Jesse Worek commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by March 27, 2017, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
The one downside about Ohmconnect that I see is that the company will only pay you during “volatile times for the power grid.” Volatile times for power grids typically occur when generators are shutdown because electricity demand is too high, or because of weather conditions. These are times when people need electricity to most, and it might…[Read more]
Jesse Worek commented on the post, Making An Effective Presentation, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
One technique that I like is using some type of “grabber” in the beginning of the presentation to grab the audiences attention. Whether it be getting the audience involved or showing something shocking, this gets the audience engaged immediately, and can make the presentation more interesting. My favorite way to do this is to use impressive…[Read more]
Jesse Worek commented on the post, Performance Reviews: Why Bother?, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
I believe that informal and formal reviews are the best way for employees to grow and add value in an organization. Informal feedback sessions can help keep employees on task, as well as keeping them motivated to continue different projects in the short run. This can also help keep employees excited about the work that they are doing. More…[Read more]
Jesse Worek commented on the post, Entrepreneurial Success through Mentorship, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
One lesson that my mentor from my internship passed along to me was that people bring value to projects in multiple ways. Whether it be through knowledge, technical skills, communication, sales, or expertise in a specific topic, everyone has something to bring to the table and help the project be successful. This is something that I try to keep…[Read more]
Jesse Worek wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 – Section 3 Spring 2015 9 years, 10 months ago
United Launch Alliance (ULA), who makes rockets for NASA and the Air Force, is planning to 3D print 100 parts for the next-gen model of its Vulcan rocket, which is expected to launch in 2019. Rockets cost […]
Jesse Worek commented on the post, 10 Tips for Group Presentations, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
For me, one of the more frustrating parts of a group presentation are where people stand during the presentation. I’ve been part of several group presentations that have way too many people that are part of the PowerPoint, and end up standing in front of the screen and block out very valuable information. Going to the room, or a similar room,…[Read more]
Jesse Worek wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 – Section 3 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
Enterprise collaboration is a concept that almost everyone supports, but is rarely implemented correctly and fully accepted. This is because businesses do not know what they are aiming to achieve, and end up […]
At my internship I work for the corporate marketing operations team, and we work with the regional marketing operations teams across the country. There has been a serious lack of communication lately and emails have been getting lost in the shuffle so my team is trying to implement an enterprise collaboration tool. I think our biggest hurdle will be getting the regional marketing teams to use the collaboration tool rather than continue to bombard us with emails because the collaboration tool will require more information and steps than they are used to. We will have to ensure that we properly convey the benefits of this tool for them so they are more willing to use it.
I worked a lot with sharepoint at my internship,and I found it so useful for people who were knowledgeable of the app, and very complicated and pointless for people who didn’t know how to use it. In my opinion, there are far too many capabilities on sharepoint, and if Microsoft reduced some of the functionalities on it and made the more useful ones better and simpler while eliminating some of the less used capabilities it would be much more efficient and beneficial for companies.
Jesse Worek wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 – Section 3 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
NCR, the leader in ATM technology, introduced new software that will allow ATMs to use the cloud in order to improve security and lower costs. About 75% of ATMs run Windows XP, which Microsoft suspended […]
I feel that it was important for them to take the time to ensure that this cloud based solution was fully functional without flaw before they introduced it. If they introduced it, changing the way that the ATM machine works, and have it not be successful, it would have been very costly. Not to mention the ramifications of customer dissatisfaction if they couldn’t perform transactions via ATM. Although, they could have been a little faster introducing this software considering security issues since it has been over a year since Microsoft stopped supporting XP.
