Information Systems in Organizations

Andrew C. Weiler


Apple is not the only company that is changing the world in the technology industry, IBM has created a super computer that goes by the name of Watson.  Watson is not only a winner on the show jeopardy it is now being used and is being called the future in healthcare.  It is a computer that gets smarter over time and can understand verbal communication in many different languages.  IBM created Watson for the area of big data, and is currently trying to create an eco-system for Watson and are investing and encouraging small and startup companies to enhance and move Watson forward.  IBM is hoping that Watson gives them a competitive advantage in the rapidly growing Big Data industry.

Would you be comfortable with a computer giving you your diagnoses?

Do you think that Watson is the wave of the future?

Do you think Watson gives IBM a competitive advantage  in big data?

(Optional) What would you use Watson for in your life?
