Michael Lawrence Carey posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago
I believe the biggest takeaway to this course is that Data really is EVERYWHERE around you. Everything from the people your surrounded by, to the phone you use everyday is all data and is constantly changing by the minute. Using the programs we have used in class such as Tableau, help us to look at these data changes in a more appealing way to…[Read more]
Michael Lawrence Carey commented on the post, Weekly Question #9: Complete by April 6, 2016, on the site 8 years, 11 months ago
Twitter would be by far one of the best options. You can have each row represent the user you follow, and each column could represent how many tweets they’ve put out, how many they’ve retweeted, and how many they’ve favorited
Michael Lawrence Carey posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago
Being a Phillies fan, i found an article on SI.com about the predictions for the 2016 Season
This article features the 2015 data of the Phillies record, what the record balances out to, and their projected 2016 record. This projected record is…[Read more]
Michael Lawrence Carey commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by March 16, 2016, on the site 8 years, 12 months ago
A simple KPI is time. Whether its walking to class, working, studying etc. time is essential and it is a KPI we come into contact with everyday. Evaluating a KPI can help show you where you are excelling at and where you may be struggling at. For example the more I focus on social media during work time, my work progress slips because more time is…[Read more]
Michael Lawrence Carey commented on the post, Weekly Question #6: Complete by March 9, 2016, on the site 9 years ago
Missing the Data type has been a big one for me. At work when Im working with dates and grades, EXCEL sometimes will have some trouble differentiating numbers as dates and numbers as grades. This, ultimately, leads to some confusion as there are a lot of questions in the office with some of the grades and what each numerical value inputted…[Read more]
Michael Lawrence Carey posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
The article I chose to evaluate was McDonald’s and their Q4 and full year earnings for the 2015 year. I found this interesting because I enjoy McDonald’s and having this data published online can give a consumer perspective of how dominant…[Read more]
Michael Lawrence Carey posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
I think the most important principle out of the 8 is “Be skeptical”. As the article mentions, we never question our answers, we automatically assume they are in line and correct. It is important to be skeptical because If you have a suspicion that the data is incorrect, you can go back and check your work and ensure that your task was done…[Read more]
Michael Lawrence Carey posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
I believe the biggest takeaway from last week’s discussion was the trust in data. Not all data received is necessarily correct and accurate via bias, that leaves us, the consumer, to try and fact-check the data if we are not sure if it is correct. Data i’ve used recently was purchasing a MacBook Pro. I did a lot of research about the product and…[Read more]
Michael Lawrence Carey posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
A common piece of conventional wisdom i always heard being involved with technology is the high praise of Mac’s and how Mac’s out perform Windows PC. To test this theory – I could take a Macbook Pro and find a Windows PC that has similar hardware and power. Then by running different websites such as FaceBook, Youtube, Tumblr etc. You can test…[Read more]