Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 6 months ago
Each team will now have only 9 minutes to present their project at the capstone showcase. Please adjust your deck accordingly. Feel free to reach out if you need help deciding what to reduce. The change was made because of the large number of teams and time constraints on mentor availability.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 7 months ago
Please complete the team member evaluation as described at http://community.mis.temple.edu/mis4596sec001s2017/team-project/. I will need it for the team project grade.
Andrew R Fiss posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 10 months ago
Hey everyone, if anyone needs to use it I have a HDMI to VGA adapter that I’ll bring to class Wednesday. However it won’t work with some laptops that don’t support analog output via HDMI (Macbooks and maybe some others).
I’ll be in the classroom at least half an hour early Wednesday if you want to try it out.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 10 months ago
The $500 prize! Reminder, the best project as judged by the mentors and faculty on April 25 will receive the prize. See: http://community.mis.temple.edu/blog/2016/12/20/mis-capstone-presentations-reach-new-heights-of-excellence/
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 10 months ago
Good news: The average on exam 2 is 74, ten points higher than the 64 of exam 1. I will have the exams back to you on Wednesday.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 10 months ago
The feedback for the Cloud and IOT cases is available in your Box folder. The cloud feedback was there a few weeks ago and I placed the IOT feedback in the relevant folders today.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 11 months ago
Reminder: There is no formal class this week. Please use the time to make progress on the team projects. The first progress grade is due on Wednesday from your mentor. They need to email me with the grade as specified in http://ibit.temple.edu/programs/ibit-mentoring-program/
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 11 months ago
Consider using Dexter in your team project. A very easy to use (free to try) platform for creating chat bots. https://rundexter.com/
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 11 months ago
JustinMind has changed their licensing model. Do not upgrade your version if it is currently working. We do not have a license for the new model. If you have already upgraded, then let me know on email. We are still working on a solution so it might take a few days to solve.
I had this problem and was able to solve it by completely uninstalling justinmind then downloading an old version and activating it with my old key.
The old versions are available here https://www.justinmind.com/download-older-versions
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 11 months ago
March 8 is the deadline if you are interested in improving one of your existing posts. If you chose to update, let me know that you have done so.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 11 months ago
The rating system for posts and comments is now working.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 12 months ago
The feedback and grades for Wyeth Soleil are available in your Box folder. I attached the suffix ‘REVIEWED’ to your decks and resaved.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 7 years, 12 months ago
Reminder: Several of the teams had the weekend as the deadline to update their project charter. Please complete ASAP so that the teams, projects, and mentors can be set.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
The feedback and grades for Cirque Du Soleil are available in your Box folder. I attached the suffix ‘REVIEWED’ to your decks and resaved.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
Esperanza is a large community-based nonprofit economic development corporation with 385 employees, a $40M annual operating budget, and a broad array of programs, institutions, and services. Multiple databases are currently in use, across nearly 10 separate departments, which house dozens of schools, training programs, and other initiatives and…[Read more]
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
As promised, I have updated the case study requirements section with more details. See: https://wp.me/P8jAvN-m. And the enterprise architecture deck has been updated to include Professor Schuff’s diagram.
Munir Mandviwalla posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
As promised, I have updated the case study requirements section with more details. See: https://wp.me/P8jAvN-m. And the enterprise architecture deck has been updated to include Professor Schuff’s diagram.
Elijah Michael Jamison posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
Team Members: Elijah Jamison, Kyle Domsohn, Tyler Urguhart
We want to build a platform that would help gamers find better teams and provide a place where players can find people to practice with or against. For instance, most team-based games have players that fill specific roles. If I specialize in healing and have spent 50+ hours practicing…[Read more]
Additionally, our platform would also connect teams and players to others in their skill level for competitive type games or ranked matches. These matches will be where players and teams put their skills to the test as all the matches will be recorded to create individual ranks. These ranks will dictate who is matched up with who to ensure that…[Read more]
This sounds interesting. My challenge is I know very little about gaming, well other than solitaire and wolfestein! If this is really new then it sounds like you have something here. The scope is good and it is doable and has sufficient complexity. What do the other members of the class think? Would something like this be new and used by gamers?
Andrew R Fiss posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
Don’t have a team yet, looking for one if anyone needs an extra person or wants to form a team. My email is Andrew.fiss@temple.edu
As of now I am thinking about creating a project management application that will enable easier collaboration between members of project groups. This application will be marketed to college students for use in c…[Read more]
Danielle N Buerger posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
Anyone seeking a group: Leeya Ressom, Kevin Hamilton, and myself are seeking a fourth member. Our idea for a nightlife app is posted below. You can contact us at 267-226-0452 or danielle.buerger@temple.edu if interested. Thanks!
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