Jesse Worek wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 – Section 3 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
IT security experts are struggling to compete with cloud computing. Because of the low cost and expertise received from vendors like Google and Amazon, security professionals are failing in determining configuration management processes. Configuration management means recording and updating data for software and hardware to know which applications are used on computers. This is difficult because it requires understanding what employees do in an organization, and why certain technologies are used to operate in the business. Since this is a difficult process and not all IT departments are aligned with the business, enterprises are turning to cloud providers who have a better understand for a lower price. Security professionals need to create a business case to gain support on using in-house employees instead of a vendor to combat this threat. The article recommends talking about how much money can be saved from removing software that is not part the configuration plan. If this trend continues, IT and enterprise computing could turn into a commodity and simply outsourced, which means less control and less peace of mind for the business.
How else do you think security professionals can compete against these vendors? Do you think that IT has a threat to be turned into a commodity?
Jesse Worek wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 – Section 3 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
IBM will invest $3 billion over four years to create an Internet of Things business unit. The focus of the unit will be on travel, logistics, insurance, public utilities, transportation, and retail. IBM plans on partnering with other companies for this project, such as AT&T and semiconductor companies. IBM also started that they are going to work with engine manufacturer, Cummins, to collect real time data on products. Whirlpool is also working with IBM to better predict when appliances need servicing. Additionally, police departments in Durham, NC and Memphis, TN use IBM products to target crime hotspots. The IDC estimates that there will be 28 billion IoT devices by 2021.
Do you agree that IBM should partner with other companies?Do you think that IBM is too late, or are they entering the market at the right time?
Jesse Worek wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 – Section 3 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
Atish Banerjea, CIO at NBCUniversal, talks about his experience in improving IT’s image and performance at NBCUniversal. Banerjea states that IT just played a back office role at NBCUniversal. His goal was to move IT from the back office into business unit leadership. The first hurdle was the lack of investment for IT. Banerjea was able to gain support from Comcast, who recently acquired NBCU. Comcast gave capital to allow IT to invest in infrastructure and IT talent. He decided to make improvements where employees would notice changes. This included increasing email capacity, upgrading mobile and desktop devices, and improving the help desk. The most important move that Banerjea did was embedding CIO’s into the business units. This has allowed IT to create support for business units, and offer value from a business perspective.
Do you think embedding CIOs into business units is a good model or do you think they should be a separate entity?
What else do you think Banerja could do to improve IT at NBCUniversal?
Jesse Worek wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 – Section 3 Spring 2015 10 years ago
This article about managing IT projects features an interview with Joe Spagnoletti, CIO of Campbell Soup Company. Spangoletti discuses how he approaches the responsibilities of IT projects and who is accountable for the result. He states that Campbell Soup is moving from an order taking model to a demand driving model. This new model empowers business managers to have more say in IT investments and the IT project portfolio. This means that IT employees work closer with the business side of the company to have a better understanding of the business manager’s desired impact of the project. There are some negatives with this model. The first is determining who owns the decisions. It can be ambiguous who is responsible when an IT employee proposes an idea and the business employee accepts the plan. Another negative is that IT can face more scrutiny under this model. There is more transparency with IT costs and how much value is actually achieved. This puts IT under a magnifying glass and which can seem threatening to the department. Spagnoletti echoes one of the most important concepts of our class: IT decisions need to align with the business strategy. When IT works alone, the business does not get what it needs.
Where would we fall in this business/IT interaction? Would we be middlemen? How can companies face some of the downsides to this model?
Travis C. Spiecker and
Jesse Worek are now friends 10 years, 1 month ago
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Initially, not really because of the safety involved in creating a rocket. Then when you begin to think about the savings incorporated with using 3D printers. Saving $1 million a year is a lot, especially when dealing with a project that will take several years like this example. Another manufacturer that may benefit from 3D printing their parts would be any company in the automobile industry. Just like rocket production, there are many parts involved in the creation of an automobile. Having 3D printers develop thee parts may save time and money.
This is an interesting article because it is hard to believe that 3D printing has advanced to the point where it can manufacture these types of crucial parts. In reality, any company that manufactures any sort of good could benefit from this, whether it is car parts, airplane parts, firearms, any electronics, and even something as simple as manufacturing clothing. This will greatly benefit any manufacturing company by decreasing production costs and increasing quality control.