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SQL for Data Analysis

Title of Activity: LinkedIn Learning, SQL for Data Analysis

Term of Activity: Spring 2022

Type of Course: Technology Skills

Name of Sponsoring Organization: LinkedIn Learning

Details of the Activity: Nikiya Simpson introduced the basics of Structured Query Language that are used for data analysis. Through five modules consisting of various video lessons, the course mainly focused on understanding data and using SQL to better analyze it.

What I Learned: I learned about data types and ways that project data can be misinterpreted. Other modules discussed basic SQL functions and the usage of external tools to further data analysis by creating data visualizations.

How the activity relates to coursework and career goals: After taking a data science course that taught me how to read large quantities of data, I thought that building a foundation in SQL would be beneficial towards analyzing data. This LinkedIn Learning course is relevant to my career goals as I would like to work with data in the future and study how it can help businesses improve.

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