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JavaScript Essential Training

Title of Activity: LinkedIn Learning, JavaScript Essential Training

Term of Activity: Spring 2022

Type of Course: Technology Skills

Name of Sponsoring Organization: LinkedIn Learning

Details of the Activity: Taught by Morten Ran-Hendriksen, this LinkedIn Learning course helped me build an overall understanding of core principals and foundations of JavaScript through video lessons and challenges.

What I Learned: I learned the different types of variables and functions that can be used in JavaScript. In addition, this course taught me how to use different tools that can help with writing JavaScript and ways to prevent common errors.

How the activity relates to coursework: I am currently learning about JavaScript in MIS 2901, so I thought that this activity would help me gain a better understanding of the core concepts and functions. This course stands as a good introduction to beginners and allowed me to use concepts that I learned from class to complete the LinkedIn Learning challenges.

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