Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, Weekly Question #11: Complete by April 24, 2017, on the site 7 years, 9 months ago
The most important take way from this course is that data is everywhere, and it is important to take it into account when working on projects. It is also important to assure that data is credible and is captured appropriately. It is also important to always ask questions about the data you come across and see what else you can find out.
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, Weekly Question #10: Complete by April 17, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
A data-driven service I regularly use would be Amazon.com. If you exported this data to a CSV, each row would represent a customer order. Examples of columns would be order id, total, number of products, names of products, first name, last name, address 1, city, state, zip code country, shipping method, shipping cost, order date, ship date, credit…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, What Disruption Looks Like, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
An older disruptive innovation I always think of in the music industry is the Mp3 player/iPod that digitized music listening for the first time. This revolutionized the way we consume music and set the path for the way we consume music today. The industry of tapes, records, and CD’s was disrupted by storing music with nano-technology, allowing…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, Nintendo Switch: Disruptive Innovation?, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
I would also agree that it is more of a sustaining innovation, because it is not approaching a new market. I feel that it would be addressing the same market they addressed a few years ago when they introduced PSP’s and Gameboy’s. I would say you are more just improving these existing products, not exactly dramatically changing it. Additionally,…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 7 years, 10 months ago
Over the past 50 years of air travel, there has not been much progress and innovation when it comes to the technology surrounding flights. With such dramatic advances in computers and technology over recent years, […]
Danielle N Buerger posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
My fit bit telling me the number of steps I do in a dap is KPI. Steps are specific and measurable because it is a precise measure of the number of steps I took. It is achievable because I can set my goal for the number of steps I want to take in a day and it will vibrate once I achieve my goal. It’s relevant because number of steps taken in a…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
I have accidentally sorted the data in an excel file and not included all of the columns. Luckily I noticed soon enough that I could use the back arrow to correct my mistake. Doing something like this is really easy to do when your quickly clicking around, so I always make a back up file.
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I disagree with this article saying Uber is not a disruptive innovation. Uber began disrupting the taxi industry on the low end by offering ride services at discounted rates compared to taxi companies. As Uber became more established, it’s innovative features and crowdsourced drivers allowed Uber to reach new markets in more rural areas where tai…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I agree that with the rapid rise of IoT devices there are growing security concerns. While IoT devices provide drastic benefits and more connectivity, more devices creates more entry points for hackers. A lot of IoT devices will also hold data that is very personal and could cause emotional damage if released. Additionally, as we digitize more…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
I found this article interesting because it takes a very popular topic on the news right now that is confusing to a lot of people and breaks it down using data visualizations to help readers better understand what areas of the United States would be affected most by Trump’s…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 7 years, 11 months ago
In the recent years, TV Everywhere has seen a rise in popularity as it becomes more common to watch shows online through mobile devices, laptops and gaming systems. As consumer needs have evolved to access shows […]
i think the technological advancements in broadcasting TV have already disrupted the cable industry because many people are switching to internet-based platforms due to cheaper rates and the fact that they also offer mobility. A method cable companies could use to compete against internet-based streaming platforms is to allow consumers to pick which channels they want for reduced pricing, so, like pay per view, it would be pay per channel. I think people don’t like the fact that they pay a lot for cable only to watch a couple of different channels out of the hundreds that are offered and this could fix that.
Traditional cable’s monopoly over consumers days are numbered. Streaming services have proven to be a highly disruptive technology to traditional cable. The future of TV will be structured as more of a SaaS, wherein customers will only pay for things they are using. Agreeing with the comment above, customers are tired of paying for 100+ channels when they only watch 5 of them. For cable companies to better position themselves, they will need to radically overhaul their current paradigm. A cable subscription should be similar to a Netflix account, where a user can enable cable onto as many devices as they need and watch live TV anywhere at anytime. If they don’t do this, a disruptive technology (a la Sling) will emerge and take over the market, making people laugh at how cable once operated.
It is my first time hearing about the cable subscription Youtube may be providing in the future and I definitely believe that this can cause a disruption in how we view television. In early November, I decided to downgrade my Comcast service to Internet only. I found myself paying a high cable/internet bill when I was spending a majority of my time watching movies and shows online. I also purchased a “Google Chromecast” which always me to stream anything I watch online straight to my tv.
During my internship at Comcast NBCUniversal, I spoke with a VP in my department who was concerned about this very problem. He described a short-term solution for Comcast was launching Netflix on the X1 platform. This is done in hopes of being able to still attract and retain consumers by offering Comcast tv services and access to Netflix.
I agree with the other comments, the cable industry has already been penetrated by disruptive innovation. A majority of people under 48 already do not own a cable subscription. The way to survive these changes seem to be either partnering up with these services or providing one themselves. I don’t think there’s a question of whether these capabilities are possible, seeing how there’s things like Comcast TV already, but rather how to price these models appealingly. Comcast TV allows the users to watch their subscriptions in a web browser but it seems users prefer a simplified model like Netflix. Maybe this is what cable companies should be doing, simplify their product and provide a transparent subscription with no hidden fees.
