Community Platform
  • Application development
  • Data analytics
  • Data centers
  • Database administration
  • more...
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Career Objectives


Application and Web Development

I aspire to be an application or web developer. Ever since I picked up programming, I have been enthralled in it and am constantly working to improve my skills and knowledge. My experience doing application development during my summer internship has only increased my interest in the field. To work as a developer would be doing what I love.






Data Analysis and Database Management

Besides for application and web development, I also have an interest in data analysis and database management, both of which I have experience in. The ability to sort through and analyze data helps us discover answers to questions that may not had otherwise been possible of knowing, especially in science and health care. To be able to make sense out of the enormous amounts of data and find solutions to problems is, to me, fascinating.





While these are my primary interests right now, I will always keep an open mind to new technologies and career paths that I may be interested in. I strive to learn as much as I can about as much as I can, so I believe that my aspirations will continue to grow in the future, even if they are in the same field.

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