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Introduction to Web Design and Development

Title of Activity: Introduction to Web Design and Development

Name of Sponsoring Organization: LinkedIn Learning

Details of the Activity: This LinkedIn Learning course is taught by Jen Kramer. The course was released in February 2022 and features 6 modules, exercise files, and quizzes.

What I learned: I learned the core structures, vocabulary, and practices that are common in web development. This course put together what I already knew about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to explain how certain technologies work together on the internet. The course briefly went over website planning, user experience and user interface, commonly used software, and no-code resources.

Relation to Coursework: This course helps as I am taking MIS 2402: Web Application Development. After previously learning JavaScript last semester in MIS 2101, this LinkedIn Learning course is helping me see the big picture of the web. The course didn’t go in depth about coding syntax and structure, but it explained how and why it is so important to understand how the code works.

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