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Inspiring Women in Technology

Title of the Activity: Inspiring Women in Technology Webinar

Name of Sponsoring Organization: CDW

Details: This webinar, hosted by CDW, was virtually held on June 14, 2022. This webinar was mainly a panel discussion to hear different perspectives from women who have made their way into the IT world. They shared their stories, highlighted some of their key accomplishments, and mentioned obstacles that they had to overcome throughout their careers.

What I learned: During the webinar, I was inspired by how different each of the panelists’ stories were. Everyone had a different background and went to school for different studies, but in the end, they all gathered at CDW to work together. The stories that they shared taught me that it’s important to be observant. Seeing everything and becoming a sponge to new ideas and new opportunities can get you really far. I also learned that it can be intimidating to not know everything, but that’s okay. You have to be curious and willing to learn.

How the activity relates to career goals: This activity allowed me to ask questions and interact with people who began their current careers long after graduation. While I’m not too sure what I want to do, hearing that you will eventually find your place in the workplace was something that I needed. It encouraged me to keep asking questions and keep growing to open myself up for other opportunities.


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