Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
As we all know, technology is one of the most important aspects of a business. It is going to keep increasing rapidly. I think most important aspects in technology is to have speed and storage. Also, using technology along with other things we learned about like Swim lanes, ERD, CRM, and even platforms would cause a business to be one of the best.…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #6, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
I am going to have to agree with Lexie and Daniel. Since if you want to start a business you have to worry about the supply chain as well as the target market and who is your target. You can also learn about your target through the customer relationship management system. The reason I believe so is because you have to decide where your products…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #5, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In my opinion, the most important innovation made in the last few years is QuickBooks. QuickBooks is a software or program that a small business downloads that keeps track of their sales, inventory, and even manages the payrolls of the company. I think it is important because without QuickBooks and other programs like it, everything would be…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
Majoring to become an accountant, everything relies on good data. Having bad data in accounting would cause your work to be wrong, meaning everything you did or going to do is going to be wrong. Since we also use excel or other programs on the computer, plugging in the wrong data and continue your work would cause you to be doing work for no…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
I personally think these concepts could help break down anything we do in life, not only information systems. It could be through anything we do in life, anything that you have to be thinking about. An example is if you were a senior in high school planning to go to college. You would think about the weather, area, population, distance, and etc.…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
As an accounting major, I believe that the Swimlanes are the best to analyze processes. While doing accounting it is a bunch of steps, so using the Swimlane I would be able to check if one step is done correctly and if it is, I can continue to the end. On the other hand, it would tell me if I missed one step or did not do one correctly and what to…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
The most interesting fact for me was that by 2020 not only would there be 75 billion devices connected to the internet, but there would be 10 million self-driving cars on the road. These facts are interesting because I graduate college in 2020 and it is only about 2.5 years away and so many devices would be connected to the internet and cars would…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #11: Complete by April 27, 2017, on the site 7 years, 9 months ago
The most important takeaway is that data is in everything we use. Mostly as students who are always on social media, data is also included in these websites. Also, another takeaway is Tableau, I honestly never knew what it was but now know have to create different types of infographs. Also, the “Filter Bubble” because many of us look up things…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #10: Complete by April 20, 2017, on the site 7 years, 9 months ago
For Youtube,
The rows would be the Video Name
The column would be the description, how long the video is, and what kind of video it is. -
Younes Ibrahim posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
The members in the group are:
Younes Ibrahim
Amer Darwish
Mohamad Mazlah
Dan Hoban
Jackson Marshall
The subject of our project is grades and time spent studying. -
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
As a person who travels a lot, I usually wonder what happens to the airplane waste and how much does it weigh. According to the article, airlines passengers generated 5.2m tones of waste in 2016.…[Read more] -
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by March 23, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
A KPI that I try to use on the daily basis to track my sleep is the the sleeping app on my iPhone. This is specific and measurable because it tells me how I sleep and also measures my sleep meaning if I move a lot or not. It is achievable because it would help me improve my sleeping in the future compared to how i currently sleep. It is also…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #6: Complete by March 9, 2017, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I have made two mistakes that are stated in the article. The first mistake is that I started working on a database without backing up the original file. The reason this was bad was because I did not remember what I had before I have made the changes. Also, I couldn’t compare the two types of data or even delete the data and try again with the…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Weekly Question #4: Complete by February 16, 2017, on the site 7 years, 12 months ago
Exploring, makes everything better. In my opinion, the most important principle is to “Explore”. Data is very famous, and there’s billions of it, so exploring is a very important to make the data much better. There may be data on the idea you are looking at, or data that may help you a lot. Also, exploring can cause you to decide what exactly you…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 15, on the site 8 years ago
Younes Ibrahim, Mohamad Mazlah, Amer Darwish, Thao Nguyen
Younes Ibrahim commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 8 years ago
The most important thing I learned is that data is very important; it is basically the key to the business’s success. The business has to make sure to keep track on the data because the data can make a variety of differences. The business may make decisions and even improve things that are not doing so well. If a business notices one store is d…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
The article states how McDonald’s has begun or is going to see a loss in their profits. It is said that McDonald’s could see a sales decline of 1.9%. In order to increase the profits McDonald’s is planning on adding a new sandwich to their list which is the Grand Mac, it is even bigger then the regular Big Mac. The reason that McDonald’s adding…[Read more]
Younes Ibrahim posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
The conventional wisdom statement I choose is “An Apple a Day, Keeps the Doctors Away”. This statement is saying that an apple a day will make you healthier and you would not have to go to the doctors. This is not necessarily true because just because you eat an apple a day, along with other unhealthy foods, does not mean you wouldn’t get sick.…[Read more]