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IBM Accelerate

  1. Sponsoring organization: IBM
  2. Details of the activity: IBM Accelerate is an eight-week learning program that occurred from June 6 to August 1, 2022. Hosted twice a week on WebEx, the first session of the week was reserved for professional development and the second session focused on technical skills.
  3. What I learned: Through Accelerate, I learned how to enhance my soft and hard skills. The professional development sessions went over topics such as professional communications, relationship building, growth mindset, and emotional intelligence. On the technical side, I worked with four teammates to create an intelligent solution for a hypothetical client. We created an online chatbot with the purpose of making communication between a bank and its clients more efficient and effective. I learned how to use IBM’s Watson Assistant to help companies strengthen their customer relationships.
  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals: This program has allowed me to network with professionals who have recently started their careers and many who have been with IBM for decades. Learning from individuals with different experiences helped me realize that you don’t have to know what you want to do as soon as you graduate and start working. The IBMers I met shared with me that they are always willing to teach, help, and learn new things.
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