Lucas Hobson commented on the post, Weekly Question #6, on the site 5 years, 7 months ago
The biggest aspect of technology in the workforce is the communication between different branches. Its similar to a democracy, how each section has its own things to follow in order to come together to form the entire business. Even though this was an entry level class more interested in scratching the surface rather than deep diving, it was still…[Read more]
Lucas Hobson commented on the post, Weekly Question #4, on the site 5 years, 8 months ago
3D printing is a fascinatingly innovative technology that could lead to some real potential. Currently, 3D printers are commonly used to recreate statues, jewelry, and common patterns and figurines. In the future, 3D printing wants to be able to create food from simple powders and oils using basic proteins for nutrients. If there is a way to…[Read more]
Lucas Hobson commented on the post, Weekly Question #1, on the site 5 years, 8 months ago
The most interesting fact was the top 10 in demand jobs did not exist 15 years ago. 15 years ago I was 13. In 15 more years I might have a 13 year old. Jobs stayed stagnant for decades until the technology boom and now that technology is here, it removes the need for many other jobs through programming and computers. This is one of the main…[Read more]
Lucas Hobson commented on the post, Weekly Question #2, on the site 5 years, 8 months ago
Whether or not we realize it, we go through numerous “decision trees” in our mind daily. A simple example would be setting an alarm in the morning – I wake up at this time, I will be able to make breakfast and get to work on time, but if I wake up an hour earlier I will be able to go to the gym first and then get to work on time. Decision trees…[Read more]