
Why CIOs Can’t Sell Enterprise Collaboration Tools


Enterprise collaboration is a concept that almost everyone supports, but is rarely implemented correctly and fully accepted.  This is because businesses do not know what they are aiming to achieve, and end up failing the project.  In order to improve the success of these projects, CIOs need to not only support the functionality, but also be a champion for it.  This means using the software instead of telling others to.

Experts say that enterprises struggle with cross-functional communication from department to department or office to office.  Collaboration tools can assist with this but requires identifying specific needs to choose what software to use.  There is also a disconnect between the needs of employees and the C suite.  Older executives are struggling to embrace technologies that seem simple to younger employees, which create a hazy picture for implementing a new technology.  The biggest challenge, however, is the employees’ mindset about collaboration technology.  If the demand for employees is not there, they will just work around the technology and ruin the return on the project.

What experiences have you had with collaboration tools at Temple or at an internship? What was more successful?

Why Disruptive Innovation is Not a Strategy

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In light of our learning about disruptive innovation and reading about companies like Apple who have used it to their advantage, I found an article claiming that disruptive innovation is not a strategy and that companies should stop striving for it. The author, Soren Kaplan, explains how while many companies are striving to create disruptive innovation strategies, the inherent vagueness of the term makes it a lousy strategy. It’s not a linear method or process, and there is no way to capture how to do it.

The idea isn’t new- originally introduced in 1942 as “creative destruction” by economist Joseph Schumpeter, and it has since become an accepted paradigm, until Jill Lapore started to chip away at the idea. She believes that the concept of disruptive innovation “has been used as an argument for blowing up the broken healthcare and education systems, which minimizes the fact that these long standing institutions are complex social services delivered by human beings, not just stale technologies ready to be displaced by the next big thing.” 

The author also goes on to explain how even one of the greatest innovators of all time, Steve Jobs, didn’t try to change the industry when he started Apple. He was quoted saying “When we created the iTunes Music Store, we did that because we thought it would be great to be able to buy music electronically, not because we had plans to redefine the music industry.” Kaplan goes in to cite the founders of Google as well, claiming that they too started with a basic vision, not a grand idea of disruptive innovation and changing the world. 

Do you think that disruptive innovation is a sound business strategy? Is it something to strive for or is it just something that happens?

3 Ways CRM Improves Your Business Processes

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According to CIO.com, the three ways CRM improves business processes are:

  1. The CRM System As a Smart File Cabinet – CRM systems make sure everyone in the organization is aware of the customer’s relationship history. The customer’s information is collected and organized.
  1. The CRM System for Collaboration and Coordination – CRM enables collaboration and coordination among various departments, which leads to better account management.
  1. The CRM System as Task Master and Process Drive – CRM adds tighter linkage with other systems and business processes, which increases the business’s efficiency.

What are the advantages of knowing the customer’s relationship history? What are the disadvantages?


“We can be involved in these opportunites” Box, a Cloud-Storge firm, Prepares an IPO After Delay

Click –> Link


Box, a Cloud-Storge firm, Prepares an IPO After Delay

I just wanted to point out this article. It is really exciting to know this could be anyone of us in the future.

Does anyone think this company would be a good investment opportunity?


“Initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch” 

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