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MIS 3535: Week of 10.25.2014 – 10.31.2014

This was a productive week for both the PMs and BAs. On Monday, I met with all of the BAs to show them how to use Justinmind and helped them brainstorm more for their prototype. Since I did the front-end design for my group’s prototype back when I was taking MIS 3504, I was able to help them design what they envision their prototype might look like.

Additionally, all of the PMs and I contributed to putting everything into MS Project. None of us had used Project before, so this was great for us to get the hang of it and realize just how powerful it actually is. We couldn’t figure out which measures to be using for scheduling, but we seem to have figured it out now. I think we’ll have it working correctly next time we work on MS Project.

Also, we had our weekly meeting with the BAs on Friday at 4:00pm. We discussed what work they have coming up, provided feedback on their prototype (the first prototype was due this week), and put together a more fleshed out schedule.

I also created the weekly progress report for our group. I think by now, it’s been established that I’ll do it every week, which is fine.

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