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Tymofiy Rabchuk are now friends 8 years, 5 months ago
Shenika Balfour and
Tymofiy Rabchuk are now friends 8 years, 6 months ago
Tymofiy Rabchuk wrote a new post on the site Edward (Ed) Beaver 8 years, 7 months ago
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Tymofiy Rabchuk's profile was updated 9 years, 5 months ago