Information Systems in Organizations

Monthly Archives: May 2015

The Need For Social Media

The article mentions several reasons why social media is so important to have in the workplace. Today companies must compete with one another to get their name recognized. Newer generations are completely relying on social media as the way to gather information about certain companies.  The article mentions that social media improves communication within the company, such as Facebook pages that companies can easily access. It further mentions that social media has also helped employers find new employees, such as  Facebook and linkedIn.  Lastly, social media has become one of the leading ways in which companies are able to market new products or services, “94% of businesses with a marketing department use social media…. to promote brand awareness”.

1) Do you agree with companies using social media to find new employees or look at current employees?

2) Do you think older generations are going to be forced to adapt and join social media in order to stay up to date with new products ?

3) Is it ok for businesses to not allow its employees to use social media? Does this effect the businesses growth?

Big Data: taking away the language barrier

In V6, businesses are having difficulty navigating big data with the high velocity and abundance of the influx of data and its variation. Organizations are having trouble making decisions from their inability to find their specific data in the large databases. Oracle has created a new extension for its Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) by using big data tools with traditional data analysis software to make it simpler to find material in the data warehouses, using language more administrators will understand. Big data has been geared toward programmers with language and tools, but with this extension, database administrators and data warehouse managers will be able to use big data as another data source.

1. Will this new extension by Oracle make big data easier to manipulate to find the right data depending on the organization?

2. Do you think with this bridge between big data and traditional data software, that employees and not just database administrators will be able to use big data more easily?

3. If this ODI is successful, do you think that businesses will be likely to invest in it?


Social Goals to improve Communication and Collaboration

Communication and Collaboration plays huge roll in the success of an organization. The employees have have to be collaborated on things that are going on in the company or things they are working on together. Because if they are not collaborated on things and working on a same project and they don’t have proper communication with each other, it can make the project stuck because everyone had to wait for the one person to finish their work on time because they were on a vacation for past two weeks and no one knew about it.  So staying connected to each other is very important. you don’t want your employees to be frustrated with each other because it can hurt the overall performance of the company. To  change that as a manager you have to provide the tools to help out your employees to communicate their goals to each other through social goals. Managers should set up stand up meetings, go on happy hour and dinner, etc.


1. Does ethnicity play a role in communication and collaboration within the team?

2. Is the age a factor in social goals between colleagues ? why or why not?

3. Is social goals a best way to have everyone collaborated? What are some other ways the managers can use?




To Tweet, Or Not To Tweet? That Is The Question photo 

Businesses are beginning to see the value in social media campaigns. Many companies are turning to microblogging sites such as Twitter in order to gain a larger customer following. Chapter 5 talks about how social media can help and potentially hurt businesses and their reputations. This article gives ten ways that a company can either be successful using Twitter, or can alienate potential customers if the wrong steps are taken. The author gives the following ten recommendations:

1) Position yourself as a thought leader (position yourself as an industry expert)

2) Create a clear and consistent brand

3) Remember the 80/20 rule (only 20% of a business’s content should be about promoting products or services)

4) Follow before engaging (follow a business prospect before trying to do business with them)

5) Add value to others (respond to questions, retweet, etc.)

6) Share your personality with discretion (mix professional and personal thoughts, but be mindful of what you say)

7) Understand what’s best to retweet ( tweets should be relevant to your brand)

8) Be careful what you “favorite” (do not favorite anything controversial or political)

9) Use direct messages sparingly

10) Take the conversation offline (make initial connections on Twitter, but grow those relationships offline)


Social media has the power to grow a business immensely, but can also ruin a business’s reputation because the internet never forgets. While social media and microblogging sites such as Twitter can increase brand awareness and sales, companies should have a plan in place in order to successfully use these valuable tools.



1) What do you think is the most important rule listed in the article for companies to follow? Why?

2) What are some examples of good social media and bad social media campaigns? Did the campaign change your thoughts or feelings about the company at all/would you stop buying items from a company if you did agree with their online presence?

3) Is a social media presence necessary for companies in today’s world or is TV, print, and other advertising enough?


Are Amazon Dash Buttons the Future?

The main topic of Chapter 4 is  E Commerce, which is the exchange of goods services and money among firms, between firms and their customers and between customers, supported by communication technologies and in particular, the Internet. Amazon is arguably the leader in E Commerce, selling millions of good everyday to people across the world. Im sure everyone has used Amazon either on their computer, phone, tablet or other electronic devices but now Amazon has created an easier way to purchase things using E Commerce, their Amazon Dash Button. The Amazon Dash Button is a simple tiny button that lets you order normal products with one click of  a button. Each button is tailored to one specific product, for example their is one for Bounty paper towels and one for Gatorade. The button is connected to your wifi and once pressed it automatically places an order for a 12 pack of paper towels or a 24 pack of gatorade depending on which button you own and press. Amazon, the leader in E Commerce is trying to make a simple way of doing business even simpler with the Dash Button. Amazon plans on continuing the dash button’s services by creating a dash replenishment system, where appliances can sense when its low on detergent or other items and automatically order more.


Do you think Amazon going to create a new trend in the E Commerce world with the dash button? Or will it be a bust?

What are some downsides or negative consequences that could arise from owning a dash button?

If the dash button becomes popular do you think the replenishment system will also become a trend? Or are they two separate entities?