Until streaming services are able to broadcast live sports games consistently and without blackouts (not going to happen anytime soon) cable will still continue to be a thing. But that being said, cable companies must change their services offerings to slow the exodus of customers away from their cable service. Picking and choosing channels is good solution, but other creative solutions must be thought of for Cable to stay competitive. At this point though I believe streaming will eventually overtake cable and traditional cable will become a thing of the past.
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, 2017 Trends in Enterprise Content Management, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
At my internship, all the desktops are hosted on the cloud through Citrix. This allows anyone to work from anywhere on any device (external or external to the company). This allows us to be an extremely mobile workforce and have access to all files and reports when traveling or working from home. There is also no excuse for not getting work done…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 1, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I think the most important principle is view diversity, because when analyzing data there is always more than one way to look at it. When you are making a business decision dependent on data, you want to take into account all the different ways you can analyze the data and determine what way is the best way to look at it for our specific business…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
Data science has revolutionized the online retail shopping industry. Data science has allowed company’s to customize the online shopping experience through predictive analytics. Online retail sites have the predictive power to make product suggestions based on previous purchases and browsing history. Companies also use data science to communicate…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 8 years ago
China recently passed new internet regulations that will drastically impact businesses that use VPN networks as part of their Enterprise Architecture. Internet service providers, VPN providers, data centers an […]
Danielle N Buerger posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I found this article interesting, because it shows how the evolution of data is enhancing our ability to track how successful advertisements are. Advertisers spend billions on Superbowl ads, but until now…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
A piece of conventional wisdom I have heard recently is that violent tv and video game makes kids more likely to act out. I think this would be an interesting theory to test with data. One potential option would be to collect data from xbox live to see what kids are playing which games, and cross tabulate it with crime records and school…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Our idea is different because we would crowd source our information from people attending events and who are at the bars/clubs. These people would be encouraged to use the app because participation would lead to rewards such as drink special and early access to tickets for events. It would also be unique because we could tie it into GPS with a map…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
Anyone seeking a group: Leeya Ressom, Kevin Hamilton, and myself are seeking a fourth member. Our idea for a nightlife app is posted below. You can contact us at 267-226-0452 or danielle.buerger@temple.edu if interested. Thanks!
Danielle N Buerger posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
Team Members: Danielle Buerger, Leeya Yacob Ressom, Kevin Hamilton
Our idea is to create an application that would live track nightlife events at venues, bars, and clubs. The app would allow people going out to see capacity of the bar, average wait times of lines, cover charges, bands/performances/DJ’s for the night, drink specials, etc. For…[Read more]
Nicely written but has been done or at least attempted many times before including by students in this class. How is your idea different or unique?
Our idea is different because we would crowd source our information from people attending events and who are at the bars/clubs. These people would be encouraged to use the app because participation would lead to rewards such as drink special and early access to tickets for events. It would also be unique because we could tie it into GPS with a map…[Read more]
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I don’t think traditional airlines’ failure to continually innovate leaves them at risk of being taken over. They are far too ingrained in the world’s infrastructure to be seriously damaged. They have a great deal of social and political power that would make it very hard to be displaced. Perhaps airline innovations could take off (hehe) and find a healthy market, but it would not be at the expense of the traditional airline. The start-ups would find difficulties in the vast compliance involved, the existing flight schedules and how not to interfere with them, and getting space in airports, among other obstacles.
I believe airlines are susceptible to being disrupted in their current state but I’m not sure if this is the one to disrupt the industry. A large capability of current airlines is a large amount of people they’re able to transport. Business class supersonic jets could be a possibility for the rich playboys but wouldn’t have enough of an impact on airlines current main source of revenue. I could see these start-ups running into problems with finding space in major airports, along with policies and laws about flying transportation in public airspaces.
I can see start-ups running into a major obstacle when trying to enter the market: a lack of logistics compared to the large, established airlines. Right now, everyone has the same technology (more or less) for their airplanes, so they need to make their money elsewhere, like in economies of scale and long established airport usage agreements. If NASA and new aerospace manufacturers get their way, the airline industry will be hit with a new market disruption in the 2020s because of quiet supersonic planes that make sonic booms about as loud as a car door closing instead of thunder (see link). The new market will be supersonic flights over land instead of being limited to going supersonic over the ocean like the Concorde. These new planes will go about 3 times faster than current airliners, so businesses will most likely send their employees to meetings on the other side of the planet more often.
Link: https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/lockheed-and-nasa-move-toward-design-review-for-sup-435437/
Within the airline industry there is a significant barrier to entry, with incredibly high costs preventing entry without significant amounts of capital. But, as is evidenced by companies like Southwest and JetBlue it can be done. It is also worth noting that many of the major airlines are seen in an incredibly negative light (poor customer service, excessive delays, brutally removing passengers) as is the whole process of flying since 9/11. If a company like on you described in your post were able to penetrate the market it could very easily disrupt the entire industry, and force incumbents to move their technology forward or go defunct.