Uber’s Business Model Could Change Your Work


On Thursday we briefly talked about Uber’s business model. I find Uber an interesting and smart start up that is becoming very popular. I came across an article that talks about the “Uberization of work may soon be coming to your chosen profession.” a range of companies are trying follow Uber’s business model in order fields from grocery shopping, legal services, to even medicine. The benefit of Uberization is that technology can make your work life more flexible because it will allow you to fit multiple jobs around your schedule. An economist at the University of California stated, “this on-demand economy means a work life that is unpredictable, doesn’t pay very well and is terribly insecure.” Most people would rather have good, well-paying, regular jobs. Uber is a growing company and there are always new opportunities for employment.

What do you think about Uber’s business model? Do you think other fields that follow this business model will be successful? Would you want to work for a company like Uber? Why or why not?


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