Apple is not the only company that is changing the world in the technology industry, IBM has created a super computer that goes by the name of Watson.  Watson is not only a winner on the show jeopardy it is now being used and is being called the future in healthcare.  It is a computer that gets smarter over time and can understand verbal communication in many different languages.  IBM created Watson for the area of big data, and is currently trying to create an eco-system for Watson and are investing and encouraging small and startup companies to enhance and move Watson forward.  IBM is hoping that Watson gives them a competitive advantage in the rapidly growing Big Data industry.

Would you be comfortable with a computer giving you your diagnoses?

Do you think that Watson is the wave of the future?

Do you think Watson gives IBM a competitive advantage  in big data?

(Optional) What would you use Watson for in your life?


Apple Enters New Market Through Revealing of Apple Watch

Apple Inc. takes pride in being one of the most innovative companies in today’s age. They have a competitive advantage over their counterparts, which allows them consistently deliver products that are the best on the market. Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple Inc., has recently released a new product, the apple watch. Key players from the executive level of management implemented the decision to design, plan, and ultimately release the apple watch. Executive level decisions allow the firm to operate efficiently and has also allowed them to enter global markets. They have successfully streamlined “smart” products all around the world from their headquarters in Cupertino, Ca.


  1. Technological advancement is increasing at an exponential rate. Is this good for our economy? What are some negative consequences?
  2. How does technology relate to Apples global business strategy?
  3. Apple was the first company to enter the “smart-watch” market. What are some other emerging technology markets that have yet to be established?

-Nicholas Acker

Sally Beauty confirms second payment card breach



Chapter 4 discussed all about e-commerce and a  sub-section discussed how to secure payments in the digital world. This article is about a 2nd information breach that Sally Beauty had in early May.  Last March was when their first attack happened, which included 25,000 customer records.  What happened in that attack was that there was a malware installed on some of the point-of-sale systems and captured “track 2” card data.  On the magnetic strip of a card, track 2 contains the expiration date and card number.  Sally Beauty has not commented on the scope of this attack and will not comment until the investigation is complete.



1) When making a purchase in a store, do you consciously think about the possibility of your credit/debit card information being hacked into? What goes through your head or why does it not go through your head?

2) When making a purchase online, do you consciously think about the possibility of your credit/debit card information being hacked into? What goes through your head or why does it not go through your head?

3) Does hearing about attacks like these alter your opinions about making purchases in stores with cards or purchases online in general?

What is the Importance of an Efficient Information System?

As we read in Chapter 2, information systems are important in every level (occupational, managerial, and executive) of an organization. Each level has different responsibilities and decisions to make, and because of that they need different information given to them in different ways. The big question within this article is, why is a good information system so important? What should supervisors, managers, executives, etc., be looking for in an information systems to optimize service, profit, and their social reputation? Every business should have one, and this article illustrates 10 points on why it is essential:

1.   The ability to control the creation and growth of records – this is important because the amount of paper records in business continues to increase despite the increase of electronic technologies. Managers would be able to keep records that are important, and get rid of the unimportant records that are just taking up space.

2.  To Lower Operation Costs: Instead of paying employees to store and keep track of records physically in the store, it costs less to store them in a Data Records Center than it does to keep them in the office.

3. To Become more Efficient and Productive

4. Investment Opportunities in new Computer Technologies: Stores who have a financial information system may look into a business or payroll information system because they see many benefits in these technologies.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Businesses that run a  good information system has an easier time of taking responsibility to meet compliance rules and regulations so they won’t face penalties or fines.

6. Less litigation risks: Information systems make is less possible for businesses to run into litigation issues such as correct document disposal.

7. Preserves Confidentiality: Puts a safeguard on some of the most important records and information such as a company’s financial information.

8. To Help have Better Decision Making: Managers can make decisions based on past information keep in the information systems, or the information system can provide a forecast of sales, demands, profits, conditions, etc. that can help make a decision.

9. To save records: Everyday records and files are being recorded onto information systems, and that will help the business in later generations in different management levels.

10. Better Customer Interaction and Perception: An office with paperwork piled up all the way to the ceiling is not appealing to a customer. The public image of your office is very important to gain and keep customers.


1. What element do you think is the most important for success in a business?

2. After reading the positive contributions of a information system, do you think it is necessary for a business to have one? What other options are there out there?

3. Can you think of any negative aspects of have an electronic system keeping records of your business?

Nokia wants back into the mobile phone business?

This article talks about how Nokia plans to re-enter the cell phone business after selling its mobile phone business to Microsoft. Nokia does e-commerce with Microsoft and have made terms under them with an amount of seven billion dollars, Nokia also does electronic transaction with a Chinese manufacturer and just purchase Alcatel -Lucent for 16.5 billion dollars. Nokia Technologies department already controls patents and wants to rejoin the global smart phone business that is very competitive with companies already well established such as Samsung and Apple. Nokia however are skeptical because of the competitive market of the cell phone business  but believe that they can accomplish this task and gain an advantage with emerging companies.It has not been confirmed just yet but an assumption can be made that they could be building on the Android surface. This move would make sense from a business aspect because Nokia only license novel technology, and would probably license their designs and products to other companies instead of jumping straight back into the cellar phone business. It also appears that their technology does fit inside another maker’s phones.


1. How would Nokia re-entering the cell phone business effect other companies?

2. Is Nokia technology networking equipment ready to face global competitors?

3. With Microsoft owning Nokia’s mobile phone business, is Nokia now better equip to expand their brand?