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Technology: My love for technology is what drove me to majoring in Management Information Systems. Technology plays a significant role in all of our lives, and it’s important to know how it all works. I’m constantly reading about different technologies, trying out different things, and looking into upcoming technologies. It’s amazing to me how much has already been accomplished with technology, and I very much look forward to seeing where it will take us in the future.

Programming: I started to learn programming during the winter of 2013, and have been enthralled with it every since. I think it’s absolutely fascinating how you can create seemingly anything you can imagine by knowing how to program. My interests are in Web Development and Application development. During my summer internship in 2014, I had the opportunity to develop a database application using C# and the .NET framework. I’m also working on gaining experience in developing websites. I have experience utilizing HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and jQuery. Not only is programming interesting and fun, but to be able to do so is an invaluable skill to any company.

Music: I am an avid lover of music. I love every aspect of it: listening to music, reading about musicians, discussing it with others, learning about music theory,  playing and making music, attending shows, etc. I play guitar and am currently teaching myself to play piano. I enjoy making my own music as well, and plan to learn about music production in the future.

Volunteering: I realize that even when times are tough for me, I have it better than many people in the world. I don’t take that for granted and have a strong desire to help others in any way that I can. I volunteer whenever I can. I’m currently a member of Temple University’s Habitat for Humanity, and have done several volunteer works before then, such as volunteering at Philabundance and planting gardens in run-down areas.



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