Memoona J Khan commented on the post, Q&A: Final thoughts (100 second reflection on the course), on the site 6 years, 9 months ago
In this course, I’ve learned so much information on supply chain. Especially how impactful I/T is for it. Implementation of I/T in supply chains is so crucial, it determines the success of the business. The better the way a business can gain information and reduce inefficiencies, it’ll lead them to success. In the world today, it is important to…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, Q&A: Can I/T Help with Ethics / Green in Supply Chains, on the site 6 years, 9 months ago
I/T has helped companies become greener in various ways, such as: it eliminates the use of paper, it streamlines processes within the business, increases efficiency, and also increased accuracy of information helps a company in decision making.
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, 100 second reflection: Week 8, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
Hulu Case:
I learned that Hulu has a focus on three segments: content, distribution, and users/viewers/devices. The way it works is the distributors bring content to the people and then bring people to the content. Also, creative industries are affected by digital technology in many ways, such as they are flexible to changes, drives lower cost…[Read more] -
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, Blockchain: Is this the new Internet?, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Blockchain will definitely create an impact, but it can’t be as nearly an impact as the internet. Almost everything requires the use of internet whereas blockchain is just another financial ledger. Blockchain removes the use of a third party for financial transactions. It allows for direct transaction between two parties and gets rid of additional…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection – Week 7, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
In regards to RFID at Metro, Metro had a decision to make between RFID tags at case and pallet level or just another solution altogether. The class majority thought case level would be the best solution, but when a cost/benefit analysis was completed it showed that we were wrong. Pallet level RFID tags proved to be more beneficial. Overall, what I…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, 100 second reflection for Week 5, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
In week 5 we learned about the bullwhip effect and continued it through the beer game. Some of the key things I learned is that when it comes to handling and controlling the bullwhip effect it isn’t easy. There are changes in demand that are hard to forecast but there are ways to make it easier, for instance through sharing data. As for the beer…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Memoona J Khan joined the group MIS4596 Section 003 – Schuff – Spring 2018 7 years ago
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, Weekly Question #6, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
I don’t think there is one more important than the other. Both are very crucial parts of a business that are a part of what makes the business what it is. With the SCM, it allows more efficiency and increase speed for operational purposes. With CRM, it helps keep track of customer information that is needed for the business. They both are…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, Weekly Question #5, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
I think the most important innovation in the last few years has been artificial intelligence. Many organizations are using or starting to use more a.i. in their organizations. It has helped increase efficiency and reduce work time. It is definitely useful for many reasons and I believe it will cause more benefits for organizations in the future.
Memoona J Khan posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
Being an MIS major, I have learned how important it is to have accurate data. This is important because in many of the job positions available in the work world, regardless what you do, requires data. Through data is how companies excel in their businesses. Whatever they are aiming to acquire, if they didn’t have accurate data, it wouldn’t be…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
There are many instances where a decision tree could be used besides information systems. They can be useful for day-to-day life decisions. For example, when deciding what to do for the day. The tree would help lay out what you would do in case something else gets cancelled. Factors that would influence your decision could be the weather,…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by March 22, 2017, on the site 7 years, 9 months ago
A KPI I use on a regular basis is my phone battery life. It is the one thing I keep track of daily so I can determine my usage throughout the day. It is specific and measurable, it gives a specific percentage at which the battery level is at. It is achievable, I can check it at any minute and figure out when I need to use it less and when I can…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan changed their profile picture 7 years, 9 months ago
Memoona J Khan posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
A data driven service that I use on a regular basis is Blackboard. Blackboard is a platform used to access course information, documents, etc. The columns would be the courses you’re enrolled in. The rows would include syllabus, assignments, readings, grades.
Memoona J Khan commented on the post, Weekly Question #11: Complete by April 19, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
The most important takeaway from this class is the new applications you are taught, like tableau, pivot tables, and new ways to utilize excel. I gained a much better understanding of visualizations and how to assess the proper information needed for data. For future MIS0855 scholars, I would say you learn a great amount of the importance of data…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
A mistake I have made and learned from is number three, starting to work on a database without doing a full backup first. Throughout my assignments and projects from classes, I never really remember to make a copy or a backup of it, which after one incident helped me realize its importance. I’ve always been taught in my business classes and have…[Read more]
Memoona J Khan posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I think Simplifying is the most important principle. If a visualization is complex and hard to understand, what is the point of this data? If it’s not simple, it is difficult to grasp the data. When you look at data, you want to easily understand it and gain a good understanding of what is being shown.
Memoona J Khan posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
This article gives insight on how Snapchat is growing rapidly and about to reaching the level of facebook. Since the release of Snapchat, it has become popular among a specific age-group, mostly between ages 18-35, which have been the main app…[Read more] -
Memoona J Khan posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
A conventional wisdom I’ve constantly heard is “You are what you eat”. I personally don’t agree with this because I am definitely not what I eat. I can eat unhealthy and healthy all I want but it won’t look like I do, at least currently. The data that could be used to test this is to get two sample groups between the ages of 20-35, one group who…[Read more]
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