Is Apple pursuing a strategic move/big investment at the right time?
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run – Digits – WSJ
As we discussed in class proper execution of a product, service, or application can make or break a company. I found this short article about Apple ordering more than 5 million watches for it’s initial run. Now, that may not seem like a huge number for a company like Apple, but we need to keep in mind that this is the first all-new product since the I-Pad. These watches will do much more than just tell time. They can stream live weather reports, reminder notifications, upcoming calender events and more. The base model watch will run around $350+, and the high end model that comes encased in gold looks like it will cost upwards of $4000+. With all that being said I think this watch is an awesome innovative product and if I had the money I eventually would probably purchase one of the low end models. What are your guys thoughts, and also I have a view questions listed below to be answered.
1. What do you think of Apples strategic production forecasting “plan of record?” Do you believe this is what keeps Apple from going under?
2. Do you think Apple is eager to stretch beyond their current abilities?
3. Does Apple understand other people’s constraints and concerns within the market place?
4. Will Apple recover well from setbacks or failures?
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