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Intro to Data Analytics: SQL Fundamentals

Title of the Activity: Intro to Data Analytics: SQL Fundamentals

Term of Activity: Spring 2022

Name of Sponsoring Organization: Thinkful

Details of the Activity: A webinar and interactive workshop to learn the basics of SQL. Hosted by Thinkful, this webinar included activities that could be completed on DB Fiddle, an “online SQL database playground for testing, debugging, and sharing”.

What I Learned: During this webinar, I learned how various types of data are created and shared throughout an organization. The webinar explained the basic skillset of a data analyst and gave examples of companies that use SQL. I learned SQL syntax and the most common statements used by analysts.

How this activity relates to career goals: Many companies today are beginning to recognize the importance of data in business and how it can affect performance. I hope to work with data in the future to help businesses succeed or improve their operations.

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